Custom gRPC messages and services used by Reachy's SDK server.
Via pip:
pip install reachy-sdk-api
From source:
git clone
cd ~/reachy-sdk-api/
pip install -e python
- For Python:
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I./protos --python_out=./python/reachy_sdk_api --grpc_python_out=./python/reachy_sdk_api ./protos/*.proto
- For C#:
Open reachy_sdk.sln in Visual Studio
Click Build > Build Solution
In joint.proto:
Service: JointService
- GetAllJointsId - Return the list of all Reachy's joints ids.
- GetJointsState - Return the requested properties for the given joints.
- SendJointsCommands - Set the requested joints to the requested positions.
- StreamJointsCommands - Set continuously the requested joints to the requested positions.
- StreamJointsState - Stream the requested properties for the given joints.
Service: ArmKinematics
- ComputeArmFK - Carry out the forward kinematics computation for Reachy's arm.
- ComputeArmIK - Carry out the inverse kinematics computation for Reachy's arm.
Service: HeadKinematics
- ComputeHeadFK - Carry out the forward kinematics computation for Reachy's head.
- ComputeHeadIK - Carry out the inverse kinematics computation for Reachy's head.
Service: FullBodyCartesianCommandService
- SendFullBodyCartesianCommands - Set the joints to the requested positions given targets in cartesian coordinate system, for both arms and head of Reachy.
- StreamFullBodyCartesianCommands - Set continuously the joints to the requested positions given targets in cartesian coordinate system, for both arms and head of Reachy.
Service: CameraService
- GetImage - Return the image of the requested Reachy's camera.
Service: ZoomControllerService
- SendZoomCommand - Change Reachy's camera zoom into the requested position.
- SetZoomSpeed - Change Reachy's camera zoom speed into the requested value.
In trajectory.proto:
Service: TrajectoryService
- ComputeMinimumJerkTrajectory - Compute a trajectory with a minimum jerk interpolation between a starting and a goal position in a given time.
In sensor.proto:
Service: SensorService
- GetAllForceSensorsId - Return the list of all Reachy's sensors ids.
- GetSensorsState - Return the state of the requested sensors.
- StreamSensorStates - Stream the state of the requested sensors.
Service : MobilityService
- SendDirection - Send velocities commands to the mobile base for a predifined period of time.
- SendSetSpeed - Send velocities commands to the mobile base.
- SendGoTo - Send GoTo instruction to the mobile base.
- DistanceToGoal - Return delta x, delta y, delta theta and distance from the last goal position sent using SendGoTo.
- SetControlMode - Set the mobile base's control mode.
- GetControlMode - Get the mobile base's control mode.
- SetZuuuMode - Set the mobile base's drive mode.
- GetZuuuMode - Get the mobile base's drive mode.
- GetBatteryLevel - Get the mobile base's battery voltage.
- GetOdometry - Get the mobile base's odometry.
- ResetOdometry - Reset the mobile base's odometry.
- SetZuuuSafety - Disable / enable the mobile base's anti-collision safety provided by the Lidar.
Service : MobileBasePresenceService
- GetMobileBasePresence - Return if a mobile base is specified in Reachy config file. If yes, return the mobile base's version.
This API is part of the version 2021 software release of Reachy.
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