It's a .NET CLI tool to transform this:
public static extern void myNativeMethod(int param, double[] values);
Into this:
// delegate type
private delegate void myNativeMethod_t(int param, double[] values);
// static field where the native function pointer is loaded
private static myNativeMethod_t s_myNativeMethod_t = __LoadFunction<myNativeMethod_t>("myNativeMethod");
// public method for use within your code
public static void myNativeMethod(int param, double[] values) => s_myNativeMethod_t(param, values);
// here you should implement function loading (see below)
private static T __LoadFunction<T>(string name)
throw new NotImplementedException();
The problem with the current .NET Standard implementation that the DllImport attribute doesn't support multiple DLL names and doesn't provide a mechanism like Mono's DllMap either.
So, for example, if you want to create a cross-platform OpenGL wrapper, you got a problem, because on Windows the DLL can be named OpenGL32.dll, on Linux it can be or, and on Mac it can be libGL.dylib!
There are several ways to overcome this problem.
First way is to use #ifdef
and do separate builds for different platforms. It's not pretty and makes your binary non-portable.
Second way is to generate stub libraries that just re-export the symbols from the needed ones. For example, generate a "opengl.dll", "" and "opengl.dylib", and pass "opengl" as the DLL name for DllImport. Which basically means that you should bundle these stubs with your app, and have a separate build step to generate them, which isn't pretty too.
The third ways is to convert raw function pointers (loaded by the platform's DLL loader) into delegates.
Yeah, you can convert a raw pointer into a delegate. So basically you need three things for each native method:
- The delegate signature (which maps to the native method)
delegate int myFun(int param);
- A field which will hold the delegate implementation
myFun s_myFun = Load<myFun>("myNativeFunctionName");
- A public method which will call the delegate stored in this field (it have the same signature as the delegate in most cases)
public int MyNativeFunction(int param) => s_myFun(param);
Which map to one DllImport signature:
public static extern int myFun(int param);
- Write, generate or take an existing DllImport-based source
- Pass each source file to the tool (
extern-nll-gen MySource.cs
) - The tool will print the modified source. Save it
- Implement the
The last step is probably the hardest part of the whole process.
Well, to be honest, it's not that hard. There is a ready-to-use library for it.
Here is an example from the SDL2 wrapper:
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using NativeLibraryLoader;
using static System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation;
namespace SDL2.Internal
internal static class Loader_SDL2
/* -------- these are just helpers, you can ignore them -------- */
// the handle to the native library
static NativeLibrary _sdl2;
// an internal property to ease access to it
internal static NativeLibrary Sdl2 {
get {
if (_sdl2 == null) {
_sdl2 = LoadSDL2();
return _sdl2;
/* ------------------ now the important part ------------------ */
// the method which loads the library (notice the DLL names)
static NativeLibrary LoadSDL2()
string[] names = null;
if (IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) {
names = new [] { "SDL2.dll" };
} else if (IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) {
names = new [] { "libSDL2.dylib" };
} else {
names = new [] {
return new NativeLibrary(names);
// and finally a __LoadFunction implementation (pretty easy)
internal static T LoadFunction<T>(string name)
return Sdl2.LoadFunction<T>(name);
In future we will possibly get a similar thing in the framework, but it's in the future and we need it now.
dotnet build
dotnet pack -o .
dotnet tool install -g extern-nll-gen --add-source src
extern-nll-gen MyPreciousDllImportSource.cs
Extern is for extern
nll is for NativeLibraryLoader.
gen is for generate.