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Renamed rearrange to permute--both the class and the method names.
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However, rearrange is still an alias for the permute method.
Made the entirety of permute a mixin instead of standalone class methods.
Added bits of whitespace all over the commented areas for consistency/cosmetics.
Ensured that YARD examples were complete for all methods that return Enumerators
Organized the spec and lib directory hierarchies to match the permute mixin.
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duper committed Feb 17, 2011
1 parent 2c1d517 commit bcbef18
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Showing 9 changed files with 195 additions and 273 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/combinatorics.rb
Expand Up @@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
require 'combinatorics/extensions'
require 'combinatorics/list_comprehension'
require 'combinatorics/power_set'
require 'combinatorics/rearrange'
require 'combinatorics/permute'
require 'combinatorics/version'
26 changes: 16 additions & 10 deletions lib/combinatorics/cartesian_product/cardinality.rb
@@ -1,18 +1,24 @@
module Combinatorics
module CartesianProduct
# Compute the number of elements a Cartesian Product will contain
# @param [Fixnum] c1 cardinality of first set
# @param [Fixnum] c2 cardinality of second set
# @raise [RangeError] c1 must be greater than zero
# @raise [RangeError] c2 must be greater than zero
# @return [Fixnum] number of elements in resulting Cartesian product set
# @example Combinatorics::CartesianProduct::cardinality(3, 4) => 12
def cardinality(c1, c2)
raise(RangeError, 'c1 must be greater than zero') if c1 <= 0
raise(RangeError, 'c2 must be greater than zero') if c2 <= 0
# @param [Fixnum] a Cardinality of first set
# @param [Fixnum] b Cardinality of second set
# @raise [RangeError] Inputs must be greater than zero
# @return [Fixnum] Length of enumeration resulting from a Cartesian product
# @example Calculate elements in Cartesian product of two equal-size sets
# cardinality(3, 4)
# # => 12
def cardinality(a, b)
raise(RangeError, 'inputs must be greater than zero') if a <= 0 or b <= 0

c1 * c2
a * b

alias len cardinality
Expand Down
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions lib/combinatorics/cartesian_product/mixin.rb
Expand Up @@ -3,24 +3,30 @@
module Combinatorics
module CartesianProduct
module Mixin
# Calculates the Cartesian product of an Enumerable object.
# @yield [subset] If a block is given, it will be passed each individual
# subset element from the Cartesian product set as a whole
# @yieldparam [Array] subset A sub-set from the Cartesian product
# @raise ArgumentError enum2 must be non-nil
# @return [Enumerator] The resulting Cartesian product set
# @yieldparam [Array] subset The sub-set from the Cartesian product
# @raise [ArgumentError] enum2 must be non-nil
# @return [Enumerator] Resulting Cartesian product set
# @example Cartesian product of an Array
# [1, 2].cartprod([3, 4])
# # => [[1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 4], [2, 4]]
# @example Cartesian product over an Array of string Array's
# ['a'].cartprod([['b'], ['c'], ['d']]).to_a
# # => [["a", "b", "c", "d"]]
# @example Three-way Cartesian product operation
# @see
# @see
def cartprod(enum2)
raise(ArgumentError, 'enum2 must be non-nil') if not enum2

Expand Down
48 changes: 35 additions & 13 deletions lib/combinatorics/choose.rb
Expand Up @@ -5,19 +5,28 @@
module Combinatorics
module Choose
include Math

# @param [Fixnum] n the number of elements in the input set
# @param [Fixnum] r cardinality of subsets to choose
# @param [Fixnum] n The number of elements in the input set
# @param [Fixnum] r Cardinality of subsets to choose
# @raise [RangeError] n must be non-negative
# @raise [RangeError] r must be non-negative
# @raise [RangeError] r must be less than or equal to n
# @return [Fixnum] the binomial coefficient of "n-choose-r"
# @example C(6, 4)
# @see
# @note This method's naming convention reflects well-known notation used
# within fields of academic inquiry such as discrete mathematics and
# set theory. It represents a function returning an integer value
# for the cardinality of a k-combination (i.e. binomial coefficient.)
def C(n, r = nil)
raise(RangeError, 'n must be non-negative') if n < 0

Expand All @@ -26,8 +35,7 @@ def C(n, r = nil)
raise(RangeError, 'r must be non-negative') if r < 0
raise(RangeError, 'r must be less than or equal to n') if r > n
return 0 if
return 1 if n == r
return 1 if or n == r

factorial(n) / (factorial(r) * factorial(n - r))
Expand All @@ -36,13 +44,19 @@ def C(n, r = nil)
alias cardinality C
alias len cardinality

# @param [Fixnum] c input set cardinality
# @return [Array] elements are cardinalities for each subset 1 .. c
# @param [Fixnum] c Input set cardinality
# @return [Array] elements are cardinalities for each subset "1" through "c"
# @raise [RangeError] c must be non-negative
# @example cardinality_all(4)
# @note sum of elements will equal factorial(c)
# @see choose
# @see
def cardinality_all(c)
return []
Expand All @@ -52,22 +66,30 @@ def cardinality_all(c)

ret = [c]

2.upto(c) { |x| ret << P(c, x) }
2.upto(c) { |x| ret << C(c, x) }


alias C_all cardinality_all
alias len_all C_all

# Get combinations with a specified number of elements from an input set
# @param [Array] s the input set
# @param [Fixnum] k cardinality of chosen subsets
# @param [Array] s The input set
# @param [Fixnum] k Cardinality of chosen subsets
# @raise [TypeError] s must be Enumerable
# @return [Enumerator] collection of k-sized combinations within input set
# @example choose([1, 2], 1).to_a => [[1], [2]]
# @example choose([1, 2], 1).to_a
# # => [[1], [2]]
# @see Array#combination
# @see Combinatorics::Rearrange::rearrange
def choose(s, k)
return [[]].enum_for if s.nil?
raise(TypeError, 's must be Enumerable') if not s.is_a?(Enumerable)
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19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions lib/combinatorics/derange.rb
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,20 @@
module Combinatorics
module Derange
include Choose, Math

# @param [Array] a sequence to output derangements for
# @return [Enumerator] set of the derangements for input sequence
# @example derange([1, 2, 3])
# @param [Array] a Sequence to output derangements for
# @return [Enumerator] Set of the derangements for input sequence
# @example Produce the derangements of a three-element Array
# derange([1, 2, 3]).to_a
# # => [[2, 1, 1], [2, 1, 2], [2, 3, 1], [2, 3, 2], [3, 1, 1], [3, 1, 2],
# [3, 3, 1], [3, 3, 2]]
# @see
# @see Array#comprehension
def derange(a)
c = []

Expand All @@ -26,6 +34,7 @@ def derange(a)

alias cardinality subfactorial
alias D subfactorial # discrete math notation
# @note The letter 'D' is formal discrete math notation for this operation
alias D subfactorial
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions lib/combinatorics/permute/array_extension.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
require 'combinatorics/permute/mixin'

class Array

include Combinatorics::Permute::Mixin

112 changes: 112 additions & 0 deletions lib/combinatorics/permute/mixin.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
# @author duper <>

require 'combinatorics/extensions/math'

module Combinatorics
module Permute
module Mixin
include Math
# Mathematically determine the number of elements in a r-permutations set
# @param [Fixnum] n The number of elements in the input set
# @param [Fixnum] r Cardinality of permuted subsets
# @raise [RangeError] n must be non-negative
# @raise [RangeError] r must be non-negative
# @raise [RangeError] r must be less than or equal to n
# @return [Fixnum] The product of the first r factors of n
# @example Calculate total 4-permutations for a set whose cardinality is 6
# P(6, 4)
# # => 360
# @see
# @note This method's naming convention reflects well-known notation used
# within fields of academic inquiry such as discrete mathematics and
# set theory. It represents a function returning an integer value
# for the cardinality of a r-permutation.
def P(n, r = nil)
raise(RangeError, 'n must be non-negative') if n < 0

if r.nil?
raise(RangeError, 'r must be non-negative') if r < 0
raise(RangeError, 'r must be less than or equal to n') if r > n
return 1 if or n == r

factorial(n) / factorial(n-r)

alias cardinality P
alias len cardinality

# Compute cardinality of all r-permutations for a set with cardinality c
# @param [Fixnum] c Input set cardinality
# @return [Array] Elements are cardinalities for each subset 1 .. c
# @raise [RangeError] c must be non-negative
# @example cardinality_all(4)
# # => [4, 3, 10, 1]
# @note sum of elements will equal factorial(c)
# @see
def cardinality_all(c)
return []
elsif c < 0
raise(RangeError, 'c must be non-negative')

ret = [c]

2.upto(c) { |x| ret << P(c, x) }


alias P_all cardinality_all
alias len_all P_all

# Enumerate distinct r-permutations for a particular sequence of elements
# @param [Array] s the input set
# @param [Fixnum] r Length of permuted subsets to return
# @return [Enumerator] k-permutations of elements from s
# @raise [TypeError] s must be Enumerable
# @example permute([1, 2], 1).to_a
# # => [[1], [2]]
# @see Array#permutation
def permute(s, r)
return [[]].enum_for if s.nil?
raise(TypeError, 's must be Enumerable') if not s.is_a?(Enumerable)
return [[]].enum_for if s.empty?


alias rearrange permute

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