# modules # dash-related for app itself import dash from dash.dependencies import Output, Event import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html # non-dash-related libraries import plotly.graph_objs as go import pandas as pd import gdax import numpy as np public_client = gdax.PublicClient() # defines public client for all functions; taken from GDAX # function to get data from GDAX to be referenced in our call-back later def get_data(): order_book = public_client.get_product_order_book('ETH-USD', level=3) ask_tbl = pd.DataFrame(data=order_book['asks'], columns=['price', 'volume', 'address']) bid_tbl = pd.DataFrame(data=order_book['bids'], columns=['price', 'volume', 'address']) # building subsetted table for ask data only # sell side (would be Magma) ask_tbl['price'] = pd.to_numeric(ask_tbl['price']) ask_tbl['volume'] = pd.to_numeric(ask_tbl['volume']) first_ask = float(ask_tbl.iloc[1, 0]) perc_above_first_ask = (1.025 * first_ask) ask_tbl = ask_tbl[(ask_tbl['price'] <= perc_above_first_ask)] ask_tbl['color'] = 'red' # building subsetted table for bid data only # buy side (would be Viridis) bid_tbl['price'] = pd.to_numeric(bid_tbl['price']) bid_tbl['volume'] = pd.to_numeric(bid_tbl['volume']) first_bid = float(bid_tbl.iloc[1, 0]) perc_above_first_bid = (0.975 * first_bid) bid_tbl = bid_tbl[(bid_tbl['price'] >= perc_above_first_bid)] bid_tbl['color'] = 'green' # append the buy and sell side tables to create one cohesive view fulltbl = bid_tbl.append(ask_tbl) # limit our view to only orders greater than or equal to 1 ETH in size fulltbl = fulltbl[(fulltbl['volume'] >= 1)] # takes the square root of the volume (to be used later on for the purpose of sizing the orders fulltbl['sqrt'] = np.sqrt(fulltbl['volume']) # takes average of closet bid and ask to determine the market price fulltbl['market_price'] = ((perc_above_first_ask + perc_above_first_bid) / 2) return fulltbl ######ETH-BTC####### def get_data_ethbtc(): order_book = public_client.get_product_order_book('ETH-BTC', level=3) ask_tbl = pd.DataFrame(data=order_book['asks'], columns=['price', 'volume', 'address']) bid_tbl = pd.DataFrame(data=order_book['bids'], columns=['price', 'volume', 'address']) # building subsetted table for ask data only # sell side (would be Magma) ask_tbl['price'] = pd.to_numeric(ask_tbl['price']) ask_tbl['volume'] = pd.to_numeric(ask_tbl['volume']) first_ask = float(ask_tbl.iloc[1, 0]) perc_above_first_ask = (1.025 * first_ask) ask_tbl = ask_tbl[(ask_tbl['price'] <= perc_above_first_ask)] ask_tbl['color'] = 'red' # building subsetted table for bid data only # buy side (would be Viridis) bid_tbl['price'] = pd.to_numeric(bid_tbl['price']) bid_tbl['volume'] = pd.to_numeric(bid_tbl['volume']) first_bid = float(bid_tbl.iloc[1, 0]) perc_above_first_bid = (0.975 * first_bid) bid_tbl = bid_tbl[(bid_tbl['price'] >= perc_above_first_bid)] bid_tbl['color'] = 'green' # append the buy and sell side tables to create one cohesive view fulltbl = bid_tbl.append(ask_tbl) # limit our view to only orders greater than or equal to 1 ETH in size fulltbl = fulltbl[(fulltbl['volume'] >= 1)] # takes the square root of the volume (to be used later on for the purpose of sizing the orders fulltbl['sqrt'] = np.sqrt(fulltbl['volume']) # takes average of closet bid and ask to determine the market price fulltbl['market_price'] = ((perc_above_first_ask + perc_above_first_bid) / 2) return fulltbl # begin building the dash itself app = dash.Dash() app.layout = html.Div([ dcc.Graph( id='live-graph', ), dcc.Graph( id='live-graph-ethbtc', ), dcc.Interval( id='interval-component', interval=1 * 10000 # in milliseconds for the automatic refresh ) ]) # links up the chart creation to the interval for an auto-refresh @app.callback(Output('live-graph', 'figure'), events=[Event('interval-component', 'interval')]) def update_graph(): result = get_data() return { 'data': [ go.Scatter( x=result['volume'], y=result['price'], mode='markers', opacity=0.7, marker={ 'size': result['sqrt'], 'line': {'width': 0.5, 'color': 'white'}, 'color': result['color'] # set color equal to variable }, ) ], 'layout': go.Layout( # makes it so that title automatically updates with refreshed market price as well title=("The present market price of ETH is: $" + str(result['price'].iloc[0])), xaxis={'title': 'Order Size'}, yaxis={'title': 'ETH Price'}, hovermode='closest' ) } #BTCETH# @app.callback(Output('live-graph-ethbtc', 'figure'), events=[Event('interval-component', 'interval')]) def update_graph_ethbtc(): result = get_data_ethbtc() return { 'data': [ go.Scatter( x=result['volume'], y=result['price'], mode='markers', opacity=0.7, marker={ 'size': result['sqrt'], 'line': {'width': 0.5, 'color': 'white'}, 'color': result['color'] # set color equal to variable }, ) ], 'layout': go.Layout( # makes it so that title automatically updates with refreshed market price as well title=("The present market price of ETHBTC is: $" + str(result['price'].iloc[0])), xaxis={'title': 'Order Size'}, yaxis={'title': 'ETHBTC Price'}, hovermode='closest' ) } if __name__ == '__main__': app.run_server(host='')