Sort (cost=615.16..615.32 rows=64 width=108) (actual time=35.437..35.438 rows=64 loops=1) Sort Key: f.code, Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 34kB -> Hash Left Join (cost=610.01..613.24 rows=64 width=108) (actual time=35.359..35.398 rows=64 loops=1) Hash Cond: (pg.code = nreg.program_code) -> Hash Join (cost=32.58..35.63 rows=64 width=92) (actual time=0.050..0.080 rows=64 loops=1) Hash Cond: (pg.faculty_code = f.code) -> Hash Join (cost=2.78..5.66 rows=64 width=34) (actual time=0.033..0.053 rows=64 loops=1) Hash Cond: (pg.code = up.program_code) -> Seq Scan on program pg (cost=0.00..2.69 rows=69 width=34) (actual time=0.003..0.009 rows=69 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=1.98..1.98 rows=64 width=12) (actual time=0.019..0.019 rows=64 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 11kB -> Seq Scan on user_program up (cost=0.00..1.98 rows=64 width=12) (actual time=0.005..0.011 rows=64 loops=1) Filter: ((period_id = 1) AND (username = 'evaluator'::text)) Rows Removed by Filter: 1 -> Hash (cost=18.80..18.80 rows=880 width=64) (actual time=0.009..0.009 rows=15 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB -> Seq Scan on faculty f (cost=0.00..18.80 rows=880 width=64) (actual time=0.005..0.006 rows=15 loops=1) -> Hash (cost=576.44..576.44 rows=80 width=28) (actual time=35.300..35.300 rows=64 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 12kB -> Subquery Scan on nreg (cost=573.84..576.44 rows=80 width=28) (actual time=33.505..35.284 rows=64 loops=1) -> GroupAggregate (cost=573.84..575.64 rows=80 width=28) (actual time=33.504..35.280 rows=64 loops=1) Group Key: ch.program_code -> Sort (cost=573.84..574.04 rows=80 width=13) (actual time=33.463..34.034 rows=15902 loops=1) Sort Key: ch.program_code Sort Method: quicksort Memory: 1130kB -> Nested Loop (cost=8.47..571.31 rows=80 width=13) (actual time=0.039..29.971 rows=15902 loops=1) -> Hash Join (cost=8.19..570.83 rows=1 width=23) (actual time=0.029..5.346 rows=15902 loops=1) Hash Cond: ((ch.univ_ord = p.univ_ord) AND (ch.program_ord = p.program_ord)) -> Seq Scan on choice_1 ch (cost=0.00..449.46 rows=21557 width=31) (actual time=0.004..2.928 rows=21557 loops=1) Filter: (period_id = 1) -> Hash (cost=8.17..8.17 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.008..0.008 rows=1 loops=1) Buckets: 1024 Batches: 1 Memory Usage: 9kB -> Index Scan using period_pkey on period p (cost=0.15..8.17 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.005..0.005 rows=1 loops=1) Index Cond: (id = 1) -> Index Scan using registration_1_pkey on registration_1 r (cost=0.29..0.46 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=0.001..0.001 rows=1 loops=15902) Index Cond: ((period_id = 1) AND (regno = ch.regno))