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Homework Bot

Project Status: Unsupported – The project has reached a stable, usable state but the author(s) have ceased all work on it. A new maintainer may be desired.

Homework bot uses VK bot api and allows users to collaboratively manage homework of single class. For now it supports only russian language. Pupils can add and get homework. Added homework is visible to all pupils. One instance is intended for one class.

List of all commands:

  1. Get homework of single subject:

    • что задали по алгебре
    • дз по геометрии
  2. Get all homework:

    • что задали
    • показать все домашние задания
    • покажи все дз
    • покажи все задания
  3. Add homework:

    • русский: упр. 259, 261

    You can attach from 1 to 5 photos to message

  4. Adding new homework overrides old one. Warning: Adding homework to only next lesson is allowed.

  5. Schedule

    • расписание
    • расписание на завтра
    • расписание на неделю
  6. Get help:

    • привет
    • помощь


To run this bot you will need server with 🐳docker installed. I use Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspbian Stretch installed.

  1. Clone repo
    git clone
  2. Create Firebase project: tutorial
  3. Replace serverSecret.json with JSON file containing your service account's credentials and rename it to serverSecret.json
  4. Create a group in VK
    1. Go to -> Group manage -> Settings -> API
    2. Create access key with access to messages of the group
    3. Add server in the Callback API section and copy confirmation code
    4. Add random secret key
  5. In google-cloud-functions/functions/index.js file replace:
    1. vkSecret with secret key
    2. confirmationCode with confirmation code
  6. Install firebase-tools (if not already installed)
  7. Run in google-cloud-functions folder
    firebase init
    1. Choose only functions
  8. Run in google-cloud-functions folder
    firebase deploy
  9. In VK group API settings set server url to firebase function url (shows up after firebase deploy command)
  10. Open realtime-database.json file and:
    1. Replace accessToken value with VK access key from 4.2
    2. Add your schedule (example is there, you only need to change it)
    3. Add subjects (value of subject is a regexp, for which the bot looks in user messages)
    4. Add your time schedule (special is schedule for Saturday)
    5. Duplicate this changes to test branch
  11. Go to , choose your project, click Develop -> Database -> Realtime Database -> require auth -> press -> Import from JSON file -> upload realtime-database.json file
  12. In src/main/java/com/popov/homeworkbotserver/ replace <PROJECT-ID> with firebase project id (get from serverSecret.json file, "project_id":)
  13. 🐳Run in root of the project
    mvn clean package
    docker build -t popovanton0/homework-bot
    docker run -d -e DB_BRANCH='production' popovanton0/homework-bot

RKN Blocks

Because of the recent RKN blocks, deploying Firebase Cloud Functions and using Realtime Database in Firebase Admin SDK for Java is unavailable. But access to running Firebase Cloud Functions itself is available right now (29.04.2018). So only solution is to place server outside Russia or use proxies (I tried but no success).