All tools are public Github repositories primary written in HTML and/or JavaScript
Repo | Purpose | Type | Dependencies |
Projects that use axe-core | code audit | - | - |
Document Outline Audit | code audit | bookmarklet | - |
Khan/tota11y | code audit | bookmarklet | - |
A11y.css | code audit | bookmarklet | - |
Visual ARIA | code audit | bookmarklet | - |
AInspector Sidebar | code audit | browser addon | Firefox |
GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools-extension | code audit | browser addon | Closure Compiler |
dequelabs/axe-core | code audit | code library | JavaScript |
rackt/react-a11y | code audit | code library | React |
peypal/AATT | code audit | code library | Node/PhantomJS |
WCAG Zoo | code audit | code library | Python |
addyosmani/a11y | code audit | CLI | Node/PhantomJS |
yargalot/grunt-accessibility | code audit | CLI | Node/Grunt |
nature/pa11y | code audit | CLI | Node/PhantonJS |
The A11y Machine | code audit | CLI | Node/PhantomJS |
GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools | code audit | local Node service | Node |
squizlabs/HTML_CodeSniffer | code audit | stand-alone page | JavaScript |
TENON | code audit | stand-alone page | - |
Tanaguru | code audit | stand-alone page | - |
Asqatasun | code audit | stand-alone page | - |
WAVE by WebAIM | code audit | stand-alone page | - |
prettydiff/colorContrast | color contrast | stand-alone page | - |
LeaVerou/contrast-ratio | color contrast | stand-alone page | - |
jxnblk/colorable | color contrast | code library | JavaScript |
xi/sass-planifolia | color contrast | code library | Sass |
haltersweb/Accessibility | component collection | in-page function | - |
jQuery plugins for simple elements | component collection | in-page function | JQuery |
Van11y | component collection | in-page function | - |
AccDC Technical Style Guide | component collection | in-page function | JQuery |
MooTools powered accessible widget archive | component collection | in-page function | MooTools |
Dojo powered accessible widget archive | component collection | in-page function | Dojo |
scottaohara/accessible-components | component collection | in-page function | JQuery |
Frend | component collection | in-page function | - |
ally.js | component: focus utility | in-page function | - |
A11y Dialog | component: dialog | in-page function | - |
A11y Toggle | component: toggle | in-page function | - |
Accessible Tooltips | component: tooltip | in-page function | - |
adobe-accessibility/Accessible-Mega-Menu | component: menu | in-page function | JQuery |
jQuery ARIA menubar utility | component: menu | in-page function | jQuery |
CaptionBot | image caption generator | stand-alone page | - |
The A11Y Project | informational | stand-alone page | Ruby |
Accessibility Tree Training Guide, how ARIA works | informational | stand-alone page | - |
melmo/ | informational | stand-alone page | - |
eBay MIND Patterns | informational | stand-alone page | - |
Practical ARIA Examples | informational | stand-alone page | - |
Deque Code Library | informational | stand-alone page | - |
wesbos/keycodes | keyboard keycodes | stand-alone page | - |
Keyboard Event Viewer | keyboard keycodes | stand-alone page | - |
RAMP-PCAR | mapping | application | Node/Grunt |
dylanb/ | reference ARIA | stand-alone page | - | | reference browser | stand-alone page | - |
Screen reader reliability | reference Screen Reader | stand-alone page | - |
zone/zwag | reference WCAG | stand-alone page | Node |
nature/pa11y-dashboard | reporting | stand-alone page | Node/PhantomJS |
prettydiff/semanticText | semantic analysis | in-page function | - |
Khan/tota11y | semantic analysis | in-page function | JQuery |
IBM-Watson/a11y.js | utility, ARIA | code library | JavaScript |
howlowck/Akbar | vision simulation | bookmarklet | - |
A11yance/a11y-core | ? | code library | Node/Grunt |
My purpose in making such a list is that I want to be aware of what things are being evaluated so that I can get an idea of what things aren't being evaluated. Accessibility is hard, and since many commercial sites don't produce high quality HTML accessibility is much harder than it should be. Making accessibility easier to implement and understand is absolutely important. Good tools help with this.
Sometimes the biggest problem with accessibility is that we know what to check for (most of the time), but we don't always know what grading aspects we are missing. Examples include color contrast problems over gradient backgrounds and improper use of the title
attribute. Sometimes we also don't realize how the dynamic interactions we introduce with JavaScript alienate segments of our audience.
Accessibility advocates typically suggest having at least 3 accessibility tools frequently used, because they each are better in different particular areas. An awareness of the tools available benefits everybody whether or not you intend to make accessibility tools. Please submit pull requests with additional tools.