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*7961* Moved plugin grid to lib-pkp
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asmecher committed Oct 11, 2012
1 parent 1523cb8 commit cca0be2
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,074 additions and 0 deletions.
38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions controllers/grid/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@

* @file controllers/grid/plugins/
* Copyright (c) 2000-2012 John Willinsky
* Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
* @class PluginCategoryGridRow
* @ingroup controllers_grid_plugins
* @brief Plugin category grid row definition.


class PluginCategoryGridRow extends GridCategoryRow {

* Constructor
function PluginCategoryGridRow() {

// Overridden methods from GridCategoryRow
* @see GridCategoryRow::getCategoryLabel
function getCategoryLabel() {
$pluginCategory = $this->getData();
return __("plugins.categories.$pluginCategory");

149 changes: 149 additions & 0 deletions controllers/grid/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@

* @file controllers/grid/plugins/
* Copyright (c) 2003-2012 John Willinsky
* Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
* @class PluginGridCellProvider
* @ingroup controllers_grid_plugins
* @brief Cell provider for columns in a plugin grid.


class PluginGridCellProvider extends GridCellProvider {

* Constructor
function PluginGridCellProvider() {

* Extracts variables for a given column from a data element
* so that they may be assigned to template before rendering.
* @param $row GridRow
* @param $column GridColumn
* @return array
function getTemplateVarsFromRowColumn(&$row, &$column) {
$plugin =& $row->getData();
$columnId = $column->getId();
assert(is_a($plugin, 'Plugin') && !empty($columnId));

switch ($columnId) {
case 'name':
return array('label' => $plugin->getDisplayName());
case 'category':
return array('label' => $plugin->getCategory());
case 'description':
return array('label' => $plugin->getDescription());
case 'enabled':
// Assume that every plugin is enabled...
$enabled = true;
// ... and that it doesn't have enable or disable management verbs.
$hasVerbs = false;

// Check if plugin can be disabled.
if (is_callable(array($plugin, 'getEnabled'))) {

// Plugin can be disabled, so check its current state.
if (!$plugin->getEnabled()) {
$enabled = false;

// Check if plugin has management verbs to
// disable or enable.
$managementVerbs = $plugin->getManagementVerbs();
if (!is_null($managementVerbs)) {
foreach($managementVerbs as $verb) {
list($verbName) = $verb;
if ($verbName === 'enable' || $verbName === 'disable') {
$hasVerbs = true;
} else {
// Plugin cannot be disabled so it also doesn't
// have management verbs to those actions.
$hasVerbs = false;

// Set the state of the select element that will
// be used to enable or disable the plugin.
$selectDisabled = true;
if ($hasVerbs) {
// Plugin have management verbs.
// Show an enabled select element.
$selectDisabled = false;

return array('selected' => $enabled,
'disabled' => $selectDisabled);

return parent::getTemplateVarsFromRowColumn($row, $column);

* @see GridCellProvider::getCellActions()
function getCellActions(&$request, &$row, &$column, $position = GRID_ACTION_POSITION_DEFAULT) {
if ($column->getId() == 'enabled') {
$plugin =& $row->getData(); /* @var $plugin Plugin */

$router =& $request->getRouter();
$managementVerbs = $plugin->getManagementVerbs();

if (!is_null($managementVerbs)) {
foreach ($managementVerbs as $verb) {
list($verbName, $verbLocalizedName) = $verb;

$actionArgs = array_merge(array(
'plugin' => $plugin->getName(),
'verb' => $verbName),

$actionRequest = null;
$defaultUrl = $router->url($request, null, null, 'plugin', null, $actionArgs);

if ($verbName === 'enable') {
$actionRequest = new AjaxAction($defaultUrl);
} else if ($verbName === 'disable') {
$actionRequest = new RemoteActionConfirmationModal(__('grid.plugin.disable'),
__('common.disable'), $defaultUrl);

if ($actionRequest) {
$linkAction = new LinkAction(

return array($linkAction);
// Plugin can't be disabled or don't have
// management verbs for that.
return array();
return parent::getCellActions($request, $row, $column, $position);


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