#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' ogr2osm beta This program takes any vector data understadable by OGR and outputs an OSM file with that data. By default tags will be naively copied from the input data. Hooks are provided so that, with a little python programming, you can translate the tags however you like. More hooks are provided so you can filter or even modify the features themselves. To use the hooks, create a file in the translations/ directory called myfile.py and run ogr2osm.py -t myfile. This file should define a function with the name of each hook you want to use. For an example, see the uvmtrans.py file. The program will use projection metadata from the source, if it has any. If there is no projection information, or if you want to override it, you can use -e or -p to specify an EPSG code or Proj.4 string, respectively. If there is no projection metadata and you do not specify one, EPSG:4326 will be used (WGS84 latitude-longitude) For additional usage information, run ogr2osm.py --help Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Paul Norman , Sebastiaan Couwenberg , The University of Vermont Released under the MIT license: http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Based very heavily on code released under the following terms: (c) Iván Sánchez Ortega, 2009 ############################################################################### # "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE": # # wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice # # you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you # # think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. # ############################################################################### ''' import sys import os import optparse import logging as l import re l.basicConfig(level=l.DEBUG, format="%(message)s") from osgeo import ogr from osgeo import osr from geom import * # Determine major Python version is 2 or 3 IS_PYTHON2 = sys.version_info < (3, 0) ''' See http://lxml.de/tutorial.html for the source of the includes lxml should be the fastest method ''' try: from lxml import etree l.debug("running with lxml.etree") except ImportError: try: # Python 2.5 import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree l.debug("running with ElementTree on Python 2.5+") except ImportError: try: # normal cElementTree install import cElementTree as etree l.debug("running with cElementTree") except ImportError: try: # normal ElementTree install import elementtree.ElementTree as etree l.debug("running with ElementTree") except ImportError: l.error("Failed to import ElementTree from any known place") raise # Setup program usage usage = """%prog SRCFILE SRCFILE can be a file path or a org PostgreSQL connection string such as: "PG:dbname=pdx_bldgs user=emma host=localhost" (including the quotes)""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-t", "--translation", dest="translationMethod", metavar="TRANSLATION", help="Select the attribute-tags translation method. See " + "the translations/ directory for valid values.") parser.add_option("-o", "--output", dest="outputFile", metavar="OUTPUT", help="Set destination .osm file name and location.") parser.add_option("-e", "--epsg", dest="sourceEPSG", metavar="EPSG_CODE", help="EPSG code of source file. Do not include the " + "'EPSG:' prefix. If specified, overrides projection " + "from source metadata if it exists.") parser.add_option("-p", "--proj4", dest="sourcePROJ4", metavar="PROJ4_STRING", help="PROJ.4 string. If specified, overrides projection " + "from source metadata if it exists.") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true") parser.add_option("-d", "--debug-tags", dest="debugTags", action="store_true", help="Output the tags for every feature parsed.") parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="forceOverwrite", action="store_true", help="Force overwrite of output file.") parser.add_option("--encoding", dest="encoding", help="Encoding of the source file. If specified, overrides " + "the default of utf-8", default="utf-8") parser.add_option("--significant-digits", dest="significantDigits", type=int, help="Number of decimal places for coordinates", default=9) parser.add_option("--rounding-digits", dest="roundingDigits", type=int, help="Number of decimal places for rounding", default=7) parser.add_option("--no-memory-copy", dest="noMemoryCopy", action="store_true", help="Do not make an in-memory working copy") parser.add_option("--no-upload-false", dest="noUploadFalse", action="store_true", help="Omit upload=false from the completed file to surpress JOSM warnings when uploading.") parser.add_option("--id", dest="id", type=int, default=0, help="ID to start counting from for the output file. Defaults to 0.") parser.add_option("--idfile", dest="idfile", type=str, default=None, help="Read ID to start counting from from a file.") parser.add_option("--split-ways", dest="maxNodesPerWay", type=int, default=1800, help="Split ways with more than the specified number of nodes. Defaults to 1800. " + "Any value below 2 - do not split.") parser.add_option("--saveid", dest="saveid", type=str, default=None, help="Save last ID after execution to a file.") # Positive IDs can cause big problems if used inappropriately so hide the help for this parser.add_option("--positive-id", dest="positiveID", action="store_true", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # Add version attributes. Again, this can cause big problems so surpress the help parser.add_option("--add-version", dest="addVersion", action="store_true", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) # Add timestamp attributes. Again, this can cause big problems so surpress the help parser.add_option("--add-timestamp", dest="addTimestamp", action="store_true", help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) parser.add_option("--sql", dest="sqlQuery", type=str, default=None, help="SQL query to execute on a PostgreSQL source") # Add the bounding box to the XML output parser.add_option("--add-bounds", dest="addBounds", action="store_true", help="add bounding box to XML file") parser.set_defaults(sourceEPSG=None, sourcePROJ4=None, verbose=False, debugTags=False, translationMethod=None, outputFile=None, forceOverwrite=False, noUploadFalse=False) # Parse and process arguments (options, args) = parser.parse_args() try: if options.sourceEPSG: options.sourceEPSG = int(options.sourceEPSG) except: parser.error("EPSG code must be numeric (e.g. '4326', not 'epsg:4326')") if len(args) < 1: parser.print_help() parser.error("you must specify a source filename") elif len(args) > 1: parser.error("you have specified too many arguments, " + "only supply the source filename") if options.addTimestamp: from datetime import datetime # Input and output file # if no output file given, use the basename of the source but with .osm source = args[0] sourceIsDatabase = bool(re.match('^PG:', source)) if options.outputFile is not None: options.outputFile = os.path.realpath(options.outputFile) elif sourceIsDatabase: parser.error("ERROR: An output file must be explicitly specified when using a database source") else: (base, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source)) options.outputFile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), base + ".osm") if options.sqlQuery and not sourceIsDatabase: parser.error("ERROR: You must use a database source when specifying a query with --sql") if not options.forceOverwrite and os.path.exists(options.outputFile): parser.error("ERROR: output file '%s' exists" % (options.outputFile)) l.info("Preparing to convert '%s' to '%s'." % (source, options.outputFile)) # Projection if not options.sourcePROJ4 and not options.sourceEPSG: l.info("Will try to detect projection from source metadata, or fall back to EPSG:4326") elif options.sourcePROJ4: l.info("Will use the PROJ.4 string: " + options.sourcePROJ4) elif options.sourceEPSG: l.info("Will use EPSG:" + str(options.sourceEPSG)) # Stuff needed for locating translation methods if options.translationMethod: # add dirs to path if necessary (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(options.translationMethod) if os.path.exists(options.translationMethod) and ext == '.py': # user supplied translation file directly sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(root)) else: # first check translations in the subdir translations of cwd sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "translations")) # then check subdir of script dir sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "translations")) # (the cwd will also be checked implicityly) # strip .py if present, as import wants just the module name if ext == '.py': options.translationMethod = os.path.basename(root) try: translations = __import__(options.translationMethod, fromlist = ['']) except ImportError as e: parser.error("Could not load translation method '%s'. Translation " "script must be in your current directory, or in the " "translations/ subdirectory of your current or ogr2osm.py " "directory. The following directories have been considered: %s" % (options.translationMethod, str(sys.path))) except SyntaxError as e: parser.error("Syntax error in '%s'. Translation script is malformed:\n%s" % (options.translationMethod, e)) l.info("Successfully loaded '%s' translation method ('%s')." % (options.translationMethod, os.path.realpath(translations.__file__))) else: import types translations = types.ModuleType("translationmodule") l.info("Using default translations") default_translations = [ ('filterLayer', lambda layer: layer), ('filterFeature', lambda feature, fieldNames, reproject: feature), ('filterTags', lambda tags: tags), ('filterFeaturePost', lambda feature, fieldNames, reproject: feature), ('preOutputTransform', lambda geometries, features: None), ] for (k, v) in default_translations: if hasattr(translations, k) and getattr(translations, k): l.debug("Using user " + k) else: l.debug("Using default " + k) setattr(translations, k, v) Geometry.elementIdCounter = options.id if options.idfile: with open(options.idfile, 'r') as ff: Geometry.elementIdCounter = int(ff.readline(20)) l.info("Starting counter value '%d' read from file '%s'." \ % (Geometry.elementIdCounter, options.idfile)) if options.positiveID: Geometry.elementIdCounterIncr = 1 # default is -1 def openData(source): if re.match('^PG:', source): return openDatabaseSource(source) else: return getFileData(source) def openDatabaseSource(source): dataSource = ogr.Open(source, 0) # 0 means read-only if dataSource is None: l.error('OGR failed to open connection to' + source) sys.exit(1) else: return dataSource def getFileData(filename): ogr_accessmethods = [ "/vsicurl/", "/vsicurl_streaming/", "/vsisubfile/", "/vsistdin/" ] ogr_filemethods = [ "/vsisparse/", "/vsigzip/", "/vsitar/", "/vsizip/" ] ogr_unsupported = [ "/vsimem/", "/vsistdout/", ] has_unsup = [ m for m in ogr_unsupported if m[1:-1] in filename.split('/') ] if has_unsup: parser.error("Unsupported OGR access method(s) found: %s." % str(has_unsup)[1:-1]) if not any([ m[1:-1] in filename.split('/') for m in ogr_accessmethods ]): # Not using any ogr_accessmethods real_filename = filename for fm in ogr_filemethods: if filename.find(fm) == 0: real_filename = filename[len(fm):] break if not os.path.exists(real_filename): parser.error("the file '%s' does not exist" % (real_filename)) if len(filename) == len(real_filename): if filename.endswith('.gz'): filename = '/vsigzip/' + filename elif filename.endswith('.tar') or filename.endswith('.tgz') or \ filename.endswith('.tar.gz'): filename = '/vsitar/' + filename elif filename.endswith('.zip'): filename = '/vsizip/' + filename fileDataSource = ogr.Open(filename, 0) # 0 means read-only if fileDataSource is None: l.error('OGR failed to open ' + filename + ', format may be unsupported') sys.exit(1) if options.noMemoryCopy: return fileDataSource else: memoryDataSource = ogr.GetDriverByName('Memory').CopyDataSource(fileDataSource,'memoryCopy') return memoryDataSource def parseData(dataSource): l.debug("Parsing data") global translations if options.sqlQuery: layer = dataSource.ExecuteSQL(options.sqlQuery) layer.ResetReading() parseLayer(translations.filterLayer(layer)) else: for i in range(dataSource.GetLayerCount()): layer = dataSource.GetLayer(i) layer.ResetReading() parseLayer(translations.filterLayer(layer)) def getTransform(layer): global options # First check if the user supplied a projection, then check the layer, # then fall back to a default spatialRef = None if options.sourcePROJ4: spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() spatialRef.ImportFromProj4(options.sourcePROJ4) elif options.sourceEPSG: spatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() spatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(options.sourceEPSG) else: spatialRef = layer.GetSpatialRef() if spatialRef != None: l.info("Detected projection metadata:\n" + str(spatialRef)) else: l.info("No projection metadata, falling back to EPSG:4326") if spatialRef == None: # No source proj specified yet? Then default to do no reprojection. # Some python magic: skip reprojection altogether by using a dummy # lamdba funcion. Otherwise, the lambda will be a call to the OGR # reprojection stuff. reproject = lambda geometry: None else: destSpatialRef = osr.SpatialReference() # Destionation projection will *always* be EPSG:4326, WGS84 lat-lon destSpatialRef.ImportFromEPSG(4326) coordTrans = osr.CoordinateTransformation(spatialRef, destSpatialRef) reproject = lambda geometry: geometry.Transform(coordTrans) return reproject def getLayerFields(layer): featureDefinition = layer.GetLayerDefn() fieldNames = [] fieldCount = featureDefinition.GetFieldCount() for j in range(fieldCount): fieldNames.append(featureDefinition.GetFieldDefn(j).GetNameRef()) return fieldNames def getFeatureTags(ogrfeature, fieldNames): ''' This function builds up a dictionary with the source data attributes and passes them to the filterTags function, returning the result. ''' tags = {} for i in range(len(fieldNames)): # The field needs to be put into the appropriate encoding and leading or trailing spaces stripped if IS_PYTHON2: tags[fieldNames[i].decode(options.encoding)] = ogrfeature.GetFieldAsString(i).decode(options.encoding).strip() else: tags[fieldNames[i]] = ogrfeature.GetFieldAsString(i).strip() return translations.filterTags(tags) def parseLayer(layer): if layer is None: return fieldNames = getLayerFields(layer) reproject = getTransform(layer) for j in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()): ogrfeature = layer.GetNextFeature() parseFeature(translations.filterFeature(ogrfeature, fieldNames, reproject), fieldNames, reproject) def parseFeature(ogrfeature, fieldNames, reproject): if ogrfeature is None: return ogrgeometry = ogrfeature.GetGeometryRef() if ogrgeometry is None: return reproject(ogrgeometry) geometries = parseGeometry([ogrgeometry]) for geometry in geometries: if geometry is None: return feature = Feature() feature.tags = getFeatureTags(ogrfeature, fieldNames) feature.geometry = geometry geometry.addparent(feature) translations.filterFeaturePost(feature, ogrfeature, ogrgeometry) # global variables holding the bounding box coordinates min_x = 1000.0 min_y = 1000.0 max_x = -1000.0 max_y = -1000.0 def parseGeometry(ogrgeometries): # refer to global extent variables global min_x global max_x global min_y global max_y returngeometries = [] for ogrgeometry in ogrgeometries: # obtain the geometry's envelope and update the extent of the # bounding box if necessary geom_envelope = ogrgeometry.GetEnvelope() minX = geom_envelope[0] minY = geom_envelope[2] maxX = geom_envelope[1] maxY = geom_envelope[3] if minX < min_x : min_x = minX if minY < min_y : min_y = minY if maxX > max_x : max_x = maxX if maxY > max_y : max_y = maxY geometryType = ogrgeometry.GetGeometryType() if (geometryType == ogr.wkbPoint or geometryType == ogr.wkbPoint25D): returngeometries.append(parsePoint(ogrgeometry)) elif (geometryType == ogr.wkbLineString or geometryType == ogr.wkbLinearRing or geometryType == ogr.wkbLineString25D): # geometryType == ogr.wkbLinearRing25D does not exist returngeometries.append(parseLineString(ogrgeometry)) elif (geometryType == ogr.wkbPolygon or geometryType == ogr.wkbPolygon25D): returngeometries.append(parsePolygon(ogrgeometry)) elif (geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiPoint or geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString or geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon or geometryType == ogr.wkbGeometryCollection or geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiPoint25D or geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString25D or geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon25D or geometryType == ogr.wkbGeometryCollection25D): returngeometries.extend(parseCollection(ogrgeometry)) else: l.warning("unhandled geometry, type: " + str(geometryType)) returngeometries.append(None) return returngeometries def parsePoint(ogrgeometry): x = int(round(ogrgeometry.GetX() * 10**options.significantDigits)) y = int(round(ogrgeometry.GetY() * 10**options.significantDigits)) geometry = Point(x, y) return geometry linestring_points = {} def parseLineString(ogrgeometry): geometry = Way() # LineString.GetPoint() returns a tuple, so we can't call parsePoint on it # and instead have to create the point ourself global linestring_points for i in range(ogrgeometry.GetPointCount()): (x, y, unused) = ogrgeometry.GetPoint(i) (rx, ry) = (int(round(x*10**options.roundingDigits)), int(round(y*10**options.roundingDigits))) (x, y) = (int(round(x*10**options.significantDigits)), int(round(y*10**options.significantDigits))) if (rx,ry) in linestring_points: mypoint = linestring_points[(rx,ry)] else: mypoint = Point(x, y) linestring_points[(rx,ry)] = mypoint geometry.points.append(mypoint) mypoint.addparent(geometry) return geometry def parsePolygon(ogrgeometry): # Special case polygons with only one ring. This does not (or at least # should not) change behavior when simplify relations is turned on. if ogrgeometry.GetGeometryCount() == 0: l.warning("Polygon with no rings?") elif ogrgeometry.GetGeometryCount() == 1: result = parseLineString(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryRef(0)) if len(result.points) > options.maxNodesPerWay: global longWaysFromPolygons longWaysFromPolygons.add(result) return result else: geometry = Relation() try: exterior = parseLineString(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryRef(0)) exterior.addparent(geometry) except: l.warning("Polygon with no exterior ring?") return None geometry.members.append((exterior, "outer")) for i in range(1, ogrgeometry.GetGeometryCount()): interior = parseLineString(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryRef(i)) interior.addparent(geometry) geometry.members.append((interior, "inner")) return geometry def parseCollection(ogrgeometry): # OGR MultiPolygon maps easily to osm multipolygon, so special case it # TODO: Does anything else need special casing? geometryType = ogrgeometry.GetGeometryType() if (geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon or geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiPolygon25D): if ogrgeometry.GetGeometryCount() > 1: geometry = Relation() for polygon in range(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryCount()): exterior = parseLineString(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryRef(polygon).GetGeometryRef(0)) exterior.addparent(geometry) geometry.members.append((exterior, "outer")) for i in range(1, ogrgeometry.GetGeometryRef(polygon).GetGeometryCount()): interior = parseLineString(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryRef(polygon).GetGeometryRef(i)) interior.addparent(geometry) geometry.members.append((interior, "inner")) return [geometry] else: return [parsePolygon(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryRef(0))] elif (geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString or geometryType == ogr.wkbMultiLineString25D): geometries = [] for linestring in range(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryCount()): geometries.append(parseLineString(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryRef(linestring))) return geometries else: geometry = Relation() for i in range(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryCount()): member = parseGeometry(ogrgeometry.GetGeometryRef(i)) member.addparent(geometry) geometry.members.append((member, "member")) return [geometry] def mergePoints(): l.debug("Merging points") points = [geom for geom in Geometry.geometries if type(geom) == Point] # Make list of Points at each location l.debug("Making list") pointcoords = {} for i in points: rx = int(round(i.x * 10**(options.significantDigits-options.roundingDigits))) ry = int(round(i.y * 10**(options.significantDigits-options.roundingDigits))) if (rx, ry) in pointcoords: pointcoords[(rx, ry)].append(i) else: pointcoords[(rx, ry)] = [i] # Use list to get rid of extras l.debug("Checking list") for (location, pointsatloc) in pointcoords.items(): if len(pointsatloc) > 1: for point in pointsatloc[1:]: for parent in set(point.parents): parent.replacejwithi(pointsatloc[0], point) def mergeWayPoints(): l.debug("Merging duplicate points in ways") ways = [geom for geom in Geometry.geometries if type(geom) == Way] # Remove duplicate points from ways, # a duplicate has the same id as its predecessor for way in ways: previous = options.id merged_points = [] for node in way.points: if previous == options.id or previous != node.id: merged_points.append(node) previous = node.id if len(merged_points) > 0: way.points = merged_points def splitLongWays(max_points_in_way, waysToCreateRelationFor): l.debug("Splitting long ways") ways = [geom for geom in Geometry.geometries if type(geom) == Way] featuresmap = {feature.geometry : feature for feature in Feature.features} for way in ways: is_way_in_relation = len([p for p in way.parents if type(p) == Relation]) > 0 if len(way.points) > max_points_in_way: way_parts = splitWay(way, max_points_in_way, featuresmap, is_way_in_relation) if not is_way_in_relation: if way in waysToCreateRelationFor: mergeIntoNewRelation(way_parts) else: for rel in way.parents: splitWayInRelation(rel, way_parts) def splitWay(way, max_points_in_way, features_map, is_way_in_relation): new_points = [way.points[i:i + max_points_in_way] for i in range(0, len(way.points), max_points_in_way - 1)] new_ways = [way, ] + [Way() for i in range(len(new_points) - 1)] if not is_way_in_relation: way_tags = features_map[way].tags for new_way in new_ways: if new_way != way: feat = Feature() feat.geometry = new_way feat.tags = way_tags for new_way, points in zip(new_ways, new_points): new_way.points = points if new_way.id != way.id: for point in points: point.removeparent(way, shoulddestroy=False) point.addparent(new_way) return new_ways def mergeIntoNewRelation(way_parts): new_relation = Relation() feat = Feature() feat.geometry = new_relation new_relation.members = [(way, "outer") for way in way_parts] for way in way_parts: way.addparent(new_relation) def splitWayInRelation(rel, way_parts): way_roles = [m[1] for m in rel.members if m[0] == way_parts[0]] way_role = "" if len(way_roles) == 0 else way_roles[0] for way in way_parts[1:]: rel.members.append((way, way_role)) def output(): l.debug("Outputting XML") # First, set up a few data structures for optimization purposes nodes = [geom for geom in Geometry.geometries if type(geom) == Point] ways = [geom for geom in Geometry.geometries if type(geom) == Way] relations = [geom for geom in Geometry.geometries if type(geom) == Relation] featuresmap = {feature.geometry : feature for feature in Feature.features} # Open up the output file with the system default buffering with open(options.outputFile, 'w', buffering=-1) as f: if options.noUploadFalse: f.write('\n\n') else: f.write('\n\n') # Build up a dict for optional settings attributes = {} if options.addVersion: attributes.update({'version':'1'}) if options.addTimestamp: attributes.update({'timestamp':datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')}) if options.addBounds: xmlattrs = { 'minlon':'%f'%min_x , 'minlat':'%f'%min_y , 'maxlon':'%f'%max_x , 'maxlat':'%f'%max_y } xmlattrs.update(attributes) xmlobject = etree.Element('bounds', xmlattrs) if IS_PYTHON2: f.write(etree.tostring(xmlobject)) else: f.write(etree.tostring(xmlobject, encoding='unicode')) f.write('\n') for node in nodes: xmlattrs = {'visible':'true','id':str(node.id), 'lat':str(node.y*10**-options.significantDigits), 'lon':str(node.x*10**-options.significantDigits)} xmlattrs.update(attributes) xmlobject = etree.Element('node', xmlattrs) if node in featuresmap: for (key, value) in featuresmap[node].tags.items(): tag = etree.Element('tag', {'k':key, 'v':value}) xmlobject.append(tag) if IS_PYTHON2: f.write(etree.tostring(xmlobject)) else: f.write(etree.tostring(xmlobject, encoding='unicode')) f.write('\n') for way in ways: xmlattrs = {'visible':'true', 'id':str(way.id)} xmlattrs.update(attributes) xmlobject = etree.Element('way', xmlattrs) for node in way.points: nd = etree.Element('nd',{'ref':str(node.id)}) xmlobject.append(nd) if way in featuresmap: for (key, value) in featuresmap[way].tags.items(): tag = etree.Element('tag', {'k':key, 'v':value}) xmlobject.append(tag) if IS_PYTHON2: f.write(etree.tostring(xmlobject)) else: f.write(etree.tostring(xmlobject, encoding='unicode')) f.write('\n') for relation in relations: xmlattrs = {'visible':'true', 'id':str(relation.id)} xmlattrs.update(attributes) xmlobject = etree.Element('relation', xmlattrs) for (member, role) in relation.members: member = etree.Element('member', {'type':'way', 'ref':str(member.id), 'role':role}) xmlobject.append(member) tag = etree.Element('tag', {'k':'type', 'v':'multipolygon'}) xmlobject.append(tag) if relation in featuresmap: for (key, value) in featuresmap[relation].tags.items(): tag = etree.Element('tag', {'k':key, 'v':value}) xmlobject.append(tag) if IS_PYTHON2: f.write(etree.tostring(xmlobject)) else: f.write(etree.tostring(xmlobject, encoding='unicode')) f.write('\n') f.write('') # Main flow data = openData(source) longWaysFromPolygons = set() parseData(data) mergePoints() mergeWayPoints() if options.maxNodesPerWay >= 2: splitLongWays(options.maxNodesPerWay, longWaysFromPolygons) translations.preOutputTransform(Geometry.geometries, Feature.features) output() if options.saveid: with open(options.saveid, 'wb') as ff: ff.write(str(Geometry.elementIdCounter)) l.info("Wrote elementIdCounter '%d' to file '%s'" % (Geometry.elementIdCounter, options.saveid))