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Libplanet 0.7.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 08 Nov 10:20
· 8081 commits to main since this release

Released on November 8, 2019.

Backward-incompatible interface changes

  • Renamed minValue/maxValue parameters to lowerBound/upperBound of IRandom.Next() methods. [#555, #558]
  • Renamed IStore.IterateIndex() method to IterateIndexes(). [#462, #560]
  • Swarm<T> class became to implement IDisposable again and should be disposed to clean up its internal resources. [#485]
  • IStore.IterateStateReferences() method became to receive highestIndex, lowestIndex, and limit parameters. [#447, #545]
  • Reworked BlockChain<T>.GetStates() into GetState() which takes only one Address instead of IEnumerable<Address>. [#510, #563]
  • Types of IAction.PlainValue and states became restricted to Bencodex.Types.IValue. [#541, #552]
    • IAction.LoadPlainValue(IImmutableDictionary<string, object>) method became replaced by LoadPlainValue(IValue).
    • AccountStateGetter became to return IValue, not object.
    • Added BencodexExtension static class.
  • Removed BlockChain<T>.Blocks. [#409, #583]
  • Removed BlockChain<T>.Transactions. [#409, #583]
  • Removed the linger parameter from the Swarm<T>() constructor, and added the waitFor parameter to Swarm<T>.StopAsync() method instead. [#581]
  • Removed the dialTimeout parameter from the Swarm<T>() constructor, and added it to Swarm<T>.PreloadAsync() & Swarm<T>.StartAsync() methods. [#581]
  • Removed broadcast parameter from BlockChain<T>.MakeTransaction() method. [#609]
  • BlockChain<T> does not implement IReadOnlyList<T> anymore. [#630]
    • Added BlockChain<T>.Count property. [#630]
    • Removed BlockChain<T>.LongCount() method. [#630]
    • Removed BlockChain<T>.Validate() method. [#630]
    • Removed BlockChain<T>.GetEnumerate() method. [#630]
    • Removed BlockPolicyExtension.ValidateBlocks() method. [#630]
    • IBlockPolicy<T>.GetNextBlockDifficulty() method became to receive BlockChain<T> instead of IReadOnlyList<Block<<T>>. [#630]
    • IBlockPolicy<T>.ValidateNextBlock() method became to receive BlockChain<T> instead of IReadOnlyList<Block<<T>>. [#630]

Added interfaces

  • Added ProtectedPrivateKey class. [#577, #614]
  • Added IncorrectPassphraseException class. [#577, #614]
  • Added MismatchedAddressException class. [#577, #614]
  • Added KeyJsonException abstract class. [#577, #614]
  • Added InvalidKeyJsonException class. [#577, #614]
  • Added UnsupportedKeyJsonException class. [#577, #614]
  • Added ICipher interface. [#577, #614]
  • Added Aes128Ctr class. [#577, #614]
  • Added IKdf interface. [#577, #614]
  • Added Pbkdf2 class. [#577, #614]
  • Added Scrypt class. [#642, #654]
  • Added BlockChain<T>.LongCount() method. [#575]
  • Added BlockChain<T>[HashDigest<T>] indexer. [#409, #583]
  • Added BlockChain<T>.Contains(HashDigest<T>) method. [#409, #583]
  • Added BlockChain<T>.GetTransaction(TxId) method. [#409, #583]
  • Added BlockChain<T>.Contains(TxId) method. [#409, #583]
  • Added ByteUtil.Hex(ImmutableArray<byte>) overloaded method. [#614]
  • Added BlockChain<T>.Contains(Block<T>) method. [#630]
  • Added BlockDownloadState.SourcePeer property. [#636]

Behavioral changes

  • Changed to send Pong before updating the message sender to the routing table when Ping is received. [#566]
  • Improved performance of StoreExtension.LookupStateReference<T>() method. [#447, #545]
  • Added .NET Core 2.2 as a targeted framework. [#209, #561]
  • TurnClient.AcceptRelayedStreamAsync() became to ignore disconnected connections. [#469]
  • Swarm<T>.PreloadAsync() became to ignore peers with lower tip. [#592]
  • Swarm<T> became to validate only stale peers. [#568, #593]
  • Swarm<T> became not to check cached peers immediately after removing peers from its routing table. Instead, it checks cached peers periodically. [#608]
  • Marked Address and HashDigest as readonly. [#610]
  • IceServer.CreateTurnClient() became to throw ArgumentException when received invalid url. [#622]
  • Swarm<T> became to update peer table when receiving messages that are not related with Kademlia protocol. [#594, #627]
  • Swarm<T> became not to check least recently used peer every time when new peer is fetched. [#627]
  • IAction became guaranteed that the given IActionContext.PreviousStates.GetState() never throws IncompleteBlockStatesException. Instead, now it may calculate the incomplete states from the beginning if necessary. [#645]
  • IStore.PutBlock<T>() became to do nothing when it takes the Block<T> more than once. [#647]
  • Swarm<T>.PreloadAsync() became to try downloading blocks from all neighbor peers, even if any peer among them is unavailable to send blocks. [#636]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Swarm<T> had tried to update a peer infinitely when the peer is evicted from its table. [#566]
  • Fixed a bug where Swarm<T>.AppendBlocksAsync() re-requests blocks that already received when blockchain is empty. [#550, #562]
  • Fixed a bug that Swarm<T> had thrown SocketException with a message Operation on non-blocking socket would block. [#405, #485]
  • Fixed a bug that accessed all blocks from the genesis block when a swap occurred. [#575]
  • Fixed a bug that Swarm<T> had thrown InvalidBlockIndexException during synchronizing with other reorganized peer. [#528, #576]
  • Fixed a bug where Swarm<T> does not render actions in blocks which are filled from other peers. [#579]
  • Fixed a bug where Swarm<T> renders actions in same block multiple times when reorg happens. [#579]
  • LiteDBStore became to guarantee atomicity of storing blocks. [#584]
  • Fixed a bug that BlockChain<T> had appended a block even if fails to evaluate. [#591]
  • Fixed a bug where Swarm<T> hadn't removed stale peers. [#568, #593, #602]
  • Fixed a bug that TurnClient had thrown IOException when accepting connection through a TURN relay server. [#453, #599]
  • Fixed a bug that KeyNotFoundException occurred when sending a message through the TurnClient.
  • Fixed a bug where BlockChain<T>.GetNextTxNonce only returned the same nonce when transactions with an old nonce were staged. [#637]
  • Fixed a bug that BlockChain<T> had reset when Swarm<T>.PreloadAsync() fails. [#644]
  • Fixed bug that whole processes could halt when received an invalid type of message. [#628, #641]
  • Fixed a bug that received blocks could not be processed if a branch point is a stale block. [#655]