All contributions to the
project are very welcome and greatly appreciated! You can contribute in many
different ways:
- providing feedback and raising issues via the issue tracker
- writing guides
- making changes to the projects that support
We now present a high level overview of the
setup, and then set out details of the process for
writing/maintaining guides for
The "output" of a guide is ultimately an HTML page rendered in the browser that interacts with a remote session, but what goes in to creating a guide?
A guide is composed of three major parts:
- markdown "prose" - a markdown file that is the "body" of the guide, the words and explanation that surround the steps that the user will follow
- a CUE "script" package - a specification of the steps that the user will follow. Steps are either sequences of commands, or the creation/updating of files
- a CUE output package - part auto-generated (the result of executing the CUE "script" package) and, optionally, part specified by the guide author
The markdown "prose" is structured as follows:
- there is one markdown file per language translation (note however that full multi-language support is tracked in #46)
- the "body" of the guide contains directives that reference steps and definitions in the CUE "script" package via
directives, and definitions in the CUE output package viaoutref
The CUE package "script" specifies the following:
- the steps of the guide. A step can either be a sequence of commands, or the contents of a file to write to disk in a remote session. Steps can be specialised for a language translation, and/or for a specific scenario (see below)
- the scenarios under which translations of the guide will be run. Multiple scenarios are useful where you need to
explain differences between versions of a command. For example you might define the scenarios
in order to explain how a command's output changes between Go 1.14 and Go 1.15. (Note however that full multi-scenario support is tracked in #46) - the terminals required for a guide. Some guides require multiple terminals, the classic example being where you have client and server processes: the server runs in one terminal, and the client is used to make calls to the server from the other. Each step specifies what terminal it relates to (by default, the first terminal is assumed unless otherwise specified). Each terminal specifies the Docker image to use when running the guide for a given scenario. A terminal in the browser connects to a remote session, a container that is an instance of that image.
- the presteps required for a guide. Some guides require some additional setup before they are "run" by the reader.
For example, guides that explain the creating of Go modules require a public remote version control system in order
that those modules can be published. For such guides, the
prestep creates a temporary user account and version control system repository. A guide can reference multiple presteps: the result of each step is a set of environment variables that are then made available in each remote session - definitions. Often when writing guides, you need to refer to parts of the "script" from the prose so the two don't
fall out of sync. You can refer to definitions in the CUE "script" package from the script itself, or from the
markdown "prose" using
The CUE output package specifies the following:
- definitions. Much like the CUE "script" package, the author can declare definitions in the output package
(alongside the auto-generated "half") that reference specific fields in the generated output. You can refer to CUE
output package definitions from the markdown "prose" using
directives. This is useful when you need to reference specific parts of the output from prose, for example highlighting some specific lines from a previous command block
The following diagram presents an overview of the steps involved with writing a guide through to a reader "running" that guide:
Step 0: the guide author starts the play-with-go
development environment (see below for prerequisites and steps
Step 1: guide author creates a markdown "prose" and CUE "script" package
Step 2: guide author runs the preguide
tool to validate guide. This ensures that:
- the CUE "script" package is valid (this includes validating the definitions)
- the presteps and steps of the CUE "script" package run and are valid
Step 3: preguide
writes the generated half of CUE output package and then ensures that:
- the CUE output package is valid, i.e. the definitions in the guide author declared half of this package are valid
- directives in the markdown "prose" reference valid steps and definitions in the CUE "script" package, and valid definitions in the CUE output package
Step 4: preguide
writes the output markdown guide, along with a human readable log file of the "script" that was
executed (this is nicer to read and compare at code review time)
At this stage, the guide author could return to step 1 and continue iterating. preguide
gives complete assurance that
the steps declared in the CUE "script" package are valid and run as expected, without the guide author needing to
manually check them in the browser by "clicking through" the guide. However, it's often nice to be able to view a
properly rendered version of the guide in a browser, hence the section of the diagram in a dotted-line box illustrates
the steps involved in doing that
Step 5: the play-with-go
development environment includes a Jekyll server that consumes the generated markdown
guide output from preguide
, generating static HTML pages
Step 6: the guide author opens a page pointing to a webserver running as part of the Jekyll process that serves the static HTML pages
Step 7: JavaScript within the generated guide calls a controller to run the presteps for the guide
Step 8: JavaScript within the generated guide calls via the play-with-docker
SDK to initialise the required terminals
The best way to learn how to write a guide for
is to follow a guide that explains the process from
start to finish. That guide can be found here (link to follow - blocked on
When you come to write a guide you will need to do so in your local development environment. We now explain the required setup for local development.
This step is only required if you will be writing/updating guides that use the gitea
As explained above, the
prestep creates
a temporary user account and remote repository for the reader to use as part of a guide. This temporary account is
created within the hosted gitea instance. Hence to develop any guides locally you need
to have a contributor account and various permissions.
Please raise an issue requesting contributor access.
Run the environment in one terminal:
./_scripts/ build
./_scripts/ up
At this point you're ready to start writing guides. As a reminder, refer back to the guide that explains how to write
guides (link to follow - blocked on #64)
for a step-by-step explanation of the process and concepts involved.
Don't worry, it's highly likely that our explanations above are not good enough! Please help us improve our documentation by creating an issue that explains where things got confusing/fuzzy/other.