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add boundary/codon fix run script for real
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i added it before, but didn't realize links only get
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psathyrella committed Sep 29, 2020
1 parent 1b1457c commit cad647b
Showing 1 changed file with 62 additions and 0 deletions.
62 changes: 62 additions & 0 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import os
partis_dir = os.getcwd()
sys.path.insert(1, partis_dir + '/python')

import utils

label = 'cleanup-check-old'
bdir = '%s/partis/fix-super-long-insertions/%s' % (os.getenv('fs'), label)
n_trees = 10 #300 #50
n_procs = 10 #20
ntseq = 1000 #10000
mmstr = '--mutation-multiplier 3' #1' # 10

# for npg in [10]: #[3, 7]: #[25]: #3 7 25 50; do
# outdir = '%s/npg-%d' % (bdir, npg)
# cmd = './bin/ --base-outdir %s/bcr-phylo --actions simu --n-sim-seqs-per-generation %d --carry-cap 500 --obs-times 100 --n-sim-events %d --n-procs %d --only-csv-plots' % (outdir, npg, n_trees, n_procs)
# # utils.simplerun(cmd, logfname='%s/bcr-phylo.log'%outdir)
# cmd = 'cat %s/bcr-phylo/selection/simu/event-*/simu.nwk |sed \'s/;/;\\n/g\' >%s/all-trees.nwk' % (outdir, outdir)
# # utils.simplerun(cmd, shell=True) #, logfname='%s/tree-cat.log'%outdir)
# cmd = './bin/partis simulate --n-sim-events %d --outfname %s/simu.yaml --simulate-from-scratch --mutate-conserved-codons %s --input-simulation-treefname %s/all-trees.nwk --n-procs %d' % (ntseq / npg, outdir, mmstr, outdir, n_procs)
# # utils.simplerun(cmd, logfname='%s/simulate.log'%outdir)
# for erode_codons in [True, False]:
# pstr = 'erode-codons' if erode_codons else 'preserve-codons'
# common = ' --is-simu --infname %s/simu.yaml --parameter-dir %s/%s/parameters --only-csv-plots --n-procs %d' % (outdir, outdir, pstr, n_procs)
# cmd = './bin/partis cache-parameters %s --plotdir %s/%s/parameter-plots' % (common, outdir, pstr)
# # if not erode_codons: # old version
# # cmd += ' --dont-erode-conserved-codons'
# if erode_codons:
# cmd += ' --allow-conserved-codon-deletion'
# utils.simplerun(cmd, logfname='%s/%s/cache-parameters.log'%(outdir, pstr)) #, dryrun=True)
# for bcf in [None, 1]: #[None, 2]:
# bstr = 'old-boundaries' if bcf is None else 'correct-boundaries-%.1f' % bcf
# cmd = './bin/partis annotate --simultaneous-true-clonal-seqs --plot-annotation-performance %s --outfname %s/%s/%s/annotations.yaml --plotdir %s/%s/%s/plots' % (common, outdir, pstr, bstr, outdir, pstr, bstr)
# if bcf is not None:
# # cmd += ' --boundary-correction-factor %.1f' % bcf # old version
# assert bcf == 1 # would have to go back and rejigger bin/partis and
# else:
# cmd += ' --dont-correct-multi-hmm-boundaries'
# utils.simplerun(cmd, logfname='%s/%s/annotate-%s.log'%(outdir, pstr, bstr)) #, dryrun=True)

# sys.exit()

npg = 10
p_strs = ['erode-codons', 'preserve-codons']
b_strs = ['old-boundaries', 'correct-boundaries-%.1f'%1]
# p_strs = ['preserve-codons']
# b_strs = ['correct-boundaries-%.1f'%bcf for bcf in [0.5, 1, 2]]
# pt=mute-freqs/overall; subd=parameter-plots/true
subd = 'plots/hmm'
for pt in ['gene-call', 'boundaries', 'mutation']:
cmd = './bin/ --outdir %s/cf-plots/npg-%d/%s --normalize --extra-stats mean --translegend=-0.6:-0.1 ' % (bdir, npg, pt)
names = ['%s_%s'%(p.split('-')[0], b.split('-')[-1]) for p in p_strs for b in b_strs]
plotdirs = ['%s/npg-%d/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (bdir, npg, p, b, subd, pt) for p in p_strs for b in b_strs]
cmd += ' --names %s --plotdirs %s' % (':'.join(names), ':'.join(plotdirs))

# # pt=mute-freqs/overall; subd=parameter-plots/true
# subd=corrected/plots/hmm; pt=boundaries #gene-call # #boundaries mutation
# ./bin/ --outdir $bdir/cf-plots/$pt --names 3:7:25:50 --normalize --extra-stats mean --translegend=-0.6:0 \
# --plotdirs $bdir/npg-3/$subd/$pt:$bdir/npg-7/$subd/$pt:$bdir/npg-25/$subd/$pt:$bdir/npg-50/$subd/$pt

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