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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 26, 2021. It is now read-only.

Latest commit



89 lines (51 loc) · 3.01 KB

File metadata and controls

89 lines (51 loc) · 3.01 KB

Contributing 贡献

Thanks for helping to make meet plan system great!


We welcome all kinds of contributions:


  • Bug fixes Bug修复
  • Documentation improvements 文档改进
  • New features 新的功能
  • Refactoring & tidying 重构和整理
  • Fix some typo 修正错字
  • Write more tests 编写更多测试

Getting started 入门

If you have a specific contribution in mind, be sure to check the issues and projects in progress - someone could already be working on something similar and you can help out.

如果您有特定的想法,请务必检查 issues 和进行中的 projects -某人可能已经在从事类似的工作,您可以提供帮助。

Project setup 项目设置

After cloning this repo, first you should install Poetry, then ensure dependencies are installed by running:

克隆此存储库后,首先应安装 Poetry, 然后通过运行以下命令来确保已安装依赖项:

poetry install

Then, you should install pre-commit hook of git, and enable it to this project.

然后,你应该安装 git 的 pre-commit 钩子,然后在本仓库将它启用。

pre-commit install

Development 进行开发

推荐使用 Pycharm 进行开发

基于 Django v3.2Graphene v3

您应在本地新建分支后进行开发工作,不应直接在 master 分支直接提交代码。

Running tests 运行测试

After developing, the full test suite can be evaluated by running:



python test

Opening Pull Requests 新建 PR

Please fork the project and open a pull request against the master branch.

请在项目主页右上角 Fork 本项目,将您本地的修改 push 到自己仓库后,针对本仓库 master 分支新建一个PR。

This will trigger a series of test and lint checks.


We advise that you format and run lint locally before doing this to save time:


如果你按照上面的流程安装了 pre-commit, 下面的命令会在你提交代码时自动执行

black -l 120 --exclude "/migrations/" apps MeetPlan
flake8 apps MeetPlan

Documentation 文献资料

The documentation is not available now. You can contribute it!

文档现在不可用。 您可以贡献它!