Anime Recommendation System based on MyAnimeList Database 2020
Technology stack on:
- Python 3.6 (much more of my love to Python 2.7)
- pandas 1.1.5
- matplotlib 2.0.2
- numpy 1.16.1
- tensorflow 2.1.0
- scipy 1.4.1
- SQL Lite
Anime Recommendation Database 2020 [0]
- 17.562 anime and the preference from 325.772 different users
- for the full description of available features of the dataset please see the origin at kaggle [0]
Run following for basic data exploration:
- mkdir images; python
In order to create and save plots uncomment the interested parts of the code. The code is not designed to be able to create all plots at the same time. Some of the plots are available also as jupiter notebook at [1]. The results are presented at [2, 3].