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Project Goals

Prasad Talasila edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 4 revisions

Short Term Goals

  1. Increase throughput for the application and perform detailed performance tests
  2. Improve the frontend UI to demonstrate collaborative workbench nature of the application
  3. Modify the application suitably for concurrent analysis
  4. Support for concurrent processing of a packet inside generic analyzer cell. Concurrent processing capability allows existence of multiple custom analyzers of one protocol. This would be very useful.
  5. Create a separate module for analyzer pipeline so that different analyzer configurations are supported. We would like to have the following kinds of parse graph - pipeline mappings.
    1. Existing feature of mapping union parse graph to three pipeline stages: link - network - transport.
    2. Create one pipeline stage per each node of parse graph
    3. Allow for load balancing among different stages of fixed size pipeline

Apart from above points, the following goals need to be fulfilled:

  1. Remove the dependence on jnetpcap
  2. Make the code base TDD compliant by writing unit, functional and stress tests
  3. Integrate the protocol plugin compilation step into the project
  4. Make the project DevOps compliant

Long Term Goals

  1. Make a compelling packet analyzer that competes with Wireshark and BroIDS in terms of features and performance.
  2. Support sound research / trouble shooting by fostering sharing and communication among all the team members
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