process.env.LOG_LEVEL='trace' "trace" prettier-eslint [TRACE]: called format with options: Object { "filePath": "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/src/modules/reports/client/controllers/reports.client.offers.controller.js", "prettierLast": false, "text": "/* eslint-disable no-undef */ angular.module('reports').controller('ReportsOffersCtrl', [ '$scope', '$moment', 'Reports', '$log', 'toastr', ($scope, $moment, Reports, $log, toastr) => { function initCalendar() { $scope.startDate = $moment().startOf('month').toDate(); $scope.endDate = $moment().endOf('month').toDate(); $scope.rangeOptions = { ranges: { Today: [$moment(), $moment()], Yesterday: [$moment().subtract(1, 'days'), $moment().subtract(1, 'days')], 'Last 7 Days': [$moment().subtract(7, 'days'), $moment()], 'Last 30 Days': [$moment().subtract(29, 'days'), $moment()], 'This Month': [$moment().startOf('month'), $moment().endOf('month')], 'Last Month': [ $moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), $moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month'), ], }, opens: 'right', drops: 'down', startDate: $moment().startOf('month'), endDate: $moment().endOf('month'), parentEl: '#content', }; } function getLastSyncDate() { Reports.getLastSyncDate() .$promise.then(res => { $scope.lastSyncDate = res.lastSyncDate; }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting lastSyncDate , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } function getOfferQuantity(offer) { const mainProductQty = offer.mainProduct.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell1ProductQty = offer.upsell1.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell2ProductQty = offer.upsell2.totalQuantity || 0; const chiseledProductQty = offer.chiseled.totalQuantity || 0; return mainProductQty + upsell1ProductQty + upsell2ProductQty + chiseledProductQty; } function getOfferGrossSales(offer) { const mainProductGrossSales = offer.mainProduct.grossSales || 0; const upsell1ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell1.grossSales || 0; const upsell2ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell2.grossSales || 0; const chiseledProductGrossSales = offer.chiseled.grossSales || 0; return ( mainProductGrossSales + upsell1ProductGrossSales + upsell2ProductGrossSales + chiseledProductGrossSales ); } function getAvgSaleUnit(grossSales, quantity) { if (grossSales && quantity && quantity > 0) { return grossSales / quantity; } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverViews(orders, views) { if (views && orders) { return (orders / views * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverOrders(orders1, orders2) { if (orders1 && orders2) { return (orders2 / orders1 * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getOfferViews(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.views || 0; } function getOfferOrders(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.totalOrders || 0; } function getProductWithoutConversion(product) { return { ...product, option1: { ...product.option1, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option1.grossSales, product.option1.totalQuantity), }, option2: { ...product.option2, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option2.grossSales, product.option2.totalQuantity), }, option3: { ...product.option3, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option3.grossSales, product.option3.totalQuantity), }, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.grossSales, product.totalQuantity), }; } function getMainProduct(product) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverViews(product.totalOrders, product.views), }; } function getUpsellProduct(product, offerOrders) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, product.totalOrders), }; } function getOffersReport(startDate, endDate) { Reports.offers({ startDate, endDate, }) .$promise.then(res => { $scope.offers = => { const offerGrossSales = getOfferGrossSales(offer); const offerTotalQuantity = getOfferQuantity(offer); const offerViews = getOfferViews(offer); const offerOrders = getOfferOrders(offer); return { ...offer, mainProduct: getMainProduct(offer.mainProduct), chiseled: { ...offer.chiseled, conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, offer.chiseled.totalOrders), avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offer.chiseled.grossSales, offer.chiseled.totalQuantity), }, upsell1: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell1, offerOrders), upsell2: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell2, offerOrders), views: offerViews, orders: offerOrders, conversion: getConversionOverViews(offerOrders, offerViews), grossSales: offerGrossSales, totalQuantity: offerTotalQuantity, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offerGrossSales, offerTotalQuantity), }; }); }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${err}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } $scope.refreshData = (startDate, endDate) => { getOffersReport(startDate, endDate); getLastSyncDate(); }; $scope.drillDown = row => { row.isDrilledDown = !row.isDrilledDown; }; $scope.syncWithCt = () => { Reports.syncWithCt() .$promise.then(() => { toastr.success('Sync has been scheduled. Please refresh the report after 30 seconds'); }) .catch(err => { if (err.status === 422) { toastr.error(; } else { toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); $log.error(`Error syncing with CT , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } }); }; function compare(field1, field2) { if (field1 > field2) { return 1; } if (field1 < field2) { return -1; } return 0; } $scope.sort = (offers, field, ascending) => { let offersSorted; if (ascending) { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off1[field], off2[field])); } else { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off2[field], off1[field])); } $scope.offers = offersSorted; $scope.sortBy.field = field; $scope.sortBy.ascending = ascending; }; function init() { initCalendar(); $scope.refreshData($scope.startDate, $scope.endDate); } init(); }, ]); ", } prettier-eslint [TRACE]: creating ESLint CLI Engine to get the config for "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/src/modules/reports/client/controllers/reports.client.offers.controller.js" prettier-eslint [TRACE]: requiring eslint module at "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint/lib/api.js" prettier-eslint [DEBUG]: getting eslint config for file at "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/src/modules/reports/client/controllers/reports.client.offers.controller.js" prettier-eslint [TRACE]: eslint config for "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/src/modules/reports/client/controllers/reports.client.offers.controller.js" received Object { "ecmaFeatures": Object {}, "env": Object { "amd": false, "browser": true, "es6": true, "jasmine": true, "mocha": false, "node": true, }, "extends": Array [ "airbnb/base", "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-base/rules/es6.js", "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-base/rules/legacy.js", 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prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"prefer-rest-params":2} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"prefer-template":2} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"require-yield":0} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"sort-imports":0} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"template-curly-spacing":2} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"yield-star-spacing":[2,"after"]} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"import/export":2} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"import/default":0} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"import/extensions":[0,"never"]} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"import/named":0} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"import/namespace":0} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"import/no-extraneous-dependencies":[0,{"devDependencies":false,"optionalDependencies":false}]} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: 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relevant rules: {"import/no-mutable-exports":2} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: adding to relevant rules: {"strict":2} prettier-eslint [TRACE]: The max-len rule is configured with a non-object value of 100. Using that value. prettier-eslint [TRACE]: The indent rule is configured with a non-object value of 2. Using that value. prettier-eslint [DEBUG]: The parser rule is not configured, using default of babylon prettier-eslint [TRACE]: The quotes rule is configured with a non-object value of single. Using that value. prettier-eslint [TRACE]: The comma-dangle rule is configured with a non-object value of always-multiline. Using that value. prettier-eslint [TRACE]: The object-curly-spacing rule is configured with a non-object value of always. Using that value. prettier-eslint [TRACE]: The semi rule is configured with a non-object value of always. Using that value. prettier-eslint [TRACE]: The indent rule is configured with a non-object value of 2. Using that value. prettier-eslint [DEBUG]: The useTabs rule is not configured, using default of false prettier-eslint [DEBUG]: inferred options: Object { "eslintConfig": Object { "ecmaFeatures": Object {}, "env": Object { "amd": false, "browser": true, "es6": true, "jasmine": true, "mocha": false, "node": true, }, "extends": Array [ "airbnb/base", "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-base/rules/es6.js", "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-base/rules/legacy.js", "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-base/rules/node.js", "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-base/rules/style.js", "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint-config-airbnb-base/rules/variables.js", ], "fix": true, "globals": Array [], "parser": "", "parserOptions": Object { "ecmaFeatures": Object { "experimentalObjectRestSpread": true, "generators": false, "globalReturn": true, "objectLiteralDuplicateProperties": false, }, "ecmaVersion": 6, "sourceType": "module", }, "plugins": Array [ "import", "jasmine", ], "rules": Object { "accessor-pairs": 0, "array-bracket-spacing": Array [ 2, "never", ], "array-callback-return": 2, "arrow-body-style": Array [ "off", "as-needed", ], "arrow-parens": 0, "arrow-spacing": Array [ 2, Object { "after": true, "before": true, }, ], "block-scoped-var": 2, "block-spacing": Array [ 2, "always", ], "brace-style": Array [ 2, "1tbs", Object { "allowSingleLine": true, }, ], "callback-return": 0, "camelcase": Array [ 2, Object { "properties": "never", }, ], "comma-dangle": Array [ 2, "always-multiline", ], "comma-spacing": Array [ 2, Object { "after": true, "before": false, }, ], "comma-style": Array [ 2, "last", ], "complexity": Array [ 0, 11, ], "computed-property-spacing": Array [ 2, "never", ], "consistent-return": "off", "consistent-this": 0, "constructor-super": 0, "curly": Array [ 2, 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"padded-blocks": Array [ 2, "never", ], "prefer-arrow-callback": Array [ 2, Object { "allowNamedFunctions": false, "allowUnboundThis": true, }, ], "prefer-reflect": 0, "prefer-rest-params": 2, "prefer-spread": 0, "prefer-template": 2, "quote-props": Array [ 2, "as-needed", Object { "keywords": false, "numbers": false, "unnecessary": true, }, ], "quotes": Array [ 2, "single", "avoid-escape", ], "radix": 2, "require-jsdoc": 0, "require-yield": 0, "semi": Array [ 2, "always", ], "semi-spacing": Array [ 2, Object { "after": true, "before": false, }, ], "sort-imports": 0, "sort-vars": 0, "space-before-blocks": 2, "space-before-function-paren": Array [ 2, Object { "anonymous": "always", "named": "never", }, ], "space-in-parens": Array [ 2, "never", ], "space-infix-ops": 2, "space-unary-ops": 0, "spaced-comment": Array [ 2, "always", Object { "exceptions": Array [ "-", "+", ], "markers": Array [ "=", "!", ], }, ], "strict": 2, "template-curly-spacing": 2, "use-isnan": 2, "valid-typeof": 2, "vars-on-top": 2, "wrap-iife": Array [ 2, "outside", ], "wrap-regex": 0, "yield-star-spacing": Array [ 2, "after", ], "yoda": 2, }, "settings": Object { "import/resolver": Object { "node": Object { "extensions": Array [ ".js", ".json", ], }, }, }, "useEslintrc": false, }, "eslintPath": "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint/lib/api.js", "filePath": "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/src/modules/reports/client/controllers/reports.client.offers.controller.js", "logLevel": "trace", "prettierLast": false, "prettierOptions": Object { "bracketSpacing": true, "parser": "babylon", "printWidth": 100, "semi": true, "singleQuote": true, "tabWidth": 2, "trailingComma": "none", "useTabs": false, }, "prettierPath": "/Users/devgurus/.atom/packages/prettier-atom/node_modules/prettier/index.js", "text": "/* eslint-disable no-undef */ angular.module('reports').controller('ReportsOffersCtrl', [ '$scope', '$moment', 'Reports', '$log', 'toastr', ($scope, $moment, Reports, $log, toastr) => { function initCalendar() { $scope.startDate = $moment().startOf('month').toDate(); $scope.endDate = $moment().endOf('month').toDate(); $scope.rangeOptions = { ranges: { Today: [$moment(), $moment()], Yesterday: [$moment().subtract(1, 'days'), $moment().subtract(1, 'days')], 'Last 7 Days': [$moment().subtract(7, 'days'), $moment()], 'Last 30 Days': [$moment().subtract(29, 'days'), $moment()], 'This Month': [$moment().startOf('month'), $moment().endOf('month')], 'Last Month': [ $moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), $moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month'), ], }, opens: 'right', drops: 'down', startDate: $moment().startOf('month'), endDate: $moment().endOf('month'), parentEl: '#content', }; } function getLastSyncDate() { Reports.getLastSyncDate() .$promise.then(res => { $scope.lastSyncDate = res.lastSyncDate; }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting lastSyncDate , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } function getOfferQuantity(offer) { const mainProductQty = offer.mainProduct.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell1ProductQty = offer.upsell1.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell2ProductQty = offer.upsell2.totalQuantity || 0; const chiseledProductQty = offer.chiseled.totalQuantity || 0; return mainProductQty + upsell1ProductQty + upsell2ProductQty + chiseledProductQty; } function getOfferGrossSales(offer) { const mainProductGrossSales = offer.mainProduct.grossSales || 0; const upsell1ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell1.grossSales || 0; const upsell2ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell2.grossSales || 0; const chiseledProductGrossSales = offer.chiseled.grossSales || 0; return ( mainProductGrossSales + upsell1ProductGrossSales + upsell2ProductGrossSales + chiseledProductGrossSales ); } function getAvgSaleUnit(grossSales, quantity) { if (grossSales && quantity && quantity > 0) { return grossSales / quantity; } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverViews(orders, views) { if (views && orders) { return (orders / views * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverOrders(orders1, orders2) { if (orders1 && orders2) { return (orders2 / orders1 * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getOfferViews(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.views || 0; } function getOfferOrders(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.totalOrders || 0; } function getProductWithoutConversion(product) { return { ...product, option1: { ...product.option1, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option1.grossSales, product.option1.totalQuantity), }, option2: { ...product.option2, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option2.grossSales, product.option2.totalQuantity), }, option3: { ...product.option3, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option3.grossSales, product.option3.totalQuantity), }, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.grossSales, product.totalQuantity), }; } function getMainProduct(product) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverViews(product.totalOrders, product.views), }; } function getUpsellProduct(product, offerOrders) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, product.totalOrders), }; } function getOffersReport(startDate, endDate) { Reports.offers({ startDate, endDate, }) .$promise.then(res => { $scope.offers = => { const offerGrossSales = getOfferGrossSales(offer); const offerTotalQuantity = getOfferQuantity(offer); const offerViews = getOfferViews(offer); const offerOrders = getOfferOrders(offer); return { ...offer, mainProduct: getMainProduct(offer.mainProduct), chiseled: { ...offer.chiseled, conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, offer.chiseled.totalOrders), avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offer.chiseled.grossSales, offer.chiseled.totalQuantity), }, upsell1: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell1, offerOrders), upsell2: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell2, offerOrders), views: offerViews, orders: offerOrders, conversion: getConversionOverViews(offerOrders, offerViews), grossSales: offerGrossSales, totalQuantity: offerTotalQuantity, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offerGrossSales, offerTotalQuantity), }; }); }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${err}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } $scope.refreshData = (startDate, endDate) => { getOffersReport(startDate, endDate); getLastSyncDate(); }; $scope.drillDown = row => { row.isDrilledDown = !row.isDrilledDown; }; $scope.syncWithCt = () => { Reports.syncWithCt() .$promise.then(() => { toastr.success('Sync has been scheduled. Please refresh the report after 30 seconds'); }) .catch(err => { if (err.status === 422) { toastr.error(; } else { toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); $log.error(`Error syncing with CT , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } }); }; function compare(field1, field2) { if (field1 > field2) { return 1; } if (field1 < field2) { return -1; } return 0; } $scope.sort = (offers, field, ascending) => { let offersSorted; if (ascending) { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off1[field], off2[field])); } else { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off2[field], off1[field])); } $scope.offers = offersSorted; $scope.sortBy.field = field; $scope.sortBy.ascending = ascending; }; function init() { initCalendar(); $scope.refreshData($scope.startDate, $scope.endDate); } init(); }, ]); ", } prettier-eslint [DEBUG]: calling prettier on text prettier-eslint [TRACE]: prettier input: /* eslint-disable no-undef */ angular.module('reports').controller('ReportsOffersCtrl', [ '$scope', '$moment', 'Reports', '$log', 'toastr', ($scope, $moment, Reports, $log, toastr) => { function initCalendar() { $scope.startDate = $moment().startOf('month').toDate(); $scope.endDate = $moment().endOf('month').toDate(); $scope.rangeOptions = { ranges: { Today: [$moment(), $moment()], Yesterday: [$moment().subtract(1, 'days'), $moment().subtract(1, 'days')], 'Last 7 Days': [$moment().subtract(7, 'days'), $moment()], 'Last 30 Days': [$moment().subtract(29, 'days'), $moment()], 'This Month': [$moment().startOf('month'), $moment().endOf('month')], 'Last Month': [ $moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), $moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month'), ], }, opens: 'right', drops: 'down', startDate: $moment().startOf('month'), endDate: $moment().endOf('month'), parentEl: '#content', }; } function getLastSyncDate() { Reports.getLastSyncDate() .$promise.then(res => { $scope.lastSyncDate = res.lastSyncDate; }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting lastSyncDate , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } function getOfferQuantity(offer) { const mainProductQty = offer.mainProduct.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell1ProductQty = offer.upsell1.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell2ProductQty = offer.upsell2.totalQuantity || 0; const chiseledProductQty = offer.chiseled.totalQuantity || 0; return mainProductQty + upsell1ProductQty + upsell2ProductQty + chiseledProductQty; } function getOfferGrossSales(offer) { const mainProductGrossSales = offer.mainProduct.grossSales || 0; const upsell1ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell1.grossSales || 0; const upsell2ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell2.grossSales || 0; const chiseledProductGrossSales = offer.chiseled.grossSales || 0; return ( mainProductGrossSales + upsell1ProductGrossSales + upsell2ProductGrossSales + chiseledProductGrossSales ); } function getAvgSaleUnit(grossSales, quantity) { if (grossSales && quantity && quantity > 0) { return grossSales / quantity; } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverViews(orders, views) { if (views && orders) { return (orders / views * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverOrders(orders1, orders2) { if (orders1 && orders2) { return (orders2 / orders1 * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getOfferViews(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.views || 0; } function getOfferOrders(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.totalOrders || 0; } function getProductWithoutConversion(product) { return { ...product, option1: { ...product.option1, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option1.grossSales, product.option1.totalQuantity), }, option2: { ...product.option2, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option2.grossSales, product.option2.totalQuantity), }, option3: { ...product.option3, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option3.grossSales, product.option3.totalQuantity), }, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.grossSales, product.totalQuantity), }; } function getMainProduct(product) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverViews(product.totalOrders, product.views), }; } function getUpsellProduct(product, offerOrders) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, product.totalOrders), }; } function getOffersReport(startDate, endDate) { Reports.offers({ startDate, endDate, }) .$promise.then(res => { $scope.offers = => { const offerGrossSales = getOfferGrossSales(offer); const offerTotalQuantity = getOfferQuantity(offer); const offerViews = getOfferViews(offer); const offerOrders = getOfferOrders(offer); return { ...offer, mainProduct: getMainProduct(offer.mainProduct), chiseled: { ...offer.chiseled, conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, offer.chiseled.totalOrders), avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offer.chiseled.grossSales, offer.chiseled.totalQuantity), }, upsell1: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell1, offerOrders), upsell2: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell2, offerOrders), views: offerViews, orders: offerOrders, conversion: getConversionOverViews(offerOrders, offerViews), grossSales: offerGrossSales, totalQuantity: offerTotalQuantity, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offerGrossSales, offerTotalQuantity), }; }); }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${err}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } $scope.refreshData = (startDate, endDate) => { getOffersReport(startDate, endDate); getLastSyncDate(); }; $scope.drillDown = row => { row.isDrilledDown = !row.isDrilledDown; }; $scope.syncWithCt = () => { Reports.syncWithCt() .$promise.then(() => { toastr.success('Sync has been scheduled. Please refresh the report after 30 seconds'); }) .catch(err => { if (err.status === 422) { toastr.error(; } else { toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); $log.error(`Error syncing with CT , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } }); }; function compare(field1, field2) { if (field1 > field2) { return 1; } if (field1 < field2) { return -1; } return 0; } $scope.sort = (offers, field, ascending) => { let offersSorted; if (ascending) { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off1[field], off2[field])); } else { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off2[field], off1[field])); } $scope.offers = offersSorted; $scope.sortBy.field = field; $scope.sortBy.ascending = ascending; }; function init() { initCalendar(); $scope.refreshData($scope.startDate, $scope.endDate); } init(); }, ]); prettier-eslint [TRACE]: requiring prettier module at "/Users/devgurus/.atom/packages/prettier-atom/node_modules/prettier/index.js" prettier-eslint [TRACE]: calling prettier.format with the text and prettierOptions prettier-eslint [TRACE]: prettier: output === input false prettier-eslint [TRACE]: prettier output: /* eslint-disable no-undef */ angular.module('reports').controller('ReportsOffersCtrl', [ '$scope', '$moment', 'Reports', '$log', 'toastr', ($scope, $moment, Reports, $log, toastr) => { function initCalendar() { $scope.startDate = $moment().startOf('month').toDate(); $scope.endDate = $moment().endOf('month').toDate(); $scope.rangeOptions = { ranges: { Today: [$moment(), $moment()], Yesterday: [$moment().subtract(1, 'days'), $moment().subtract(1, 'days')], 'Last 7 Days': [$moment().subtract(7, 'days'), $moment()], 'Last 30 Days': [$moment().subtract(29, 'days'), $moment()], 'This Month': [$moment().startOf('month'), $moment().endOf('month')], 'Last Month': [ $moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), $moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month') ] }, opens: 'right', drops: 'down', startDate: $moment().startOf('month'), endDate: $moment().endOf('month'), parentEl: '#content' }; } function getLastSyncDate() { Reports.getLastSyncDate() .$promise.then(res => { $scope.lastSyncDate = res.lastSyncDate; }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting lastSyncDate , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } function getOfferQuantity(offer) { const mainProductQty = offer.mainProduct.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell1ProductQty = offer.upsell1.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell2ProductQty = offer.upsell2.totalQuantity || 0; const chiseledProductQty = offer.chiseled.totalQuantity || 0; return mainProductQty + upsell1ProductQty + upsell2ProductQty + chiseledProductQty; } function getOfferGrossSales(offer) { const mainProductGrossSales = offer.mainProduct.grossSales || 0; const upsell1ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell1.grossSales || 0; const upsell2ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell2.grossSales || 0; const chiseledProductGrossSales = offer.chiseled.grossSales || 0; return ( mainProductGrossSales + upsell1ProductGrossSales + upsell2ProductGrossSales + chiseledProductGrossSales ); } function getAvgSaleUnit(grossSales, quantity) { if (grossSales && quantity && quantity > 0) { return grossSales / quantity; } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverViews(orders, views) { if (views && orders) { return (orders / views * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverOrders(orders1, orders2) { if (orders1 && orders2) { return (orders2 / orders1 * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getOfferViews(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.views || 0; } function getOfferOrders(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.totalOrders || 0; } function getProductWithoutConversion(product) { return { ...product, option1: { ...product.option1, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option1.grossSales, product.option1.totalQuantity) }, option2: { ...product.option2, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option2.grossSales, product.option2.totalQuantity) }, option3: { ...product.option3, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option3.grossSales, product.option3.totalQuantity) }, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.grossSales, product.totalQuantity) }; } function getMainProduct(product) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverViews(product.totalOrders, product.views) }; } function getUpsellProduct(product, offerOrders) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, product.totalOrders) }; } function getOffersReport(startDate, endDate) { Reports.offers({ startDate, endDate }) .$promise.then(res => { $scope.offers = => { const offerGrossSales = getOfferGrossSales(offer); const offerTotalQuantity = getOfferQuantity(offer); const offerViews = getOfferViews(offer); const offerOrders = getOfferOrders(offer); return { ...offer, mainProduct: getMainProduct(offer.mainProduct), chiseled: { ...offer.chiseled, conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, offer.chiseled.totalOrders), avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offer.chiseled.grossSales, offer.chiseled.totalQuantity) }, upsell1: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell1, offerOrders), upsell2: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell2, offerOrders), views: offerViews, orders: offerOrders, conversion: getConversionOverViews(offerOrders, offerViews), grossSales: offerGrossSales, totalQuantity: offerTotalQuantity, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offerGrossSales, offerTotalQuantity) }; }); }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${err}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } $scope.refreshData = (startDate, endDate) => { getOffersReport(startDate, endDate); getLastSyncDate(); }; $scope.drillDown = row => { row.isDrilledDown = !row.isDrilledDown; }; $scope.syncWithCt = () => { Reports.syncWithCt() .$promise.then(() => { toastr.success('Sync has been scheduled. Please refresh the report after 30 seconds'); }) .catch(err => { if (err.status === 422) { toastr.error(; } else { toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); $log.error(`Error syncing with CT , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } }); }; function compare(field1, field2) { if (field1 > field2) { return 1; } if (field1 < field2) { return -1; } return 0; } $scope.sort = (offers, field, ascending) => { let offersSorted; if (ascending) { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off1[field], off2[field])); } else { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off2[field], off1[field])); } $scope.offers = offersSorted; $scope.sortBy.field = field; $scope.sortBy.ascending = ascending; }; function init() { initCalendar(); $scope.refreshData($scope.startDate, $scope.endDate); } init(); } ]); prettier-eslint [TRACE]: requiring eslint module at "/Users/devgurus/Projects/bluestar_dashboard/node_modules/eslint/lib/api.js" prettier-eslint [TRACE]: calling eslint.executeOnText with the text prettier-eslint [TRACE]: executeOnText returned the following report: Object { "errorCount": 1, "results": Array [ Object { "errorCount": 1, "filePath": "", "messages": Array [ Object { "column": 1, "line": 148, "message": "Line 148 exceeds the maximum line length of 100.", "nodeType": "Program", "ruleId": "max-len", "severity": 2, "source": " avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offer.chiseled.grossSales, offer.chiseled.totalQuantity),", }, ], "output": "/* eslint-disable no-undef */ angular.module('reports').controller('ReportsOffersCtrl', [ '$scope', '$moment', 'Reports', '$log', 'toastr', ($scope, $moment, Reports, $log, toastr) => { function initCalendar() { $scope.startDate = $moment().startOf('month').toDate(); $scope.endDate = $moment().endOf('month').toDate(); $scope.rangeOptions = { ranges: { Today: [$moment(), $moment()], Yesterday: [$moment().subtract(1, 'days'), $moment().subtract(1, 'days')], 'Last 7 Days': [$moment().subtract(7, 'days'), $moment()], 'Last 30 Days': [$moment().subtract(29, 'days'), $moment()], 'This Month': [$moment().startOf('month'), $moment().endOf('month')], 'Last Month': [ $moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), $moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month'), ], }, opens: 'right', drops: 'down', startDate: $moment().startOf('month'), endDate: $moment().endOf('month'), parentEl: '#content', }; } function getLastSyncDate() { Reports.getLastSyncDate() .$promise.then(res => { $scope.lastSyncDate = res.lastSyncDate; }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting lastSyncDate , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } function getOfferQuantity(offer) { const mainProductQty = offer.mainProduct.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell1ProductQty = offer.upsell1.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell2ProductQty = offer.upsell2.totalQuantity || 0; const chiseledProductQty = offer.chiseled.totalQuantity || 0; return mainProductQty + upsell1ProductQty + upsell2ProductQty + chiseledProductQty; } function getOfferGrossSales(offer) { const mainProductGrossSales = offer.mainProduct.grossSales || 0; const upsell1ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell1.grossSales || 0; const upsell2ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell2.grossSales || 0; const chiseledProductGrossSales = offer.chiseled.grossSales || 0; return ( mainProductGrossSales + upsell1ProductGrossSales + upsell2ProductGrossSales + chiseledProductGrossSales ); } function getAvgSaleUnit(grossSales, quantity) { if (grossSales && quantity && quantity > 0) { return grossSales / quantity; } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverViews(orders, views) { if (views && orders) { return (orders / views * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverOrders(orders1, orders2) { if (orders1 && orders2) { return (orders2 / orders1 * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getOfferViews(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.views || 0; } function getOfferOrders(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.totalOrders || 0; } function getProductWithoutConversion(product) { return { ...product, option1: { ...product.option1, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option1.grossSales, product.option1.totalQuantity), }, option2: { ...product.option2, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option2.grossSales, product.option2.totalQuantity), }, option3: { ...product.option3, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option3.grossSales, product.option3.totalQuantity), }, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.grossSales, product.totalQuantity), }; } function getMainProduct(product) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverViews(product.totalOrders, product.views), }; } function getUpsellProduct(product, offerOrders) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, product.totalOrders), }; } function getOffersReport(startDate, endDate) { Reports.offers({ startDate, endDate, }) .$promise.then(res => { $scope.offers = => { const offerGrossSales = getOfferGrossSales(offer); const offerTotalQuantity = getOfferQuantity(offer); const offerViews = getOfferViews(offer); const offerOrders = getOfferOrders(offer); return { ...offer, mainProduct: getMainProduct(offer.mainProduct), chiseled: { ...offer.chiseled, conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, offer.chiseled.totalOrders), avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offer.chiseled.grossSales, offer.chiseled.totalQuantity), }, upsell1: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell1, offerOrders), upsell2: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell2, offerOrders), views: offerViews, orders: offerOrders, conversion: getConversionOverViews(offerOrders, offerViews), grossSales: offerGrossSales, totalQuantity: offerTotalQuantity, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offerGrossSales, offerTotalQuantity), }; }); }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${err}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } $scope.refreshData = (startDate, endDate) => { getOffersReport(startDate, endDate); getLastSyncDate(); }; $scope.drillDown = row => { row.isDrilledDown = !row.isDrilledDown; }; $scope.syncWithCt = () => { Reports.syncWithCt() .$promise.then(() => { toastr.success('Sync has been scheduled. Please refresh the report after 30 seconds'); }) .catch(err => { if (err.status === 422) { toastr.error(; } else { toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); $log.error(`Error syncing with CT , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } }); }; function compare(field1, field2) { if (field1 > field2) { return 1; } if (field1 < field2) { return -1; } return 0; } $scope.sort = (offers, field, ascending) => { let offersSorted; if (ascending) { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off1[field], off2[field])); } else { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off2[field], off1[field])); } $scope.offers = offersSorted; $scope.sortBy.field = field; $scope.sortBy.ascending = ascending; }; function init() { initCalendar(); $scope.refreshData($scope.startDate, $scope.endDate); } init(); }, ]); ", "warningCount": 0, }, ], "warningCount": 0, } prettier-eslint [TRACE]: eslint --fix: output === input false prettier-eslint [TRACE]: eslint --fix output: /* eslint-disable no-undef */ angular.module('reports').controller('ReportsOffersCtrl', [ '$scope', '$moment', 'Reports', '$log', 'toastr', ($scope, $moment, Reports, $log, toastr) => { function initCalendar() { $scope.startDate = $moment().startOf('month').toDate(); $scope.endDate = $moment().endOf('month').toDate(); $scope.rangeOptions = { ranges: { Today: [$moment(), $moment()], Yesterday: [$moment().subtract(1, 'days'), $moment().subtract(1, 'days')], 'Last 7 Days': [$moment().subtract(7, 'days'), $moment()], 'Last 30 Days': [$moment().subtract(29, 'days'), $moment()], 'This Month': [$moment().startOf('month'), $moment().endOf('month')], 'Last Month': [ $moment().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), $moment().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month'), ], }, opens: 'right', drops: 'down', startDate: $moment().startOf('month'), endDate: $moment().endOf('month'), parentEl: '#content', }; } function getLastSyncDate() { Reports.getLastSyncDate() .$promise.then(res => { $scope.lastSyncDate = res.lastSyncDate; }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting lastSyncDate , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } function getOfferQuantity(offer) { const mainProductQty = offer.mainProduct.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell1ProductQty = offer.upsell1.totalQuantity || 0; const upsell2ProductQty = offer.upsell2.totalQuantity || 0; const chiseledProductQty = offer.chiseled.totalQuantity || 0; return mainProductQty + upsell1ProductQty + upsell2ProductQty + chiseledProductQty; } function getOfferGrossSales(offer) { const mainProductGrossSales = offer.mainProduct.grossSales || 0; const upsell1ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell1.grossSales || 0; const upsell2ProductGrossSales = offer.upsell2.grossSales || 0; const chiseledProductGrossSales = offer.chiseled.grossSales || 0; return ( mainProductGrossSales + upsell1ProductGrossSales + upsell2ProductGrossSales + chiseledProductGrossSales ); } function getAvgSaleUnit(grossSales, quantity) { if (grossSales && quantity && quantity > 0) { return grossSales / quantity; } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverViews(orders, views) { if (views && orders) { return (orders / views * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getConversionOverOrders(orders1, orders2) { if (orders1 && orders2) { return (orders2 / orders1 * 100).toFixed(2); } else { return 0; } } function getOfferViews(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.views || 0; } function getOfferOrders(offer) { return offer.mainProduct.totalOrders || 0; } function getProductWithoutConversion(product) { return { ...product, option1: { ...product.option1, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option1.grossSales, product.option1.totalQuantity), }, option2: { ...product.option2, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option2.grossSales, product.option2.totalQuantity), }, option3: { ...product.option3, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.option3.grossSales, product.option3.totalQuantity), }, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(product.grossSales, product.totalQuantity), }; } function getMainProduct(product) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverViews(product.totalOrders, product.views), }; } function getUpsellProduct(product, offerOrders) { return { ...getProductWithoutConversion(product), conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, product.totalOrders), }; } function getOffersReport(startDate, endDate) { Reports.offers({ startDate, endDate, }) .$promise.then(res => { $scope.offers = => { const offerGrossSales = getOfferGrossSales(offer); const offerTotalQuantity = getOfferQuantity(offer); const offerViews = getOfferViews(offer); const offerOrders = getOfferOrders(offer); return { ...offer, mainProduct: getMainProduct(offer.mainProduct), chiseled: { ...offer.chiseled, conversion: getConversionOverOrders(offerOrders, offer.chiseled.totalOrders), avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offer.chiseled.grossSales, offer.chiseled.totalQuantity), }, upsell1: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell1, offerOrders), upsell2: getUpsellProduct(offer.upsell2, offerOrders), views: offerViews, orders: offerOrders, conversion: getConversionOverViews(offerOrders, offerViews), grossSales: offerGrossSales, totalQuantity: offerTotalQuantity, avgSaleUnit: getAvgSaleUnit(offerGrossSales, offerTotalQuantity), }; }); }) .catch(err => { $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); $log.error(`Error getting the report, Error: ${err}`); toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); }); } $scope.refreshData = (startDate, endDate) => { getOffersReport(startDate, endDate); getLastSyncDate(); }; $scope.drillDown = row => { row.isDrilledDown = !row.isDrilledDown; }; $scope.syncWithCt = () => { Reports.syncWithCt() .$promise.then(() => { toastr.success('Sync has been scheduled. Please refresh the report after 30 seconds'); }) .catch(err => { if (err.status === 422) { toastr.error(; } else { toastr.error('Opps! something went wrong'); $log.error(`Error syncing with CT , Error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); } }); }; function compare(field1, field2) { if (field1 > field2) { return 1; } if (field1 < field2) { return -1; } return 0; } $scope.sort = (offers, field, ascending) => { let offersSorted; if (ascending) { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off1[field], off2[field])); } else { offersSorted = offers.sort((off1, off2) => compare(off2[field], off1[field])); } $scope.offers = offersSorted; $scope.sortBy.field = field; $scope.sortBy.ascending = ascending; }; function init() { initCalendar(); $scope.refreshData($scope.startDate, $scope.endDate); } init(); }, ]);