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Management daemon and CLIs for k3s servers and agents.

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k3sd is a collection of a management daemon and CLIs for the k3s Kubernetes distribution. k3s is built of two main components; servers and agents. In a similar way, k3sd is built of multiple components. The components are:

  • k3sd, a k3s management daemon with a gRPC interface
  • k3sserverctl, a CLI for k3sd that manages k3s servers
  • k3sagentctl, a CLI for k3sd that manages k3s agents

k3sd bundles the k3s binary into it's own binary and extracts it on startup, so there is no need to install it manually.


Prebuilt Binaries

Prebuilt binaries are available on the releases page.

Go Package

A Go package is available. In order to use it, you have to go generate it first.



The daemon requires root priviledges.

You may also set the flags by setting env variables in the format K3SD_[FLAG] (i.e. K3SD_K3SD_CONFIGFILE=examples/k3sd.yaml) or by using a configuration file.

% k3sd --help
k3sd is the k3s management daemon.

Find more information at:

  k3sd [flags]

  -h, --help                          help for k3sd
  -f, --k3sd.configFile string       Configuration file to use.
  -l, --k3sd.listenHostPort string   TCP listen host:port. (default ":1070")

Client CLIs

There are two client CLIs, k3sserverctl and k3sagentctl.


You may also set the flags by setting env variables in the format K3SSERVER_[FLAG] (i.e. K3SSERVER_K3SSERVER_CONFIGFILE=examples/k3sserver.yaml) or by using a configuration file.

% k3sserverctl --help
k3sserverctl manages servers on k3sd, the k3s management daemon.

Find more information at:

  k3sserverctl [command]

Available Commands:
  cleanup     Clean up a server
  get         Get a resource
  help        Help about any command
  start       Start a server
  stop        Stop a server

  -h, --help   help for k3sserverctl

Use "k3sserverctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


You may also set the flags by setting env variables in the format K3SAGENT_[FLAG] (i.e. K3SAGENT_K3SAGENT_CONFIGFILE=examples/k3sagent.yaml) or by using a configuration file.

% k3sagentctl --help
k3sagentctl manages agents on k3sd, the k3s management daemon.

Find more information at:

  k3sagentctl [command]

Available Commands:
  cleanup     Clean up an agent
  help        Help about any command
  start       Start an agent
  stop        Stop an agent

  -h, --help   help for k3sagentctl

Use "k3sagentctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.


k3sd (c) 2020 Felicitas Pojtinger

SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0