Waves Leasing payout Distributer as a Service.
WLDaaS is Waves LPOS distributer as a Service. The scripts are migrated to a Cloud native application. It can be operated from a GUI or via API.
- surf to WLDaaS
- signup
- start your lease distribution collector run
- That's it!
- Instant access to collect and pay your leasing distribution
- Pay with Waveskeeper or via API
- Get a default HTML report
- Get a self service package to integrate the data in your personal report
- Auto continue your previous session
- Autodetect your first leaser block
- Have your data stored in the cloud
- Get a JSON package for your masstransfer to easily escape from WLDaaS if you don't like it.
All build cloud native in the AWS platform !
You can access WLDaaS instant here: https://dv9lcw5bcm72z.cloudfront.net