To simplify maintenance of scripts and config files, we mostly omit version numbers in the filenames of the various libraries included here. For reference, they are:
- colt.jar - Colt version 1.2.0
- epsgraphics.jar - EPS Graphics version 1.0.0
- jas.jar - Java Algebra System (JAS) version 2.7.90
- log4j-core.jar, log4j-api.jar - Apache Log4j version 2.16.0 (dependency of JAS)
- jcommon.jar - JCommon, version 1.0.16
- jfreechart.jar - JFreeChart, version 1.0.13
- jhoafparser.jar - jhoafparser, version 1.1.1
- junit-platform-console-standalone.jar - JUnit 5 executable & dependencies, version 1.7.2
- nailgun-server.jar - Nailgun, version 0.9.2-SNAPSHOT
- - PEPA-to-PRISM Compiler version 0.03.2
See here for more details and links: