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Polysquare CMake Linter


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Style Guide

Polysquare CMake Linter enforces the following style guide:

Definitions should be namespaced - structure/namespace

All definitions need to be namespaced, including private definitions. CMake does not complain on symbol collisions which can lead to unexpected behavior. Prefer the following form:

function (namespace_public_function ARGUMENTS)
endfunction ()

macro (_namespace_private_macro ARGUMENTS)
endmacro ()

This check will be inert unless --namespace NS is passed on the commandline.

Single space before open-parens - style/space_before_func

This is purely aesthetic. In the author's opinion it looks better. Prefer the following:

function_call (ARGUMENTS)

instead of:


The open-parens should be followed by just a single space.

Uppercase variable names only - style/set_var_case

This is purely aesthetic. Any built-in function that sets a variable must have an uppercase sink argument.

Uppercase arguments only - style/uppercase_args

This is purely aesthetic. Any function or macro definition's arguments must only be uppercase.

Lowercase definitions only - style/lowercase_func

This is purely aesthetic. Any function or macro definition must be lowercase.

Align arguments to function calls - style/argument_align

Arguments to a function call must be aligned according to either of the following rules:

All function arguments on the same line

function_call (ONE TWO THREE)

All function arguments on a new line must fall on same line as first arg

function_call (ONE

Keyword or non-keyword arguments may appear next to a keyword argument where keyword argument began the line

function_call (KEYWORD_ONE VALUE TWO

Non-keyword arguments cannot start a line with values:

# Incorrect
function_call (ONE
               ${DEREFERENCE} OTHER)

Keyword values may overflow below last keyword value

function_call (KEYWORD_ONE VALUE
               KEYWORD_TWO VALUE

Only use double-quotes - style/doublequotes

This is also purely aesthetic. Only double-quotes should be used when using quotes to start and end a string. Single quotes can be used internally. For example, the following is valid.

function_call ("A sample string 'with single quotes' embedded inside")

Keep indentation consistent - style/indent

Nested bodies should be indented consistently. This check will be inert unless --indent LEVEL is passed on the commandline.

Quote anything that looks like a path - correctness/quotes

Any "compound literal" (that is a literal which consists of characters other than alphanumeric characters) which has slashes in it, or dereferences a variable that ends in the following:

  • PATH
  • FILE
  • DIR

must be quoted. For example:


The reason for this is that paths which are separated by spaces may be treated as separate arguments when passed down the function call chain and this can lead to unintended behavior. This is especially problematic on Windows, where the standard directory layout frequently has directories with spaces in their names.

Do not have unused private definitions - unused/private

Any private definition cannot be unused within a module. A private definition is any function or macro definition that starts with an underscore. For example, the following definition must be used:

function (_private_function)

The following definition can remain unused:

function (public_function)

No have unused-but-set variables within a body - unused/var_in_func

Any "body" (including the body of a function, macro, if, foreach or while statement) must not set a variable and then not use it later. A variable is considered to be set if it would be assigned a value as a result of calling a built-in CMake function.

No unused private variables within a module - unused/private_var

Any "private variable" at the top-level of a module (i.e not within a body) cannot be used and then not used later. A variable is considered to be set if it would be assigned a value as a result of calling a built-in CMake function. A variable is considered to be private if it starts with an underscore.

Don't use other private definitions access/other_private

A private definition which was not defined in this module cannot be used by this module.

Don't use other private variables access/private_var

A private variable which was not defined in this module cannot be used by this module.

This check tries to be smart about detecting where a private variable was defined in-scope, but it isn't by any means comprehensive. It will only check parent scopes to the extent that those parent scopes exist at a structural level and not at a call-tree level.

In the author's opinion, accessing a variable defined in a parent scope by a caller is generally bad practice - such variables should really be passed in as arguments.

Selectively disabling warnings per-line

A warning can be disabled on a line by annotating it with # NOLINT:. The text following the colon can either be the name of a specific warning to disable, or a wildcard which disables all warnings on that line. For example:

set (my_variable "Value") # NOLINT:style/set_var_case
function_call(ARGUMENT) # NOLINT:*

Command line usage

usage: polysquare-cmake-linter [-h] [--checks]
                               [--whitelist [WHITELIST [WHITELIST ...]]]
                               [--blacklist [BLACKLIST [BLACKLIST ...]]]
                               [--indent INDENT] [--namespace NAMESPACE]
                               [FILE [FILE ...]]

Lint for Polysquare style guide

positional arguments:
  FILE                  read FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --checks              list available checks
  --whitelist [WHITELIST [WHITELIST ...]]
                        list of checks that should only be run
  --blacklist [BLACKLIST [BLACKLIST ...]]
                        list of checks that should never be run
  --indent INDENT       Indent level
  --namespace NAMESPACE
                        Namespace for functions


Linter for Polysquare Style Guide







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