Pravega Admin CLI is a tool for inspecting and exploring Pravega deployments.
- Java 11+
Checkout the source code:
git clone
cd pravega
Build the Pravega Admin CLI tool:
./gradlew distTar
Unzip the result distribution artifact:
cd build/distributions/
tar -xzvf pravega-xxx-SNAPSHOT.tar
You will find the executable file (pravega-admin
) as well as the default configuration under the
Next, we show how to use the Pravega Admin CLI tool.
Before using the Pravega Admin CLI, we first need a Pravega cluster up and running. While the simplest way is the standalone deployment, you can explore other ways of deploying Pravega in the project's documentation.
You can run the Pravega Admin CLI as follows:
The config values can be changed permanently at conf/
, or use config set property=...
to temporarily change the config for command line session only.
The initial configuration would be as follows:
Pravega Admin CLI.
Initial configuration:
From that point onwards, you can check the available commands by typing help
> help
All available commands:
bk cleanup : Removes orphan BookKeeper Ledgers that are not used by any BookKeeperLog.
bk delete-ledgers <log-id> <ledger-id>: Deletes all the ledgers for a bookkeeper log starting with and including given ledger-id as the starting index. Note that this is a destructive operation that should be used only to remove missing or corrupted ledgers that prevent a container from recovering.
bk details <log-id>: Lists metadata details about a BookKeeperLog, including BK Ledger information.
bk disable <log-id>: Disables a BookKeeperLog by open-fencing it and updating its metadata in ZooKeeper (with the Enabled flag set to 'false').
bk enable <log-id>: Enables a BookKeeperLog by updating its metadata in ZooKeeper (with the Enabled flag set to 'true').
bk list : Lists all BookKeeper Logs.
bk list-ledgers : List all the ledgers in Bookkeeper.
bk reconcile <log-id>: Allows reconstructing a BookkeeperLog metadata (stored in ZK) in case it got wiped out.
cluster get-host-by-container <container-id>: Get the Segment Store host responsible for a given container id.
cluster list-containers : Lists all the containers in the Pravega cluster and the Segment Stores responsible for them.
cluster list-instances : Lists all nodes in the Pravega cluster (Controllers, Segment Stores).
config list : Lists all configuration set during this session.
config set <name=value list>: Sets one or more config values for use during this session. Environment variables can also be provided. For example, if the variable is ENV_VARIABLE, it can be provided as name=$ENV_VARIABLE.
container continuous-recover <number-of-runs> <seconds-between-runs>: Executes a local, non-invasive recovery for all SegmentContainers in the cluster during the specified duration.
container flush-to-storage <container-id> <segmentstore-endpoint>: Persist the given Segment Container into Storage.
container recover <container-id>: Executes a local, non-invasive recovery for a SegmentContainer.
controller describe-readergroup <scope-name> <readergroup-id>: Get the details of a given ReaderGroup in a Scope.
controller delete-readergroup <scope-name> <readergroup>: Delete ReaderGroup in a given Scope.
controller describe-scope <scope-name>: Get the details of a given Scope.
controller describe-stream <scope-name> <stream-name>: Get the details of a given Stream.
controller list-readergroups <scope-name>: Lists all the existing ReaderGroups in a given Scope.
controller list-scopes : Lists all the existing scopes in the system.
controller list-streams <scope-name>: Lists all the existing Streams in a given Scope.
controller-metadata get <qualified-table-segment-name> <key> <segmentstore-endpoint> [json-file]: Get the value for the specified key from the specified controller metadata table.
controller-metadata get-reader <host-id> <reader-group-name> <reader-id>: Get the reader metadata of reader belonging to internal reader group for a particular controller host
controller-metadata request-detail <host-id> <request-uuid>: Get the pending event detail for a request in a particular controller host.
controller-metadata list-entries <qualified-table-segment-name> <entry-count> <segmentstore-endpoint>: List at most the required number of entries from the controller metadata table. Unsupported for stream metadata tables.
controller-metadata list-keys <qualified-table-segment-name> <key-count> <segmentstore-endpoint>: List at most the required number of keys from the controller metadata table.
controller-metadata tables-info : List all the controller metadata tables.
controller-metadata update <qualified-table-segment-name> <key> <segmentstore-endpoint> <new-value-file>: Update the given key in the table with the provided value.
data-recovery durableLog-inspect <container-id> <filename>: Inspects the state of the DurableLog from the storage depending on the given criteria and save it in given filename.
data-recovery durableLog-recovery : Recovers the state of the DurableLog from the storage.
data-recovery durableLog-repair <container-id>: Allows to repair DurableLog damaged/corrupted Operations.
data-recovery list-segments : Lists segments from storage with their name, length and sealed status.
password create-password-file <filename> <user:passwword:acl>: Generates file with encrypted password using filename and user:password:acl given as argument.
readerGroup parse-rg-stream <scope> <reader-group-name> <segmentstore-endpoint> <file-name>: Parse ReaderGroup Stream into a file
segmentstore get-segment-attribute <qualified-segment-name> <attribute-id> <segmentstore-endpoint>: Gets an attribute for a Segment.
segmentstore get-segment-info <qualified-segment-name> <segmentstore-endpoint>: Get the details of a given Segment.
segmentstore read-segment <qualified-segment-name> <offset> <length> <segmentstore-endpoint> <file-name>: Read a range from a given Segment into given file.
segmentstore update-segment-attribute <qualified-segment-name> <attribute-id> <attribute-new-value> <attribute-old-value> <segmentstore-endpoint>: Updates an attribute for a Segment.
storage list-chunks <qualified-segment-name> <segmentstore-endpoint>: Get the list of storage chunks for the given segment.
storage update-latest-journal-snapshot <segment-chunks-path> <journal-file-path> <latest-snapshot-path> <output-directory>: Updates the segment metadata in Journal Snapshot with the segment details in the provided path
table-segment get <qualified-table-segment-name> <key> <segmentstore-endpoint>: Get the entry for the given key in the table.Use the command "table-segment set-serializer <serializer-name>" to use the appropriate serializer before using this command.
table-segment get-info <qualified-table-segment-name> <segmentstore-endpoint>: Get the details of a given table.
table-segment list-keys <qualified-table-segment-name> <key-count> <segmentstore-endpoint>: List at most the required number of keys from the table segment.
table-segment modify <qualified-table-segment-name> <segmentstore-endpoint> <key> <value>: Modify the entry for the given key in the table using the given field info.Use the command "table-segment set-serializer <serializer-name>" to use the appropriate serializer before using this command.
table-segment put <qualified-table-segment-name> <segmentstore-endpoint> <key> <value>: Update the given key in the table with the provided value.Use the command "table-segment set-serializer <serializer-name>" to use the appropriate serializer before using this command.
table-segment set-serializer <serializer-name>: Set the serializer for keys and values that are obtained from, and updated to table segments.
And execute any of them:
> controller list-scopes
> controller list-readergroups _system
You can also execute the Pravega Admin CLI in "batch mode" by passing a command directly as a parameter:
./bin/pravega-cli controller list-scopes
Pravega Admin CLI.
Initial configuration:
Note that if you are using the standalone deployment, Bookkeeper commands (and others) will not be available. For this reason, we encourage you to go a step further and deploy a full Pravega cluster to explore the whole functionality of Pravega Admin CLI.
The Pravega Admin CLI needs to be executed from inside the Kubernetes cluster, as it requires to reach the services that form a Pravega cluster.
To this end, you can either start a new pod in the cluster and build the tool, or log into a Pravega server pod that already has the Pravega Admin CLI built in. In this section, we will assume the latter option and describe how to use the Pravega Admin CLI from within existing Pravega server pods.
You can access a Segment Store pod in the following way:
kubectl exec pravega-pravega-segment-store-0 -it bash
Once in the pod, you can run the Pravega Admin CLI:
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option MaxRAMFraction was deprecated in version 10.0 and will likely be removed in a future release.
Pravega Admin CLI.
Exception reading input properties file: null
Initial configuration:
The initial configuration needs to be modified according to the information of your cluster by accessing the properties file (./conf/
) or using config set
For example, this is the configuration we used on a new Pravega cluster deployed via Helm chart as described in the Pravega Operator documentation:
config list
If your cluster has a custom configuration that changes the default parameters needed by the Pravega Admin CLI, you will need to set these parameters in the CLI configuration. In the case you are not aware of the configuration of the Pravega cluster, one way of gathering such information is just querying the beginning of the Segment Store log:
kubectl logs pravega-pravega-segment-store-0 | grep -i <parameter-to-look-for>
The following required config values can be found in the logs:
Once the config file is updated, the Pravega Admin CLI will be able to connect to your Pravega cluster and run commands.
The following commands are available for dealing with controller metadata:
controller-metadata get <qualified-table-segment-name> <key> <segmentstore-endpoint> [json-file]: Get the value for the specified key from the specified controller metadata table.
controller-metadata list-entries <qualified-table-segment-name> <entry-count> <segmentstore-endpoint>: List at most the required number of entries from the controller metadata table. Unsupported for stream metadata tables.
controller-metadata list-keys <qualified-table-segment-name> <key-count> <segmentstore-endpoint>: List at most the required number of keys from the controller metadata table.
controller-metadata tables-info : List all the controller metadata tables.
controller-metadata update <qualified-table-segment-name> <key> <segmentstore-endpoint> <new-value-file>: Update the given key in the table with the provided value.
Information regarding the different types of tables can be obtained by running the tables-info
> controller-metadata tables-info
metadata.#.<id> --> Table name format: '_system/_tables/<scope-name>/<stream-name>/metadata.#.<stream-uuid>'.
Stores stream properties like state, current epoch number, creation time, etc.
eg: _system/_tables/testScope/testStream/metadata.#.a747afe8-2eb7-4666-bedd-cffe1cac5e25
epochsWithTransactions.#.<id> --> Table name format: '_system/_tables/<scope-name>/<stream-name>/epochsWithTransactions.#.<stream-uuid>'.
Stores the epoch numbers for transactions.
eg: _system/_tables/testScope/testStream/epochsWithTransactions.#.cbc7b593-8743-4355-8703-e2c01f27c765
writersPositions.#.<id> --> Table name format: '_system/_tables/<scope-name>/<stream-name>/writersPositions.#.<stream-uuid>'.
Stores the writers' mark positions during watermarking.
eg: _system/_tables/testScope/testStream/writersPositions.#.971ca637-cfc9-43c1-b337-25234d104885
transactionsInEpoch-<epoch>.#.<id> --> Table name format: '_system/_tables/<scope-name>/<stream-name>/transactionsInEpoch-<stream-epoch>.#.<stream-uuid>'.
Stores the set of active transactions in an epoch.
eg: _system/_tables/testScope/testStream/transactionsInEpoch-1.#.4e3abd3b-9b27-4c18-abb3-1850ed100576
completedTransactionsBatches --> Table name format: '_system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatches'.
Stores the completed transactions' batch numbers.
eg: _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatches
completedTransactionsBatch-<batch> --> Table name format: '_system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-<batch>'.
Stores the set of completed transactions.
eg: _system/_tables/completedTransactionsBatch-2
deletedStreams --> Table name format: '_system/_tables/deletedStreams'.
Stores the set of deleted streams and their last segment number.
eg: _system/_tables/deletedStreams
The records/values can be queried from these tables using the get
command. This command queries the required key from the table.
Based on the arguments provided, the record can be either, output to the console as a user-friendly string, or saved to a file in JSON format, i.e.,
if the optional JSON file argument is provided.
> controller-metadata get _system/_tables/testScope/testStream/metadata.#.e81e4540-fc82-443d-b04e-fc9b073eaa97 configuration localhost
For the given key: configuration
StreamConfigurationRecord metadata info:
scope = testScope
streamName = testStream
streamConfiguration =
scalingPolicy = ScalingPolicy(scaleType=FIXED_NUM_SEGMENTS, targetRate=0, scaleFactor=0, minNumSegments=4)
retentionPolicy = null
timestampAggregationTimeout = 0
tags = []
rolloverSizeBytes = 0
updating = false
tagOnlyUpdate = false
removeTags = []
> controller-metadata get _system/_tables/testScope/testStream/metadata.#.e81e4540-fc82-443d-b04e-fc9b073eaa97 configuration localhost test/config.json
For the given key: configuration
Successfully wrote the value to test/config.json in JSON.
where the file test/config.json
"scope": "testScope",
"streamName": "testStream",
"streamConfiguration": {
"scalingPolicy": {
"scaleType": "FIXED_NUM_SEGMENTS",
"targetRate": 0,
"scaleFactor": 0,
"minNumSegments": 4
"retentionPolicy": null,
"timestampAggregationTimeout": 0,
"tags": [],
"rolloverSizeBytes": 0
"updating": false,
"tagOnlyUpdate": false,
"removeTags": []
These records/values can be updated using the update
command. This command takes the updated record as a file in JSON format.
The record can be obtained in JSON format using the get
command as detailed above, this JSON file can be updated and then fed into the update
Below test/config.json
was changed to make minNumSegments
> controller-metadata update _system/_tables/testScope/testStream/metadata.#.e81e4540-fc82-443d-b04e-fc9b073eaa97 configuration localhost test/config.json
Successfully updated the key configuration in table _system/_tables/testScope/testStream/metadata.#.e81e4540-fc82-443d-b04e-fc9b073eaa97 with version 1020
> controller-metadata get _system/_tables/testScope/testStream/metadata.#.e81e4540-fc82-443d-b04e-fc9b073eaa97 configuration localhost
For the given key: configuration
StreamConfigurationRecord metadata info:
scope = testScope
streamName = testStream
streamConfiguration =
scalingPolicy = ScalingPolicy(scaleType=FIXED_NUM_SEGMENTS, targetRate=0, scaleFactor=0, minNumSegments=10)
retentionPolicy = null
timestampAggregationTimeout = 0
tags = []
rolloverSizeBytes = 0
updating = false
tagOnlyUpdate = false
removeTags = []
Note: This command performs a conditional update on the record. This can fail if the record is updated before the CLI's update request. In such cases, the user can retry by running the command once again.
The Pravega Admin CLI now provides a set of debug and repair commands (prefixed with segmentstore
These commands are a low level interface for an administrator/developer to interact directly with Segments. This
is useful in the cases where data has been lost/corrupted, and the system requires manual intervention to recover.
In a nutshell, segmentstore
commands send WireCommands
(i.e., Pravega network protocol messages) to a service
listening in Segment Store instances, namely the Pravega Admin Gateway. The main goal behind this new client-server
communication channel is to allow us bypassing some constraints applied to regular Pravega clients (e.g., interact
with _system
segments, directly send request to specific Segment Stores), as well as to extend the administration
commands without impacting regular clients.
Next, we describe the points to take into account if a new segmentstore
admin command needs to de developed from scratch:
Add the command in
: As the goal is to add a new administration command, the first extension point if the definition of available Pravega protocol commands. Note that adding one command in that definitions does not break the protocol for regular clients and servers. By convention, we suggest adding new admin commands inWireCommands
using ids in the negative range, as they are mostly available (i.e., from -126 up to -3), given that regular commands mostly use positive ids. -
The first set of available
commands are existing commands. To handle request and replies, we use an existing module that already does the job (SegmentHelper
) for such common requests. When thinking about new, admin-specific commands, we need to extend this functionality without impacting the existing code. To this end, a possibility can be to create a similar class toSegmentHelper
for admin-specific commands (perhaps extending it to reuse most of the common logic to manageWireCommand
requests). In this class, we can implement the handling of new types of requests and replies that are specific for the Pravega Admin CLI. -
We also need to add a new method to process the new
in theAdminRequestProcessor
interface and provide the appropriate implementation inAdminRequestProcessorImpl
. -
The last step would be to add each new
command as a separate class in the package where the existing commands are already placed.
Make sure to update the following fields in the configuration to enable tls ad auth in the cli:
Set above fields to match the username, password, and certificate location in the environment.
If you find any issue or you have any suggestion, please report an issue to this repository.