is a Redux store middleware for fetching data using HTTP action request.
You can install redux-req-middleware
via npm. If you'll use it in a Isomorphic/Universal App i recommend you installing it as production dependency.
$ npm install redux-req-middleware --save
In this example we define the typicall Api call using fetch:
export default {
//Your api calls
fetchUsers(url) {
return fetch(url)
.then(req => req.json())
.catch(err => err)
Then, in your Redux action creators you can add your Api call function usign the request param of the action:
import api from '../api';
export function getUserList(params) {
return {
request: api.fetchUsers(params)
Request Actions handled by redux-req-middleware will dispatch a new action with a '_SUCCESS' suffix if the request was successful or '_ERROR' suffix if it was unsuccessful. Both the sucess and the error data returned will be added to the payload of the new action dispatched.
Then, in your reducer you can catch the action "USERS_SUCCESS", return the regular Redux flow
function usersReducer(state = initialState, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return { ...state, numUsers: action.numUsers };
redux-req-middleware also returns a promise with the resolved action, giving you the ability to chain actions:
.then(action => {
//Resolved action of type 'USERS_SUCCESS'
//and the response in the payload
By default, redux-req-middleware uses the following suffixes for the three typicall HTTP states:
{ request: '_REQUEST', success: '_SUCCESS', error: '_ERROR' }
So if you your action type is "FOO" or "FOO_REQUEST" redux-req-middleware will dispatch a "FOO_SUCCESS" or "FOO_ERROR" action type.
You can use your own suffixes using an object configuration with the same object params described before. To use redux-req-middleware
you need to include it as a Redux Store Middleware using default suffixes configuration or custom suffixes configuration:
import reduxReqMiddleware from 'redux-req-middleware';
import { createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers } from 'redux';
//default configuration
const ReduxReqMiddleware = reduxReqMiddleware();
//custom configuration
const ReduxReqMiddleware = reduxReqMiddleware({
request: '_CALL',
success: '_OK',
error: '_KO'
const store = createStore(
- [react-base]( (atSistemas React/Redux Isomorphic Platform)