An R package for modeling and forecasting direct-contact and vector-borne infectious diseases.
> library(devtools)
> install_git(url="", subdir="dice")
NOTE: This method is convenient, but it may still be worthwhile to download the repository (see next subsection) to a user directory. The scripts in examples/ directory and the manual (dice/vignettes/dice.pdf) are quite useful.
Navigate to your preferred directory
$ cd mydir
Download the repository from GitHub (requires git command line tools)
$ git clone
Navigate into the local repo directory
$ cd DICE4
Use python script to compile from source
$ ./
NOTE: If you do not wish to or cannot install DICE globally, it can also be installed to a local R-library using 'R CMD build dice' and 'R CMD INSTALL -l /my_lib_loc dice'
Some users report trouble installing the package 'sf' from source code. Installation from binaries is generally sufficient for DICE. The package 'sf' is a sub-dependency of DICE (DICE->cdcfluview->sf). Installation of 'sf' from source requires proper installation and configuration of GDAL( The GDAL capabilities of sf are not utilized for cdcfluview/DICE.
In general, the scripts in examples/ are a good way to get started and the manual dice/vignettes/dice.pdf contains much more detailed information along with some walk-throughs. Help pages for DICE and runDICE are also good starting points:
> library(DICE)
> ?runDICE