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Releases: primus/ejson


04 Jun 18:29
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A New Name

The package name has been changed from e-json to ejson thanks to @visionmedia and @ForbesLindesay. We tagged this release as a 1.0 to ensure that there is no conflict with the previous version.


Thanks for @ForbesLindesay we now have a browserify and node interface for using this module. If you still prefer globals you can manually save the output of require('ejson/source') to disk.

No more .source

The source propery has been removed in favour of a ejson/source path. Most people (read nobody) will not be using this property but it's needed to make this module work as message encoder for Primus


And while we were at it, I've also synced the code with the latest version of EJSON that is shipped inside of meteor.

So everything is fresh, new and ready to go. Thanks all who made this release possible!