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Repository files navigation

Stage 1: Data preparation (Day 1: Initial setup)
Main repository link:
On top right corner next to the search bar link for the main repo is given or click here to see the main repo
!!! Note The main repo contains various branch so make sure you select a branch which has the latest commit to see the recent updates.

Steps and important commands to begin-
!!! NOTE Replace the text mentioned as <some_txt> with your preferred choice.

STEP 1 Create a new conda environment
Open an anaconda prompt and create an environment -
conda create -n <your_env_name> python=3.7 -y
Activate the environment -
conda activate <your_env_name>
STEP 2 Create a default structure
Install cookiecutter template
pip install cookiecutter
Start a new project
After above step you'll be given options in the command line.
Select open_source_license:
s3_bucket [Optional]:
Select python_interpreter:

STEP 3 Get the dataset
Clone it from the dataset repository or directly-
Download Dataset{ .md-button }

Now extract the Prediction_Batch_files, Training_Batch_Files directory in the root directory of the project
STEP 4 Initialize git in Current working directory in your terminal, command prompt or git bash.
git init
!!! Note If git is not installed in your system then download it from GIT-SCM site

STEP 5 Install DVC and its gdrive extension
pip install dvc
pip install dvc[gdrive]
STEP 6 Initialize DVC
dvc init
STEP 7 Add data into dvc for tracking
dvc add Training_Batch_Files/*.csv Prediction_Batch_files/*.csv
!!! Warning Above command will not work for windows users so they can create and run the following file in the root of their project

# NOTE: For windows user-
# This file must be created in the root of the project
# where Training and Prediction batch file as are present

import os
from glob import glob

data_dirs = ["Training_Batch_Files","Prediction_Batch_files"]

for data_dir in data_dirs:
    files = glob(data_dir + r"/*.csv")
    for filePath in files:
        # print(f"dvc add {filePath}")
        os.system(f"dvc add {filePath}")

print("\n #### all files added to dvc ####")
STEP 8 Do the first commit and push to the remote repository
run below commands on by one -

git add . && git commit -m "first commit and added raw data"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin<USERNAME>/<REPONAME>.git
git push -u origin main
!!! Note replace <USERNAME> and <REPONAME> as per you.

STEP 9 Create and checkout a development branch for our development
git checkout -b dev
STEP 10 Add remote storage
dvc remote add -d storage gdrive://<DRIVE ID>

git add .dvc/config && git commit -m "Configure remote storage"
!!! NOTE Get the as shown in the highlighted part in the below screenshot-

STEP 11 Push the data to the remote storage-
dvc push
This step will ask you to authenticate yourself by clicking on the link which will appear in the terminal.

Once you allow dvc to read and write on gdrive it'll give an access token which you'll paste in the terminal.

Now the copy of your data will be pushed to the gdrive

Above step will create a gdrive credential file (Now check next step).

STEP 12 Add Gdrive credential secrets in github repo secrets.
Find this credentials in the given path -

.dvc >> temp >> gdrive-user-credentials.json

Now to add the secrets in your github repo -

Go to settings
Click on add secrets
Give name of secretes
Paste the json file content from gdrive-user-credentials.json
!!! Info "To retrieve data anytime" bash dvc pull

refer [dvc-data-versioning]( to know more
STEP 13 Install full requirements.txt as given in the repository
pip install -r requirements.txt
!!! Info "One line readme update and push command to dev branch-" bash git add && git commit -m "update readme" && git push origin dev

STEP 14 Now you can follow along after this point as shown in the following video -
<iframe width="630" height="330" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>