This is a dumb little Gameboy demo written in gbdk I have been playing around with to get to know the system and its quirks.
It is not meant to be taken seriously, but is available for learning/extending.
Unfortunately, this has a dependency on some graphics I cannot provide in binary form due to licensing issues, so by default you will not be able to compile.
You can get there, but there are a few additional steps.
- Install gbdk for your platform from into the gbdk/ folder.
- Get a copy of gbtd from
- Using gbtd the graphics/ directory, create a file named "base_tiles.gbr"
- Set the tile size to 16x16
- Create tiles as follows:
- 0 should be blank
- 1-4 should be grass tiles
- 7-10 should combine to form a large tree (tile order: top, left, bottom, right)
- 11-13 should combine to form a large rock
- 15-18 should be solid objects
- The top left of 38 Should be a heart
- Export the tiles to graphics/base_tiles.z80 using TASM, a label of _base_tiles, From 0-40
- Create another new file named "base_sprites.gbr" in graphics/
- Set the tile size to 16x16 again
- Create tiles as follows
- 0: player still, face forward
- 1-2: Player walk forward
- 3-5 Facing right
- 6-8: Facing up
- 9-11: Facing right
- Export the sprites to graphics/base_sprites.z80 using TASM, a label of _base_sprites, From 0-16
- Using gbtd in the graphics/ directory, create a file named title_tiles.gbr With tiles for your game's title
- Export this to graphics/title_tiles.c using the setting for gbdk and a label of title_tiles
- Using gbmb in the graphics/ directory, create a file named title_map.gbr containing a map of your game's title.
- Export this to graphics/title_map.c using the setting for gbdk and a label of title_map
- Finally, go to the base directory and type "make".
Yes! Go to to play it online, or download the latest rom.