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Creating custom views

This page describes how to provide a custom view from within your plugin. Before you start reading this page, please read and understand how URL handling <urlconf> works in pretalx.

Orga panel views

If you want to add a custom view to the organiser area of an event, register an URL in your that lives in the /orga/ subpath:

from django.conf.urls import url

from pretalx.event.models.event import SLUG_CHARS

from . import views

urlpatterns = [
        views.admin_view, name='backend'),
        views.frontend_view, name='frontend'),
        views.global_view, name='global-frontend'),

If your view is event-specific, you have to name one parameter in your URL event. By convention, all plugin URLs except for backend URLs start with a /p/ to avoid namespace collisions with event names and reserved URLs.

You can then write a regular view. Our middleware will automatically detect the /orga/ subpath and will ensure the following points if this is an URL with the event parameter:

  • The user has logged in
  • The request.event attribute contains the current event
  • The user has permission to view the current event

If you want to require specific permission types, we provide you with a decorator or a mixin for your views:

from pretalx.common.mixins.views import PermissionRequired

class AdminView(PermissionRequired, View):
    permission_required = 'can_view_orders'


There is also a signal that allows you to add the view to the event sidebar navigation like this:

from django.core.urlresolvers import resolve, reverse
from django.dispatch import receiver
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from pretalx.orga.signals import nav_event

@receiver(nav_event, dispatch_uid='friends_tickets_nav')
def navbar_info(sender, request, **kwargs):
    url = resolve(request.path_info)
    if not request.user.has_perm('can_see_orga_area', request.event):
        return []
    return [{
        'label': _('My plugin view'),
        'icon': 'heart',
        'url': reverse('plugins:myplugin:index', kwargs={
            'event': request.event.slug,
        'active': url.namespace == 'plugins:myplugin' and url.url_name == 'view',

Frontend views

Frontend views work pretty much like organiser area views. Take care that your URL starts with /(P?P<event>[\]+)/, or even better, /(P?P<event>[\]+)/p/. You can then write a regular view. It will be automatically ensured that:

  • The requested event exists
  • The requested event is visible (either by being public, or if an organiser looks at it)
  • The request involves the correct domain for the event
  • The request.event attribute contains the correct Event object
  • The organiser has enabled the plugin
  • The locale middleware has processed the request