"""Setup and defaults for Security Growler app""" from os.path import expanduser, isfile APP_NAME = 'Security Growler' # {ports or files to watch: parser (or list of parsers)} WATCHED_SOURCES = { #80: 'http_auth', # TODO 21: 'connections', # FTP 445: 'connections', # SMB 585: 'connections', # AFP 3689: 'connections', # iTunes sharing 3306: 'connections', # MySQL 5432: 'connections', # PostgreSQL 5900: 'vnc', # VNC 80: 'connections', # HTTP 443: 'connections', # HTTPS # 8800: 'connections', # OSX Server # 8008: 'connections', # OSX Server # 631: 'connections', # IPP '/var/log/system.log': ('sudo', 'ssh', 'portscan', 'ostiarius'), } # Enabled output/display methods LOGGERS = [ 'stdout', 'logfile', 'osxnotifications', 'growl', ] # Delay in seconds between logfile checks POLLING_SPEED = 2 # File logger output settings EVENT_LOGFILE = expanduser('~/Library/Logs/SecurityGrowler.log') # Growl/OSX notification display settings INFO_TYPE = 'secnotify' INFO_ICON = 'https://pirate.github.io/security-growler/notify.png' INFO_TITLE = 'Security Info' INFO_STICKY = False INFO_PRIORITY = 1 INFO_SOUND = False ALERT_TYPE = 'secalert' ALERT_ICON = 'https://pirate.github.io/security-growler/alert.png' ALERT_TITLE = 'Security ALERT' ALERT_STICKY = True ALERT_PRIORITY = 2 ALERT_SOUND = True NOTIFICATION_TYPES = [INFO_TYPE, ALERT_TYPE] ### DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE ### WATCHED_SOURCES = { source: parsers for source, parsers in WATCHED_SOURCES.items() if type(source) == int or isfile(source) }