Data and analysis scripts for TVCG paper "Impact of Cognitive Biases on Progressive Visualization"
This is a clone of the data found on IEEE DataPort:
Run the provided .Rmd script in RStudio. Data files must be in the same directory as the .Rmd script. Knitting this file will result in an HTML document with figures saved as .pdfs
(Last tested with R-4.0.3 for Windows (32/64 bit) and installed with all default options).
(This script last tested with verison RStudio Desktop 1.4.1103 and installed with all default options).
RStudio may request permission to update and install packages. Select Yes if prompted.
Select all lines and click "run" (or use ctrl+shift+s to run all lines).
There may be a notice banner of missing packages at the top of the file. "installPackagesScript.r" should have installed all necessary packages but if there are others, click "install" on the banner to install any outstanding packages.
Next, "knit" the file to execute all the code and generate images and statistics. This will save all images in the folder that the .rmd file resides in. Click File--> Knit Document.
This may take a minute or so but you can see the progress in the console window. When completed, a new window will open showing the resulting HTML file and all figures will be saved to the same directory as the scripts.