Vinil is a programming language, designed and written by myself (Piotr
Mitros) and Dennis Quan. It's a bit different than most programming
languages, both in the way it mixes code and data (inspired by a
fairly poor understanding of Scheme) and in the overall structure of
the code (mixture of functional and object paradigms). It's basically
a big experiment in making a programming language that makes it for
code to introspect and manipulate itself. We wrote it after we
(initially) misunderstood Scheme/Lisp to believe that something like
(+ 7 5)
lived as a list in the syntax (essentially, it was the same
thing as the same with a backtick). We were curious what would happen
if we actually did that, and were very explicit about evaluation
vs. modifying such lists. We also added other what would be called
JSONic data structures to it -- dictionaries as objects and
similar. In many ways, it was similar to JavaScript (but this was back
in '96, so JavaScript wasn't really widely known yet at the time -- at
least in the K-12 nerd ecosystems).
I lost a bunch of code in a disk crash many years back.
This is the most recent version of Vinil I could find. I don't know if it's the current; probably not, as a big chunk of the code's not finished for the application we were wrote in Vinil (a collaborative multiuser environment, where people could post and link articles; kind of like a wiki, which were also very recent inventions at the time).
This was all back in the nineties, before I was in college.
You're welcome to use it under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 or later.