Assorted analytics scripts for edX tracking logs. These are my personal scripts, and may not be useful to others.
In order to use these scripts, create a YAML file in your home directory called ~/.xanalytics. This file should define several directories:
- public-data-dir -- Obsolete: Non-edX datafiles. Geocoding. CIA World Factbook. Etc. This is not in the package itself.
- edx-data-dir -- edX tracking logs and other read-only source data with PII
- scratch-dir -- Location for intermediate data.
These directories have subdirectories. Each subdirectory will contain either subdirectories, or gzip-compressed files.
These scripts are based on processing log files with generators. This is a nice design pattern for several reasons:
- Fast. Most things are never written to disk.
- Easy-to-read.
- If you have a bug, scripts fail early.
- Things run lazily. This makes it easy to skip to whichever step
- where there is unprocessed data.
I use pull (rather than push) generators, mostly for readability. It's possible to go between the two with queues.
The scripts can process data for two courses in about 3 minutes on a quad core i7 machine.
This is likely very out-of-date by the time you read this.
xanalytics/ -- Allows easy access to directories (as listed above) and similar. We're moving to pyfilesystem, but many functions still take directories. pyfilesystem is a higher-level abstraction, and is easier to work with (less os.join and similar). In the future, it can also transparently go to/from S3.
xanalytics/ -- CIA world factbook access. Neat statistics about student countries.
xanalytics/ -- Allows you to split computation among multiple cores. There's a bit of overhead for serializing data, so it's not always a win, but it is almost always a win. split and join are the functions to look at. The cool thing is this is completely transparent. Most of the code doesn't have to be aware of these.
xanalytics/ -- Most of the meat of the code. Various processing operations over tracking logs. read_data is usually the starting point, followed by something like text_to_json if using source files. In most cases, I suggest using BSON files. It's a 4x performance gain. encode_to_bson is helpful here. We do need to move read_bson_file to correctly work with the filesystem (rather than directory) approach.
xanalytics/ -- Make it easier to work with PII without unintentionally violating student privacy.