Building an executable version of Electrum-LTC. - Create an isolated environment: 1. go to 2. download the miniconda2 Python2.7 bash installer for OSX 3. Open a terminal window (Command + space-bar --> type Terminal) 4. "cd Downloads" 5. "bash" a. Press Enter (agree to the license agreement - space-bar until you can type "yes") b. Press Enter (confirm the location of the directory) c. Type "yes" (default path) 6. Close the Terminal window - and open a new one 7. Create a new python environment named "ltc" (or a name of your liking): a. "conda create -n ltc python" b. "source activate ltc" - Install dependencies in the environment "ltc": conda install python ## just to ensure that the latest version of python is installed conda install pyqt=4 - Download HW wallets Github dependencies, and main Electrum-LTC repo: mkdir Github cd Github ## If you don't have git installed on your system, install it with Homebrew, or MacPorts. git clone git clone git clone git clone cd python-keepkey python install ## installs Keepkey cd .. cd btchip-python python install ## installs Ledger cd .. cd python-trezor python install ## installs Trezor cd .. cd electrum-ltc pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/ python install ## installs electrum-ltc - Start electrum-ltc ## check the version electrum-ltc version ## start electrum-ltc in verbose mode electrum-ltc -v ## If something goes wrong, just ensure that the hidden directory "~/.electrum-ltc" is empty - and start electrum-ltc again (backup any previously created wallet files that may contain litecoins !!!) #### APP and DMG ####### Up to OSX El Capitan, we could also create an .app to be installed in the Application folder or to start like any other app on MacOS. The process to produce this app was as follows: Open a Terminal and navigate to the Github/electrum-ltc directory on your computer, then type: ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" python py2app --includes sip This would put in the Github/electrum-ltc/build directory. As of OSX El Capitan, double-clicking on this app icon would start Electrum-LTC. Now, doing this crashes the app.... In addition, the command to create a dmg file, once the .app file was created, was as follows: sudo hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -volname "Electrum-LTC" -srcfolder dist/ dist/electrum- Although this command still works, since the is corrupted, building the distribution package is useless.