This is the code associated to the paper Partial Matching in the Space of Varifolds from The 27th international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (June, 2021) (preprint : )
Dependancies : - numpy - torch - pykeops (see : a working environment can be installed (on linux) via conda using: conda env create -n pv_env -f working_environment.yml The examples (Associated with IPMI papers) can be run with the scripts :
examples/ examples/ Each example save the results in /results/surfaces /vascular_trees With the files : scale_N.npz : the output mesh (tree or surface) of the deformation at the different data attachment scales N. Momenta_scale_N.npy : the initial momenta to use to reproduce the deformation at the different data attachment scales N. resume_optimization.txt : the number of iterations and the loss function value at each data attachment scale N. control_points.npy : control points for the final deformation. momenta2apply.npy : the initial momenta to use to reproduce final deformation. The registration of a template shape onto a target (results saved in a given path) can be done with command line: python ./registration/ path/to/template.npz path/to/target.npz path/to/results/ Additional options informations are provided with 'python -h' The optimization of the loss function at each data attachment scale is monitored and saved in /results/surfaces/dict_resume_opt/