This repository contains the MATLAB code and some data for the AWESOME OCIM, developed by Prof. Seth John ( and Ph.D. student Hengdi Liang ( at the University of Southern California.
There are two ways to run a model using the AWESOME OCIM:
Using the graphical user interface (GUI): Set model inputs and plot composite maps/profiles/sections from observational data or model outputs. For this, just run
>> launchGUI
(If it's your first time using the AWESOME OCIM, you should start there.)
Writing code: Simply run
>> SetupSingle
And chose your model parameters by modifying the
If you use the AWESOME OCIM in your research, you should cite
John, S. G., Liang, H., Weber, T., Devries, T., Primeau, F., Moore, K., Holzer, M., Mahowald, N., Gardner, W., Mishonov, A., Richardson, M., J., Faugere, Y., and Taburet, G. (2020). AWESOME OCIM: A simple, flexible, and powerful tool for modeling elemental cycling in the oceans. Chemical Geology, 533, 119403. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119403](
(Or you can export the citation by clicking on the doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.119403 and then on the "Export" button)