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Stephan Schildberg edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

French translation: Trouver de l'argent

Home Page : Roles

Today Communecter is not maintainable only by a volunteer team. In order to continue to improve the platform, we monitor the calls for proposals and offer various partnerships.

Their goal is to find money to pay the communecteur/ices. In short, they are doing a job of prospecting activities to possessing entities with money to support the platform in its evolution. This can be individuals, local communities, public services, foundations, associations, companies, ... The Gatherer's Retribution is based on its contribution, based on a percentage.

List of gatherers

Do not hesitate to add

Specific actions of the gatherers

When we do this, we are a gatherer :

  • Go ask the money keepers in an organisation
  • Create a campaign to raise funds in alliance with messengers
  • Regularly consult the calls for proposals (Réunion)


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