/* error_message: db1: hook early check failed: CRASH db2: Database execute error: HY000, [MySQL][ODBC 8.2(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.11-TiDB-v7.5.1]runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0 */ WITH cte_0 AS (select distinct case when ((388699798 is NULL)) and ((ref_0.c_wzmb0 like '_fcpf4')) then (select avg(c_bu) from t_xf1at0) else ref_0.c_gus881_9 end as c0, ref_0.c_wzmb0 as c1, (ref_0.c_gus881_9 XOR 8193032) as c2, ref_0.c_wp7o_0sstj as c3, ref_0.c_k3kss19 as c4, (ref_0.c_wzmb0 >= 'ayu46p') as c5, ref_0.c_k3kss19 as c6, ref_0.c_gus881_9 as c7, ref_0.c_wp7o_0sstj as c8, hex( cast((select sum(c_x393ej_) from t_bhze93f) as char)) as c9, ref_0.c_gus881_9 as c10, ref_0.c_x393ej_ as c11 from t_bhze93f as ref_0 where ((select max(c_g) from t_b0t) || -6259676044913432877)), cte_1 AS (select distinct rtrim( cast(ref_1.c_wp7o_0sstj as char)) as c0 from t_bhze93f as ref_1 where (abs( cast(abs( cast(ref_1.c_gus881_9 as double)) as double)) <=> cast(null as double))), cte_2 AS (select distinct ref_2.c_bu as c0, ref_2.c__icnfdo_ as c1, ref_2.c_bu as c2, (select c_este10ce0x from t_yyb8142hi_ order by c_este10ce0x limit 1 offset 5) as c3, ref_2.c_ldqj5xa as c4, 1677961733 as c5, case when (ref_2.c_b <> ( select ref_2.c_pv as c0 from t_y770lt10b0 as ref_4 where (ref_4.c_am85keno6 not in ( select -1063714864 as c0 from t_xf1at0 as ref_5 where (9223372036854775808.3 <=> -7481995418921969239))) union (select cast(null as signed) as c0 from t_m9j7wwx16k as ref_6 where (ref_2.c_ngdu3 not in ( select 952649143 as c0 from t_eeardo8_f as ref_7 where 0<>0 union (select 958584229 as c0 from t_y770lt10b0 as ref_8 where 0<>0)))) order by c0 limit 1)) then case when (-2182643217617372839 <=> ref_2.c_menn1dk) then ref_2.c_u3zry else (ref_2.c_pv >= 18352) end else (93.24 = ref_2.c_weg) end as c6, (1618376084 <=> (select max(c_weg) from t_xf1at0) ) as c7 from t_xf1at0 as ref_2 where (EXISTS ( select distinct ref_3.c_k76gntv as c0, ref_3.c_o46g as c1, -2072564917 as c2, sum( cast(ref_3.c_k76gntv as signed)) over (partition by ref_3.c_o46g order by ref_3.c_euu, ref_3.c_tr0jvz8im, ref_3.c_k76gntv, ref_3.c_o46g, ref_3.c_n9, ref_3.c_i, ref_3.c_r9c, ref_3.c_ij) as c3, ref_3.c_o46g as c4, ref_3.c_ij as c5, ref_3.c_r9c as c6 from t__os6ctn5 as ref_3 where (ref_3.c_k76gntv >= -2900)))), cte_3 AS (select (cast(null as signed) >= ref_9.c_g) as c0, replace( cast(replace( cast('r' as char), cast(ref_9.c_zhouc as char), cast((23797 >> ref_9.c_uyu4fop36b) as char)) as char), cast(ref_9.c_zhouc as char), cast(cast(nullif( cast(nullif( ref_9.c_zhouc, case when ('p302msqmxj' <> (select c_ow6bvuvjth from t_fg31 order by c_ow6bvuvjth limit 1 offset 4) ) then (select avg(c_xkdhc2i7yy) from t_y770lt10b0) else ref_9.c_zhouc end ) as char), ref_9.c_zhouc ) as char) as char)) as c1, ref_9.c_k7rlw47ob as c2, case when (ref_9.c_zhouc not like 'y%') then ref_9.c_ci4cf5ns else (cast(coalesce( cast(null as char), ref_9.c_zhouc ) as char) <=> 'f') end as c3, round( cast(ref_9.c_uyu4fop36b as double), cast((ref_9.c_xb / -5848) as signed)) as c4 from t_b0t as ref_9 where ('_xn7qwe' <=> 'ccuxf') order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4 asc limit 98), cte_4 AS (select case when (ref_10.c_o3m21nowl is not NULL) then ref_10.c_g else 0<>0 end as c0, ref_10.c_o3m21nowl as c1, ref_10.c_ckudqh1 as c2, case when (ref_10.c_e between ref_10.c_y3ddp41ho and ref_10.c_y3ddp41ho) then ref_10.c_snna51z0c else ref_10.c_snna51z0c end as c3, ref_10.c_e as c4, ref_10.c_e as c5, ref_10.c_y3ddp41ho as c6, ref_10.c_snna51z0c as c7, ref_10.c_y3ddp41ho as c8, (-5111259 / 23.91) as c9, ref_10.c_snna51z0c as c10, ref_10.c_y3ddp41ho as c11 from t_hh6_ty as ref_10 where (ref_10.c_e < ( select ref_11.c_q6qt9_ as c0 from t_bhze93f as ref_11 where (-782375091418301633 XOR 5537783) order by c0 desc limit 1))) select distinct ref_12.c0 as c0, round( cast(abs( cast(80.62 as double)) as double), cast(1937266305 as signed)) as c1 from cte_1 as ref_12 where (2070540783 <=> 1691406160);