{ /* Configuration ____________________________________________ */ // enable context menu "context_menu": true, // Auto Highlight for a log file, build window "auto_highlight" : true, // Output panel list for Auto Highlight "auto_highlight_output_panel": ["exec", "git"], // log file extension "log_ext": [ ".*" ], // use ".*" for all file extensions - but can not use `Auto Highlight` // "compile" - link, summary, bookmark are usable, "system" - only for highlight "log_type": "compile", /* Options for `compile` type log ___________________________ */ // use clickable link or not "use_link": true, // search base directory automatically for relative path "search_base": { "enable" : true, // hidden folders are ignored as default, like .git, .svn "ignore_dir" : [""], // adjust when using network like samba "max_scan_path" : 1000 }, // summary panel "summary_panel": true, // show summary panel // bookmark "bookmark_enable": true, // enable/disable bookmarks "bookmark_goto_error": true, // automatically go to 1st error line /* Log Syntax, Color scheme _________________________________ */ // severity level "severity" : { // error __________________________________________________ "error" : { "enable" : true, "summary" : true, "pattern" : [ // [ "begin regex", "end regex" ] or [ "match regex", "" ] [ "^Error-\\[", "^\\s*[\\n]" ], // Error-[ ~ next empty line (multi-line) [ "^{{{LINK}}}?[^\\r\\n]*?(?i)error", "[\\r\\n]" ], // a line including case-insensitive 'error' with or without a link in front of 'error' [ "^\\w+:\\s*\\*E", "[\\r\\n]" ] // ...: *E ... (single line) // <-- Remove, Change, Add More Patterns Here --> ], "color" : { "base" : "#F92672", // error message "link" : "#E6DB74", // link in error message "quote" : "#4F99D3" // quote in error message }, "icon" : "Danish Royalty/error.png" // remove "icon" not to use icon, "dot", "circle" "bookmark" are possible }, // warning ________________________________________________ "warning" : { "enable" : true, "summary" : true, "pattern" : [ // [ "begin regex", "end regex" ] or [ "match regex", "" ] [ "^Warning-\\[", "^\\s*[\\n]" ], // Warning-[ ~ next empty line (multi-line) [ "^{{{LINK}}}?[^\\r\\n]*?(?i)warning", "[\\r\\n]" ],// a line including case-insensitive 'warning' with or without a link in front of 'warning' [ "^\\w+:\\s*\\*W", "[\\r\\n]" ] // ...: *W ... (single line) // <-- Remove, Change, Add More Patterns Here --> ], "color" : { "base" : "#A1B347", // warning message "link" : "#FD971F", // link in warning message "quote" : "#4F99D3" // quote in warning message }, "icon" : "Danish Royalty/warning.png" // remove "icon" not to use icon, "dot", "circle" "bookmark" are possible }, // info ___________________________________________________ "info" : { "enable" : true, "summary" : true, "pattern" : [ // [ "begin regex", "end regex" ] or [ "match regex", "" ] [ "^Information-\\[", "^\\s*[\\n]" ], // Information-[ ~ next empty line (multi-line) [ "^\\[INFO\\]", "[\\r\\n]" ] // [INFO] ... (single line) // <-- Remove, Change, Add More Patterns Here --> ], "color" : { "base" : "#70991f", // info message "link" : "#b36915", // link in info message "quote" : "#428a99" // quote in info message }, "icon" : "Danish Royalty/info.png" // remove "icon" not to use icon, "dot", "circle" "bookmark" are possible } // <-- Remove, Change, Add More Severity Level Here --> }, // theme color set "theme_color": { "background" : "#161C23", "foreground" : "#D7D7D7", "caret" : "#F29718", "selection" : "#3A5166", "selectionBorder" : "#181E26", "lineHighlight" : "#283240", "summary_title" : "#D7D7D7" } }