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Add release-0.9 CHANGELOG
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Signed-off-by: Damien Grisonnet <>
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dgrisonnet committed Aug 19, 2021
1 parent 8587958 commit 4cfbfae
Showing 1 changed file with 44 additions and 0 deletions.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
## release-0.9 / 2021-08-19

* [CHANGE] Test against Kubernetes 1.21 and 1,22. #1161 #1337
* [CHANGE] Drop cAdvisor metrics without (pod, namespace) label pairs. #1250
* [CHANGE] Excluded deprecated `etcd_object_counts` metric. #1337
* [FEATURE] Add PodDisruptionBudget to prometheus-adapter. #1136
* [FEATURE] Add support for feature flags in Prometheus. #1129
* [FEATURE] Add env parameter for grafana component. #1171
* [FEATURE] Add gitpod deployment of kube-prometheus on k3s. #1211
* [FEATURE] Add resource requests and limits to prometheus-adapter container. #1282
* [FEATURE] Add PodMonitor for kube-proxy. #1230
* [FEATURE] Turn AWS VPC CNI into a control plane add-on. #1307
* [ENHANCEMENT] Export anti-affinity addon. #1114
* [ENHANCEMENT] Allow changing configmap-reloader, grafana, and kube-rbac-proxy images in $.values.common.images. #1123 #1124 #1125
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add automated version upgrader. #1166
* [ENHANCEMENT] Improve all-namespace addon. #1131
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add example of running without grafana deployment. #1201
* [ENHANCEMENT] Import managed-cluster addon for the EKS platform. #1205
* [ENHANCEMENT] Automatically update jsonnet dependencies. #1220
* [ENHANCEMENT] Adapt kube-prometheus to changes to ovn veth interfaces names. #1224
* [ENHANCEMENT] Add example release-0.3 to release-0.8 migration to docs. #1235
* [ENHANCEMENT] Consolidate intervals used in prometheus-adapter CPU queries. #1231
* [ENHANCEMENT] Create dashboardDefinitions if rawDashboards or folderDashboards are specified. #1255
* [ENHANCEMENT] Relabel instance with node name for CNI DaemonSet on EKS. #1259
* [ENHANCEMENT] Update doc on Prometheus rule updates since release 0.8. #1253
* [ENHANCEMENT] Point runbooks to #1267
* [ENHANCEMENT] Allow setting of kubeRbacProxyMainResources in kube-state-metrics. #1257
* [ENHANCEMENT] Automate release branch updates. #1293 #1303
* [ENHANCEMENT] Create Thanos Sidecar rules separately from Prometheus ones. #1308
* [ENHANCEMENT] Allow using newer jsonnet-bundler dependency resolution when using windows addon. #1310
* [ENHANCEMENT] Prometheus ruleSelector defaults to all rules.
* [BUGFIX] Fix kube-state-metrics metric denylist regex pattern. #1146
* [BUGFIX] Fix missing resource config in blackbox exporter. #1148
* [BUGFIX] Fix adding private repository. #1169
* [BUGFIX] Fix kops selectors for scheduler, controllerManager and kube-dns. #1164
* [BUGFIX] Fix scheduler and controller selectors for Kubespray. #1142
* [BUGFIX] Fix label selector for coredns ServiceMonitor. #1200
* [BUGFIX] Fix name for blackbox-exporter PodSecurityPolicy. #1213
* [BUGFIX] Fix ingress path rules for #1212
* [BUGFIX] Disable insecure cypher suites for prometheus-adapter. #1216
* [BUGFIX] Fix CNI metrics relabelings on EKS. #1277
* [BUGFIX] Fix node-exporter ignore list for OVN. #1283
* [BUGFIX] Revert back to awscni_total_ip_addresses-based alert on EKS. #1292
* [BUGFIX] Allow passing `thanos: {}` to prometheus configuration. #1325

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