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Create new genesis block

ulismoon edited this page Aug 11, 2022 · 1 revision

Create new genesis block

To start new blockchain network, you have to start from genesis block.
This document will guide you to create new genesis block and run headless node with your own genesis block.



1. Clone and setup repository

git clone
cd NineChronicles.Headless
git submodule update --init --recursive

2. (Optional) Preparation

All of following steps are optional. You can select some of them or skip all preps.

1. Create activation keys

Activation key is the key to activate new 9c address in NineChronicles game.
You can make activation key whenever you want, so you can skip this step if you don't want include activation keys inside genesis block.

dotnet run --project ./.Lib9c.Tools tx create-activation-keys 10 > activationKey.csv  # change [10] to your number of new activation keys
dotnet run --project ./.Lib9c.Tools tx create-pending-activations activationKey.csv > PendingActivation

2. Create address to mint initial currency

You have to sign to the initial currency mining Tx. when you create new genesis block.
If you want to specify initial minter, you have to create a private key else Headless will create new address to mint.
You need Planet CLI Tools to create address and export private key.

  1. Install platnet cli
    npm install -g @planetarium/cli  # or, dotnet tool install -g Libplanet.Tools
  2. Create initial minter address
    planet key create
    Passphrase: *****  # Keep this and DO NOT FORGET IT
    Retype passphrase: *****
    Key ID           Address
    ---------------- ----------------
    12345678-1234... 0x1234567890a...
    Check and keep your initial minter's address.
  3. Export private key using address
    planet key export 12345678-1234...  # Use Key ID
    Passphrase: *****
    1234567890abcdef...  # This is the private key
    Do not expose your private key to anywhere. Keep this for later use.

3. Create admin address

If you don't want admin for your network, skip this step.

planet key create
Passphrase: *****
Retype passphrase: *****
Key ID           Address
---------------- ----------------
12345678-1234... 0x1234567890a...

Keep admin address and passphrase for later use.

3. Set config to create genesis block

The sample config is prepared for accessibility.

cp config.json.example config.json

And edit config file as you want. Please check README to get config structure.

4. Create new genesis block

dotnet run --project ./NineChronicles.Headless.Executable genesis config.json

The new genesis block will be generated and saved to genesis-block file.
If you do not provide curerncy config, the initial_deposit.csv file will also be created.

5. (Test) Run headless node from new genesis block

Run your local headless node using new genesis block.

dotnet run --project ./NineChronicles.Headless.Executable/ \
    -V=100260/6ec8E598962F1f475504F82fD5bF3410eAE58B9B/MEUCIQCG2yQNyXu3ovuUBNMEQiqx1vdo.FCMet9FoayFiIL89QIgXGRTU84nrcmLL4ud2j9ogrGt7ScmqaD97N.4rrtraXE=/ZHUxNjpXaW5kb3dzQmluYXJ5VXJsdTU2Omh0dHBzOi8vZG93bmxvYWQubmluZS1jaHJvbmljbGVzLmNvbS92MTAwMjYwL1dpbmRvd3MuemlwdTk6dGltZXN0YW1wdTEwOjIwMjItMDctMjhl \ 
    --store-type=memory \
    --store-path= [PATH/TO/BLOCK/STORAGE] \
    --workers=1000 \
    --host=localhost \
    --port=43210 \
