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List guests within Teams in a tenant


List all guests in Microsoft Teams teams in the tenant and exports the results in a CSV.

PnP PowerShell script uses Microsoft Graph behind the scenes to get all teams and guest users. it requires an application/user that has been granted the Microsoft Graph API permission : Group.Read.All or Group.ReadWrite.All

Install-Module MicrosoftTeams
$teams = @()
$externalteams = @()
$teams = get-team
foreach ($team in $teams){
  $groupid = ($team.groupid)
  $users = (Get-TeamUser -GroupId $team.groupid | Where-Object {$_.Role -eq "Guest"})
  $extcount = ($users.count)
  foreach ($extuser in $users){
    $id = $team.groupid
    $teamext = ((Get-Team | Where-Object {$_.groupid -eq "$id"}).DisplayName).ToString()
    $ext = $extuser.User
    $externalteams += [pscustomobject]@{
      ExtUser   = $ext
      GroupID   = $id
      TeamName  = $teamext
 if ($externalteams.Count -gt 0){
    Write-Host "Exporting the guest members in teams results.."
    $externalteams | Export-Csv -Path "GuestUsersFromTeams.csv" -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Host "Completed."
    Write-host "there are no external user added to any team in your organization" -ForegroundColor yellow

[!INCLUDE More about Microsoft Teams PowerShell]

#Connect as an application/user that has been granted Microsoft Graph API permissions : Group.Read.All or Group.ReadWrite.All
$siteUrl = ""
Connect-PnPOnline -Url $siteUrl -Interactive

$teams = @()
$externalteams = @()
$teams = Get-PnPTeamsTeam
foreach ($team in $teams)
  $groupid = $team.groupid
  $users = Get-PnPTeamsUser -Team $groupid -Role Guest
  $extcount = $users.count
  if($extcount -gt 0)
    foreach ($extuser in $users)
        $externalteams += [pscustomobject]@{
        ExtUser   = $extuser.UserPrincipalName
        GroupID   = $groupid
        TeamName  = $team.DisplayName
 if ($externalteams.Count -gt 0)
    Write-Host "Exporting the guest members in teams results.."
    $externalteams | Export-Csv -Path "GuestUsersFromTeams.csv" -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Host "Completed."
    Write-host "there are no external user added to any team in your organization" -ForegroundColor yellow

[!INCLUDE More about PnP PowerShell]

$m365Status = m365 status
if ($m365Status -match "Logged Out") {
  m365 login

$teams = @()
$externalteams = @()
$teams = m365 teams team list | ConvertFrom-Json

foreach ($team in $teams)
	$id = $
	$users = m365 teams user list --teamId $id --role Guest | ConvertFrom-Json
	$extcount = $users.count

  if($extcount -gt 0)
    foreach ($extuser in $users)
      $externalteams += [pscustomobject]@{
        ExtUser   = $extuser.userPrincipalName
        GroupID   = $id
        TeamName  = $team.displayName

if ($externalteams.Count -gt 0)
	Write-Host "Exporting the guest members in teams results.."
	$externalteams | Export-Csv -Path "GuestUsersFromTeams.csv" -NoTypeInformation
	Write-Host "Completed."
	Write-host "there are no external user added to any team in your organization" -ForegroundColor yellow

[!INCLUDE More about CLI for Microsoft 365]


Jiten Parmar
Leon Armston
Jasey Waegebaert