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Resotred ./contrib/gsl/rng/rng.c and put modified rng.c to ./clibs/bi…
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diavy committed Aug 13, 2009
1 parent d0e5046 commit ed4994b
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Showing 6 changed files with 94 additions and 55 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion contrib/gsl
Submodule gsl updated from 09a640 to 27a0eb
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/clibs/biolib_gsl/src/gsl_files.txt
Expand Up @@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ ${GSL_CONTRIB_PATH}/rng/ranlux.c
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/mappings/swig/libsequence.i
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
#%rename(begin_const) std::vector<Sequence::chromosome>::begin() const;
%include <std_vector.i>
%include <std_list.i>
%include <file.i>
%include <typemaps.i>
#%include <std_iostream.i>
%include <carrays.i>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +119,7 @@
#%ignore boost::noncopyable;
#%rename(__getitem__) Sequence::PolyTable::operator[];
%template(strPair) std::pair<std::string, std::string>;
%template() std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>;
%template(unsignedPair) std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>;
%template() std::pair<unsigned, Sequence::shortestPath::pathType>;
%template() std::pair<std::vector<double>::iterator, double>;
%template(polymorphicSites) std::pair< double, std::string >;
Expand Down
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/mappings/swig/perl/libsequence/perl_libsequence.i
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,12 @@
%include ../../libsequence.i

%inline %{

double Dereference( double *x, int i ){
using namespace std;
template<typename T> T Dereference( T x[], int i ){
return x[i];


%template(doubleDeref) Dereference<double>;
%template(strDeref) Dereference<string>;
134 changes: 85 additions & 49 deletions src/mappings/swig/perl/test/pod_libsequence.pod
Expand Up @@ -424,8 +424,6 @@ GranthamWeights2(): Constructor
weights(): Returns:a double * of size 2 (1 value for each branch)

my $weights2 = $gran2->weights();
print "$weights2\n";
print libsequence::Dereference($weights2,0);
#my $a = new libsequence::doubleArray(2);
#print $a;
#my $y = $a->getitem(0);
Expand All @@ -436,7 +434,7 @@ weights(): Returns:a double * of size 2 (1 value for each branch)
Calculate(): Calculate actually calculates the weights for each branch

$gran2->Calculate('CGU', 'AGG');
is(libsequence::Dereference($gran2->weights(),0), 0);
is(libsequence::doubleDeref($gran2->weights(),0), 0);

~GranthamWeights2(): Destructor

Expand All @@ -458,8 +456,8 @@ weights(): Returns:a double * of size 6 (1 value for each branch)
Calculate(): Calculate actually calculates the weights for each branch

$gran3->Calculate('AAA', 'CCC');
#print libsequence::Dereference($gran3->weights(),1);
is(libsequence::Dereference($gran3->weights(),1), 0.15905190450646806);
#print libsequence::doubleDeref($gran3->weights(),1);
is(libsequence::doubleDeref($gran3->weights(),1), 0.15905190450646806);

~GranthamWeights3(): Destructor

Expand All @@ -478,7 +476,7 @@ weights(): Returns:a double * of size 2 (1 value for each branch)
Calculate(): Calculate actually calculates the weights for each branch

$unwei2->Calculate('CGU', 'AGG');
is(libsequence::Dereference($unwei2->weights(),0), 0.5);
is(libsequence::doubleDeref($unwei2->weights(),0), 0.5);

~Unweighted2(): Destructor
Expand All @@ -498,7 +496,7 @@ weights(): Returns:a double * of size 6 (1 value for each branch)
Calculate(): Calculate actually calculates the weights for each branch

$unwei3->Calculate('AAA', 'CCC');
is(libsequence::Dereference($unwei3->weights(),0), 0.16666666666666666);
is(libsequence::doubleDeref($unwei3->weights(),0), 0.16666666666666666);

~Unweighted3(): Destructor

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -891,48 +889,86 @@ L4(): Returns the number of 4-fold degenerate sites compared

> =head1 Classes and functions to aid in the calculations of the pathways between two condons
> This group of classes and functions deals with determining either the counts of silent and replacement
> differences between codons or the intermedate codons that occurs between two different codons
> =head2 class shortestPath
> Calculate shortest path between 2 codons. The length of a path is in terms of the sum
> of the Grantham's distances along it's branches.
> shortestPath(codon1, codon2, code = UNIVERSAL): Constructor
> Parameters:
> codon1 a std::string of length 3
> codon2 a std::string of length 3
> code which genetic code to use
> Precondition:
> (codon1.length() == 3 && codon2.length() ==3)
> Note:
> If either codon1 or codon2 contain characters other than {A,G,C,T}, the pathway type will be assigned shortestPath::AMBIG
> my $path = new libsequence::shortestPath('ATG', 'ACG');
> type(): Returns:a value from the enum type shortestPath.pathType representing the type of the shortest path.
> Note:enum pathType {
> S, N, SS, SN,
> }
> is($path->type(), 1);
> path_distance(): Returns the total Grantham's distance of the shortest path
> is($path->path_distance(), 81.039692790000004);
> ~shortestPath(): Destructor
> $path->DESTROY;
=head1 Classes and functions to aid in the calculations of the pathways between two condons

This group of classes and functions deals with determining either the counts of silent and replacement
differences between codons or the intermedate codons that occurs between two different codons

=head2 class shortestPath

Calculate shortest path between 2 codons. The length of a path is in terms of the sum
of the Grantham's distances along it's branches.

shortestPath(codon1, codon2, code = UNIVERSAL): Constructor
codon1 a std::string of length 3
codon2 a std::string of length 3
code which genetic code to use

(codon1.length() == 3 && codon2.length() ==3)
If either codon1 or codon2 contain characters other than {A,G,C,T}, the pathway type will be assigned shortestPath::AMBIG

my $path = new libsequence::shortestPath('ATG', 'ACG');

type(): Returns:a value from the enum type shortestPath.pathType representing the type of the shortest path.
Note:enum pathType {
S, N, SS, SN,

is($path->type(), 1);

path_distance(): Returns the total Grantham's distance of the shortest path

is($path->path_distance(), 81.039692790000004);

~shortestPath(): Destructor


=head2 sub Intermidates2(intermediates, codon1, codon2)

Calculate the intermediate codons between a pair of codons diverged at 2 positions.

intermediates a string[2] in which we will place the intermediate codons
codon1 a codon
codon2 a codon

my $c = new libsequence::stringArray(2);
libsequence::Intermediates2($c, 'ATG', 'CGG');
is($c->getitem(0), 'CTG');
is($c->getitem(1), 'AGG');

=head2 sub Intermidates3(intermediates, codon1, codon2)

Calculate the intermediate codons between a pair of codons diverged at 3 positions.

intermediates a string[9] in which we will place the intermediate codons
codon1 a codon
codon2 a codon

my $c = new libsequence::stringArray(9);
libsequence::Intermediates3($c, 'ACG', 'CTT');
is($c->getitem(0), 'CCG');
is($c->getitem(3), 'ATG');
is($c->getitem(5), 'ATT');
is($c->getitem(8), 'ATT');

=head2 mustShortestPath():

Returns a std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> representing the number of silentand replacement changes b/w 2 codons, as
calculated by shortestPath. The first member of the pair is the number of silent changes in the shortest path, and
the second the number of replacement changes. If the pathway type is shortestPath::AMBIG, both members of the return
value will be equal to SEQMAXUNSIGNED, which is declared in <Sequence/SeqConstants.hpp>

my $path = libsequence::mutsShortestPath('AAA','GGG');
is($path->swig_first_get, 1);

> =head1 Function objects defined in the library
> =head2 class stateCounter
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/mappings/swig/python/libsequence/python_libsequence.i
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
%module libsequence

%include <file.i>
%include ../../libsequence.i
%include <std_iostream.i>

Expand Down

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