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add support to ignore specified functions during profiling; more tests
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git-svn-id: c90b9560-bf6c-de11-be94-00142212c4b1
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kannan committed May 27, 2009
1 parent a693abf commit 292d183
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Showing 8 changed files with 757 additions and 49 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions CHANGELOG
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
Modification History:

*** NOTE ***
This file contains the CHANGELOG for the initial release. For subsequent
releases, the CHANGLELOG is maintained in the package.xml file itself.
Please edit package.xml instead.

03/02/2008 kannan, checkin xhprof_html/ and xhprof_lib/ directories.
cjiang [These contain PHP sources for the UI as well
as various supporting libraries to compute
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion extension/tests/xhprof_005.phpt
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Author: Kannan
// Some coarse grained sanity tests for the time just
// to make sure profiler's timer implementation isn't
// way off.
// The test allows for gives a 25% margin of error.
// The test allows for a 25% margin of error.

include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/common.php';
Expand Down
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions extension/tests/xhprof_006.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
XHPRrof: Basic Sampling Test
Author: mpal

include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/common.php';

function individual_strings($limit) {
$sum = 0;
$t1 = microtime(true);
$half = $limit/2;
for ($idx = 0; $idx < $limit; $idx++) {
$query = 'SELECT ';
if ($idx < $half) {
$query .= 'first_half';
} else {
$query .= 'second_half';
$query .= ' FROM database';
$sum += strlen($query);
$t2 = microtime(true);
$delta = $t2 - $t1;
return $delta;

function folded_strings($limit) {
$sum = 0;
$t1 = microtime(true);
$half = $limit/2;
for ($idx = 0; $idx < $limit; $idx++) {
if ($idx < $half) {
$query = 'SELECT first_half FROM database';
} else {
$query = 'SELECT second_half FROM database';
$sum += strlen($query);
$t2 = microtime(true);
$delta = $t2 - $t1;
return $delta;

function foo($x) {
$time_individual = individual_strings($x);
$time_folded = folded_strings($x);
$time_total = $time_individual + $time_folded;
$percent_individual = ($time_individual / $time_total) * 100;
$percent_folded = ($time_folded / $time_total) * 100;
echo "Test Case : Percent of Total Time\n";
echo "Individual :" /* . " $percent_individual" */ . "\n";
echo "Folded :" /* . " $percent_folded" */ . "\n";
return strlen("hello: {$x}");

// 1: Sanity test a sampling profile run
echo "Part 1: Sampling Profile\n";
$output = xhprof_sample_disable();

echo "Part 1: output\n";
echo "In general, sampling output depends upon execution speed.\n";
echo "Currently checking that this runs to completion.\n";
// print_r($output);
echo "\n";

Part 1: Sampling Profile
Test Case : Percent of Total Time
Individual :
Folded :
Part 1: output
In general, sampling output depends upon execution speed.
Currently checking that this runs to completion.

274 changes: 274 additions & 0 deletions extension/tests/xhprof_007.phpt
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
XHPRrof: Test excluding call_user_func and similar functions
Author: mpal

include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/common.php';

$xhprof_ignored_functions = array( 'ignored_functions' =>
function bar() {
return 1;

function foo($x) {
$sum = 0;
for ($idx = 0; $idx < 2; $idx++) {
$sum += bar();
echo "hello: {$x}\n" ;
return strlen("hello: {$x}");

function foo_array($x1, $x2 = 'test') {
$sum = 0;
$x = array($x1, $x2);
foreach ($x as $idx) {
$sum += bar();
echo "hello: " . $x[0] . $x[1] . "\n";
return strlen("hello: {$x[0]} {$x[1]}");

function my_call_user_func_safe($function, $args = 'my_safe') {
if (!is_callable($function, true)) {
throw new Exception('my_call_user_func_safe() invoked without ' .
'a valid callable.');

call_user_func($function, array($args));

function my_call_user_func_array_safe($function, $args = array()) {
if (!is_callable($function, true)) {
throw new Exception('my_call_user_func_array_safe() invoked without ' .
'a valid callable.');

call_user_func_array($function, $args);

class test_call_user_func {
function test_call_user_func($test_func = 'foo',
$arg1 = 'user_func test') {
call_user_func($test_func, $arg1);

function test_call_user_func_array($test_func = 'foo_array',
$arg1 = array(0 => 'user_func_array',
'test')) {
call_user_func_array($test_func, $arg1);

function test_my_call_user_func_safe($test_func = 'foo',
$arg1 = 'my_user_func_safe test') {
my_call_user_func_safe($test_func, $arg1);

function test_my_call_user_func_array_safe(
$test_func = 'foo_array',
$arg1 = array('my_user_func_array_safe',
'test')) {
my_call_user_func_array_safe($test_func, $arg1);

// 1: Sanity test a simple profile run
echo "Part 1: Default Flags\n";
xhprof_enable(0, $xhprof_ignored_functions);
foo("this is a test");
$array_arg = array();
$array_arg[] = 'calling ';
$array_arg[] = 'foo_array';

$output = xhprof_disable();
echo "Part 1 output:\n";
echo "\n";

// 2a: Sanity test ignoring call_user_func
echo "Part 2a: Ignore call_user_func\n";
xhprof_enable(0, $xhprof_ignored_functions);
$indirect_foo = new test_call_user_func('foo');
$output = xhprof_disable();
echo "Part 2a output:\n";
echo "\n";

// 2b: Confirm that profiling without parameters still works
echo "Part 2b: Standard profile without parameters\n";
$indirect_foo = new test_call_user_func('foo');
$output = xhprof_disable();
echo "Part 2b output:\n";
echo "\n";

// 2c: Confirm that empty array of ignored functions works
echo "Part 2c: Standard profile with empty array of ignored functions\n";
xhprof_enable(0, array());
$indirect_foo = new test_call_user_func('foo');
$output = xhprof_disable();
echo "Part 2c output:\n";
echo "\n";

// 3: Sanity test ignoring call_user_func_array
echo "Part 3: Ignore call_user_func_array\n";
xhprof_enable(XHPROF_FLAGS_CPU, $xhprof_ignored_functions);
test_call_user_func_array('foo_array', $array_arg);
$output = xhprof_disable();
echo "Part 3 output:\n";
echo "\n";

// 4: Sanity test ignoring my_call_user_func_safe
echo "Part 4: Ignore my_call_user_func_safe\n";
xhprof_enable(0, $xhprof_ignored_functions);
$output = xhprof_disable();
echo "Part 4 output:\n";
echo "\n";

// 5a: Sanity test ignoring my_call_user_func_array_safe and strlen
echo "Part 5a: Ignore my_call_user_func_array_safe and strlen\n";
$tmp1 = $xhprof_ignored_functions['ignored_functions'];
$tmp1[] = 'strlen';
$ignore_strlen_also = array('ignored_functions' => $tmp1);
xhprof_enable(XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY, $ignore_strlen_also);
$output = xhprof_disable();
echo "Part 5a output:\n";
echo "\n";

// 5b: Sanity test to not ignore call_user_func variants
echo "Part 5b: Profile call_user_func_array and my_call_user_func_array_safe\n";
xhprof_enable(XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY, array());
$output = xhprof_disable();
echo "Part 5b output:\n";
echo "\n";

// 5c: Sanity test to only ignore my_call_user_func_array_safe
echo "Part 5c: Only ignore call_user_func_array\n";
$xhprof_ignored_functions = array('ignored_functions' =>
xhprof_enable(XHPROF_FLAGS_MEMORY, $xhprof_ignored_functions);
$output = xhprof_disable();
echo "Part 5c output:\n";
echo "\n";

Part 1: Default Flags
hello: this is a test
hello: Arraytest
Part 1 output:
foo==>bar : ct= 2; wt=*;
foo==>strlen : ct= 1; wt=*;
foo_array==>bar : ct= 2; wt=*;
foo_array==>strlen : ct= 1; wt=*;
main() : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>foo : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>foo_array : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>xhprof_disable : ct= 1; wt=*;

Part 2a: Ignore call_user_func
hello: user_func test
Part 2a output:
foo==>bar : ct= 2; wt=*;
foo==>strlen : ct= 1; wt=*;
main() : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>test_call_user_func::test_call_user_func: ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>xhprof_disable : ct= 1; wt=*;
test_call_user_func::test_call_user_func==>foo: ct= 1; wt=*;

Part 2b: Standard profile without parameters
hello: user_func test
Part 2b output:
call_user_func==>foo : ct= 1; wt=*;
foo==>bar : ct= 2; wt=*;
foo==>strlen : ct= 1; wt=*;
main() : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>test_call_user_func::test_call_user_func: ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>xhprof_disable : ct= 1; wt=*;
test_call_user_func::test_call_user_func==>call_user_func: ct= 1; wt=*;

Part 2c: Standard profile with empty array of ignored functions
hello: user_func test
Part 2c output:
call_user_func==>foo : ct= 1; wt=*;
foo==>bar : ct= 2; wt=*;
foo==>strlen : ct= 1; wt=*;
main() : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>test_call_user_func::test_call_user_func: ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>xhprof_disable : ct= 1; wt=*;
test_call_user_func::test_call_user_func==>call_user_func: ct= 1; wt=*;

Part 3: Ignore call_user_func_array
hello: calling foo_array
Part 3 output:
foo_array==>bar : cpu=*; ct= 2; wt=*;
foo_array==>strlen : cpu=*; ct= 1; wt=*;
main() : cpu=*; ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>test_call_user_func_array : cpu=*; ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>xhprof_disable : cpu=*; ct= 1; wt=*;
test_call_user_func_array==>foo_array : cpu=*; ct= 1; wt=*;

Part 4: Ignore my_call_user_func_safe
hello: Array
Part 4 output:
foo==>bar : ct= 2; wt=*;
foo==>strlen : ct= 1; wt=*;
main() : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>test_my_call_user_func_safe : ct= 1; wt=*;
main()==>xhprof_disable : ct= 1; wt=*;
test_my_call_user_func_safe==>foo : ct= 1; wt=*;
test_my_call_user_func_safe==>is_callable: ct= 1; wt=*;

Part 5a: Ignore my_call_user_func_array_safe and strlen
hello: my_user_func_array_safetest
Part 5a output:
foo_array==>bar : ct= 2; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
main() : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
main()==>test_my_call_user_func_array_safe: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
main()==>xhprof_disable : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
test_my_call_user_func_array_safe==>foo_array: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
test_my_call_user_func_array_safe==>is_callable: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;

Part 5b: Profile call_user_func_array and my_call_user_func_array_safe
hello: my_user_func_array_safetest
Part 5b output:
call_user_func_array==>foo_array : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
foo_array==>bar : ct= 2; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
foo_array==>strlen : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
main() : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
main()==>test_my_call_user_func_array_safe: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
main()==>xhprof_disable : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
my_call_user_func_array_safe==>call_user_func_array: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
my_call_user_func_array_safe==>is_callable: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
test_my_call_user_func_array_safe==>my_call_user_func_array_safe: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;

Part 5c: Only ignore call_user_func_array
hello: my_user_func_array_safetest
Part 5c output:
call_user_func_array==>foo_array : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
foo_array==>bar : ct= 2; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
foo_array==>strlen : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
main() : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
main()==>test_my_call_user_func_array_safe: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
main()==>xhprof_disable : ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
test_my_call_user_func_array_safe==>call_user_func_array: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;
test_my_call_user_func_array_safe==>is_callable: ct= 1; mu=*; pmu=*; wt=*;

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