Advanced Sequential Monte Carlo and annealed importance sampling inference library for Gen
(e.g. for use as part of an MH proposal)
Suppose we want to estimate marginal likelihoods in the model foo
p_true_given_true(theta) = 0.5 + 0.4 * theta # theta ranges from 0 to 1
@gen function foo(theta::Float64)
z = @trace(bernoulli(0.2), :z)
p = p_true_given_true(theta)
x = @trace(bernoulli(z ? p : 1-p), :x)
Specifically, we want to compute the marginal probability that x = true
, given theta=1.
, using AIS or annealed importance sampling.
We first construct a sequence of arguments that interpolates between a version of the model in which ancestral sampling approximates the posterior (theta=0.
) and the version of the model that we care about (theta=1.
We use 10^5
args_seq = map((theta) -> (theta,), range(0., stop=1., length=Int(1e5)))
We also indicate which of the arguments is changing (in this case there is only one argument):
argdiffs = (UnknownChange(),)
Next, we define the MCMC kernels that are going to be used during annealing.
This is a function that takes a trace of the model and returns a new trace.
It should satisfy detailed balance with respect to the target distributoin implied by the argumnets to the current trace and the values of the constrained random choices.
Kernels built with
satisfy this property:
mh_kernel = t -> mh(t, select(:z))[1]
Finally, we run AIS:
lml_estimate, = GenSMC.ais(foo, choicemap((:x, true)), args_seq, argdiffs, mh_kernel)
We can also wrap AIS inference as a generative function. This allows us to use it within models and proposal distributions. We invoke a generative function combinator with no arguments that returns a singleton value for our AIS-based generative function (all the input will be passed in dynamically as arguments to the generative function):
ais_gf = GenSMC.AISGF()
We use the same sequence as above:
args_seq = map((theta) -> (theta,), range(0., stop=1., length=Int(1e5)))
argdiffs = (UnknownChange(),)
However, now, we also need to pass in a reverse MCMC kernel alongside the forward MCMC kernel. For forward kernels that satisfy detailed balance, the reverse kernel is the same as the forward kernel. For forward kernels that are cycles (e.g. sequences) of application of detailed balance kernels, the revere kernel simply applies the same sequence in reverse. In our case, the two kernels are the same:
mh_fwd, mh_rev = t -> mh(t, select(:z))[1], t -> mh(t, select(:z))[1]
Finally, we also need to provide a selection of which addresses we are exposing as part of the address space of the AIS generative function.
In this case, we are exposing the latent varible z
: (TODO explain this better)
output_addrs = select(:z)
We then use our generative function:
ais_trace = Gen.simulate(AISGF(), (
foo, choicemap((:x, true)), args_seq, argdiffs, mh_fwd, mh_rev, output_addrs)
Note that all the intermediate random choices made during annealing are treated as non-addressable randomness.
We can then use make_ais_mh_move
(currently undocumented) to do MCMC, where we use AIS as the basis of a proposal distribution.
As the number of annealing steps increases, the proposal distribution approaches the conditional distribution on the selected choices (i.e. we approach Gibbs sampling):