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EPSG:3857 & NaN is wrong & $ typos & update EPSG 32635 - 32641 & update Laea

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@julien2512 julien2512 released this 14 Apr 21:18
· 67 commits to master since this release

renames to 'EPSG:3857' in $default_defs from @swen100
+NaN is wrong ? from @nboisteault
$ is missing for sinc and rh from @nboisteault
update EPSG 32635 - 32641 from @mysiar
There was a $ missing from @julien2512
string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in two from @julien2512
Trying to access array offset on value of type null issue from @julien2512
Update Laea.php submitted by @scrutinizer-auto-fixer