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This doc describes `jotai/devtool` bundle.


useAtomDevtools is a React hook that manages ReduxDevTools integration for a particular atom.

function useAtomDevtools<Value>(anAtom: WritableAtom<Value, Value>, name?: string): void

The useAtomDevtools hook accepts a generic type parameter (mirroring the type stored in the atom). Additionally, the hook accepts two invocation parameters, anAtom and name. anAtom is the atom that will be attached to the devtools instance. name is an optional parameter that defines the debug label for the devtools instance. If name is undefined, atom.debugLabel will be used instead.


import { useAtomDevtools } from 'jotai/devtools'

// The interface for the type stored in the atom.
export interface Task {
  label: string
  complete: boolean

// The atom to debug.
export const tasksAtom = atom<Task[]>([])

// If the useAtomDevtools name parameter is undefined, this value will be used instead.
tasksAtom.debugLabel = 'Tasks'

export const useTasksDevtools = () => {
  // The hook can be called simply by passing an atom for debugging.

  // Specify a custom type parameter

  // You can attach two devtools instances to the same atom and differentiate them with custom names.
  useAtomDevtools(tasksAtom, 'Tasks (Instance 1)')
  useAtomDevtools(tasksAtom, 'Tasks (Instance 2)')


⚠️ Note: This hook is experimental (feedbacks are welcome) and only works in a process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' environment.

useAtomsDevtools is a catch-all version of useAtomDevtools where it shows all atoms in the store instead of showing a specific one.

function useAtomsDevtools(name: string, scope?: Scope): void

It takes a name parameter that is needed for naming the Redux devtools instance and a scope parameter if the hook is used for a specific scope of atoms.

As a limitation for this API, we need to put useAtomsDevtools in a component where the consumed atoms should be in a lower place of the React tree than that component (AtomsDevtools in the below example). AtomsDevtools component can be considered as a best practice for our apps.


const countAtom = atom(0);
const doubleCountAtom = atom((get) => get(countAtom) * 2);

function Counter() {
  const  [count, setCount] =  useAtom(countAtom);
  const  [doubleCount] =  useAtom(doubleCountAtom);


const AtomsDevtools = ({ children }: { children: ReactElement }) => {
  return children

export default function App()  {
  return (
      <Counter />


⚠️ Note: This hook only works in a process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' environment.

useAtomsSnapshot takes a snapshot of the currently mounted atoms and their state.

function useAtomsSnapshot(scope?: Scope): AtomsSnapshot

It accepts an atom scope parameter and will return an AtomsSnapshot, which is basically a Map<AnyAtom, unknown>. You can use the Map API to iterate over atoms and their state. This hook is primarily meant for debugging and devtools use cases.

Be careful using this hook because it will cause the component to re-render for all state changes.


import { Provider } from 'jotai'
import { useAtomsSnapshot } from 'jotai/devtools'

const RegisteredAtoms = () => {
  const atoms = useAtomsSnapshot()

  return (
      <p>Atom count: {atoms.size}</p>
        {Array.from(atoms).map(([atom, atomValue]) => (
          <p key={`${atom}`}>{`${atom.debugLabel}: ${atomValue}`}</p>

const App = () => (
    <RegisteredAtoms />


⚠️ Note: This hook only works in a process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' environment.

useGotoAtomsSnapshot will update the current Jotai state to match the passed snapshot.

function useGotoAtomsSnapshot(
  scope?: Scope
): (values: Iterable<readonly [AnyAtom, unknown]>) => void

This hook returns a callback, which takes a snapshot from the useAtomsSnapshot hook and will update the Jotai state. It accepts an atom scope parameter and will error if the atoms have mixed scopes. This hook is primarily meant for debugging and devtools use cases.


import { Provider } from 'jotai'
import { useAtomsSnapshot, useGotoAtomsSnapshot } from 'jotai/devtools'

const petAtom = atom('cat')
const colorAtom = atom('blue')

const UpdateSnapshot: React.FC = () => {
  const snapshot = useAtomsSnapshot()
  const goToSnapshot = useGotoAtomsSnapshot()
  return (
      onClick={() => {
        const newSnapshot = new Map(snapshot)
        newSnapshot.set(petAtom, 'dog')
        newSnapshot.set(colorAtom, 'green')
      Go to snapshot