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Download ALL Youtube Videos of ANY channel for FREE.

oclif Version Downloads/week License


    $ npm install -g dl-youtube-videos
    $ dl-youtube-videos csvFile

or simly run:

    $ npx dl-youtube-videos csvFile

Check out the tutorial to learn how to get the csvFile using Google Chrome browser and Web Scraper extension.

Example usage

In the current project folder, run:

    $ npx dl-youtube-videos ./test.csv

    Download started
      ✔ Learn German online / Tina visits me. / Vocabulary apartment / lesson 15
      ✔ Deutsch lernen mit Dialogen / Lektion 39 / Imperativ / Komparativ und Superlativ

The utility will download 2 sample videos from the YouTube Channel: Hallo Deutschschule. Remember to subscribe to this channel, super useful to learn German.

Follow the tutorial on the YouTube link to learn more, how to get the full list of videos from any channel.