This project implements a Knob widget for the Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT).
A knob provides functionalities similar to a SWT Slider or a SWT Scale while occupying much less screen space.
A knob is rotated by clicking and dragging the mouse up or down. While a knob's selection is changed the mouse is hidden. It re-appears when then mouse button is released. This is similar to the behavior often implemented in audio editing software.
SWTKnob currently supports ranges for all primitive Java data types:
- KnobRange.Double(0d, 1d);
- KnobRange.Float(0f, 1f);
- KnobRange.Long(0l, 100l);
- KnobRange.Integer(0, 100);
- KnobRange.Character(0, 100);
When instantiated with a range for Longs, Integers or Chars and when the range between the defined minimum and maximum is small enough, a knob will display ticks reflecting the range and the indicator will snap to these ticks. A knob's value can be changed and retrieved via getters and setters, and a SelectionListener can be attached. A knob's sensitivity can be adjusted by calling Knob.setSensitivity(). The default value is 200.
SWTKnob supports keyboard navigation (e.g. via shell.setTabList(...)). Moreover, a knob can also be controlled with the keyboard. When focused, the keys '0', '1', '2', ..., '9' set a knob's value to 0%, 10%, 20%, ..., 90% of the current range. The keys '+' and '-' increase and decrease its value by 10%. Up and down keys increase and decrease its value according to the defined sensitivity. When a knob is double-clicked, a dialog is shown that allows to enter a value with they keyboard.
SWTKnob supports customizable color profiles and profiles for its input dialog. For example, a knob that is rendered differently, when it is focused can be defined as follows:
KnobColorProfile defaultProfile = KnobColorProfile.createFocusedSystemProfile(display);
KnobColorProfile focusedProfile = KnobColorProfile.createFocusedBlueRedProfile(display);
A profile for the input dialog can be used to display messages specific to the semantics of a knob's value, or for internationalization, i.e., displaying messages in different languages. For example, a German language profile can be created as follows:
KnobDialogProfile profile = new KnobDialogProfile();
profile.setMessage("Bitte geben Sie eine [type] im Bereich [range] ein:");
The string "[type]" will be replaced by the type of range (i.e., integer or decimal) and the string "[range]" will be replaced by "[minimum, maximum]".
SWTKnob has been tested on all major platforms: MS Windows, Linux and OS X (with and without Retina-Displays)
In the following example, a knob is created for integers in the range [20,60]. When the knob's selection is changed, the current value is displayed in a label.
// Create Knob
final Knob<Integer> knob = new Knob<Integer>(shell, SWT.NULL,
new KnobRange.Integer(20,60));
knob.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_BOTH));
// Create Label
final Label label = new Label(shell, SWT.NULL);
label.setLayoutData(new GridData(GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL));
// Attach
knob.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent arg0) {
label.setText("Value: "+String.valueOf(knob.getValue()));
A binary version (JAR file) is available for download here.
The according Javadoc is available for download here.
Online documentation can be found here.
EPL 1.0