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arc42 AquaGrails

arc42 case-study for a documentation toolchain using Enterprise-Architect (c), Powerpoint (c), AsciiDoc within an automated (documentation) build toolchain…​

It’s build around Children Swimming League - a fictional sporting league invented by Peter Hruschka, and widely used within his requirements and architecture classes.

The software solution is based upon Grails - and the documentation toolchain is crafted and maintained by Ralf D. Müller.

The first draft of the documentation can be found in this projects wiki. (click on the book icon on the right)


Grails is a great rapid application development framework which gives the developer a kickstart by providing help through scaffolding. Unfortunately, this scaffolding is only available for controllers, views and automated tests, but not for documentation.

arc42 on provides a great template for the documentation of software solution architectures - scaffolding for documentation!

In this case study, I try to bring both worlds together in the best possible way and will document all my steps, shortcuts and pitfalls as I go along.

Feel free to add your knowledge by joining the project!

working with the code…​

Just clone the code and you are ready to go:

type grailsw run-app to start the application

type grailsw test-app functional: to run the tests. GhostDriver is configured as default WebDriver, so you’ll need PhantomJS installed. You’ll find the test results in /target/test-reports/html/all.html and screenshots in /target/test-reports/geb/. . If you prefer watching the tests beeing executed, you can easily switch to the FireFox WebDriver by running the tests with grails -Dgeb.env=firefox test-app functional: or grails "-Dgeb.env=firefox" test-app functional: if you are working with a windows system. For other WebDrivers, you have to configure the dependencies section in the BuildConfig.groovy and the GebConfig.Groovy.

the documentation is maintained here src/docs/arc42-template.asciidoc


case-study showing a case study ("Schwimmliga") plus solution in Grails







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