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rabble edited this page Jan 23, 2021 · 1 revision

Identity Theft & Impersonation

We do not permit the impersonation of other people, brands, companies, governmental bodies or any other organization in such a way as to be confusing or deceptive. This is to avoid problems relating to identity theft and so that users know who they are dealing with when they interact with an account online.

At its worst, fake accounts can be used to try and get access to people’s passwords and bank accounts, and we consider it part of our responsibility to block access to such accounts when they’re drawn to our attention.

A shared name is not necessarily enough to be confusing or deceptive as many individuals have the same name, but if the account is set up to present as someone else or as another entity, that’s unacceptable.

Parody, satire, commentary or fan accounts are permitted on Planetary, as long as a reasonable person would not get them confused with the original user. If you are attempting to make one of these accounts, it is a good idea to make it clear in the accounts user name and/or profile.

* Provisional: All these policies are provisional and will be revised and updated as we see use on the platform.