rosaceAA is an R package for analyzing growth-based deep mutational scanning screen data. It is built on rosace.
rosaceAA uses cmdstanr to run inference. Please ensure that cmdstanr is properly installed before installing rosaceAA. Below is a concise installation command; for complete details, please refer to the official website.
install.packages("cmdstanr", repos = c("", getOption("repos")))
# use cmdstanr to install CmdStan, this requires a working C++ toolchain and compiler
install_cmdstan(cores = 4)
rosaceAA also uses the library inpute. Refer to the Bioconductor site for installation instructions.
To install rosaceAA start R and first install devtools by typing
and install rosaceAA by typing
We recommend starting with the vignette (intro_rosaceAA.Rmd).
You may submit a bug report here on GitHub as an issue or you could send an email to
Please cite the following publication if you use rosaceAA: ...